Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 880: recapture

Chapter 880

Xiao Rou'er was still young, and Mu Wushuang helped her to dissolve her. When she first met Yan Siying's family, she didn't have any concept of disguise.

So she didn't think it was weird that Yan Siying recognized her, because she also recognized him.

She just wants to play with this little brother.

But she didn't know. She admitted that she was a nanny, which made Yan Siying's family stare in shock.

"You said you are a nun? The nun of Furong Valley?"

Lan Yun stepped forward in surprise and asked Xiao Rou'er.

"Furong Valley? Is there a lot of flowers there?" Xiao Rouer asked, tilting her head.

Lan Yun wasn't sure if such a little girl remembered the place name, so she changed the way to ask, "Do you still have a brother? Will your family participate in a fairy fruit auction together?"

"Right Duck~ The fairy fruit given by Brother Si Ying is delicious!"

Xiao Rou'er squinted and smiled.

As soon as Lan Yun heard her say "Brother Siying", she knew that she didn't need to ask anything. She must be the little girl at the time! They didn't call their son's name in front of outsiders, nor did they ask Wushuang.

She covered her mouth and her eyes turned red all at once.

She still wanted to go to the spirit world to repay her favor, but the benefactor was right in front of her, but they didn't recognize it, and almost went to the Helian family to repay her favor.

Wushuang girl rescued them again for free, but they thought she had a plan and were wary of her. When they thought of this, Lan Yun was very sad. How could she think of their savior like this!

"Don't cry, pretty aunt, did Xiao Rou'er say something wrong?"

Xiao Rou'er was a little anxious when she saw Lan Yun crying, and quickly stretched out her little hand to comfort her gently.

"No, 囡囡, it's not good to be auntie, I didn't recognize you early." Lan Yun sniffed and said to Xiao Rou'er. The more she looked at Xiao Rou'er, the more she liked it. How could there be such a beautiful little girl? It's so sweet and sweet.

Yan Ke recovered from the shock. He finally understood why the Wushuang girl said they were her friends, and finally understood why the Wushuang girl treated them as if they knew them. It turned out that they had been there since they were in Furong Valley. After Yuanyuan, Wushuang girl recognized them, so she saved them again.

Thinking back carefully, he should have discovered long ago that Wushuang girl's husband's aura was similar to that at that time, but with a different face, but it was the kind of indifferent noble feeling that was rejected thousands of miles away.

When I think about it now, it's the same person.

"Si Ying, you play with your sister and sister for a while, and your father and mother will find your Wushuang auntie."

Yan Ke said to his son immediately.

Yan Siying nodded and watched his parents walk out quickly. In fact, he also wanted to go. He wanted to personally thank Aunt Wushuang. If there is no Aunt Wushuang's Pantao Shengguo, it may not only be his father, but also his mother. Not now.

"Brother Si Ying!"

Xiao Rouer called him.

Yan Siying turned her head and looked at the cute Xiao Rou'er. He pursed his lips and said, "I will call you 囡囡 from now on, okay?"

Nun nun, a small ball, like cute glutinous rice dumplings, it is perfect to call nun nun.

"Then you want to play with me every day from now on, I will let you be called 囡囡!"

Xiao Rou'er's eyes rolled and said to him slyly.

Yan Siying thought, it's not right, it's not glutinous rice dumplings, it should be glutinous rice balls, or stuffed with black sesame seeds, under the lovely appearance, there is a black-bellied heart.

Looking at her small face, Yan Siying thought for a while, and finally nodded.

Playing with her, I don't know if it counts as a reward.

He took out a fairy fruit from the storage ring and handed it to Xiao Rou'er.

"Wow! Thank you Brother Si Ying!"

As soon as Xiao Rou'er saw the fairy fruit with bright color and fruity fragrance, her eyes brightened, and Si Ying's brother took a bite, so that Yan Siying took out a lot of fairy fruit to give her.

His fairy fruits are the freshest and most delicious local fairy fruits he buys every time he passes by. Many of them are not seen by Xiao Rou'er. Although some of them are not of high grade, they are better than delicious.

Xiao Rou'er ate several fairy fruits and couldn't eat it anymore. Finally, she passed the fairy fruit she was holding to Yan Siying:

"Brother Siying, Xiao Rou'er can't eat anymore. You can hold it for me and give it to me tomorrow. You can't forget it!"

Yan Siying took the fairy fruit and put it back in the storage ring. Seeing that the corners of Xiao Rou'er's mouth were full of fruit stains, she wanted to reach out to help her wipe it off. At this moment, nine heads of Nine Birds suddenly moved, their fierce eyes. Look at him.

He quickly put his hand back and scratched his head.

"Brother Siying, come up quickly, let's go play!"

Xiao Rou'er climbed onto the back of Nine Birds.

The nine-headed bird almost crawled on the ground, with its wings flat, just to allow Xiao Rou'er to climb on its back more comfortably.

"Can I go up too?"

Yan Siying asked, watching the nine-headed bird.

Looking at the nine-headed bird so close, he seems to like the nine-headed bird more, but the nine-headed bird seems to be the same as Uncle Long and doesn't like his appearance.

"Yes, you can! Hurry up!" Xiao Rouer urged him to go up.

At this time, the nine-headed bird looking at him looked away, Yan Siying smiled happily, climbed up the nine-headed bird's wings and sat on its back.

Nine-headed birds stood up, they rose up immediately, but they were very stable, and they couldn't feel any bumps.

When the nine-headed bird flew up, he felt the oncoming wind, but it was not violent, as if the nine-headed bird had specially isolated them from a hurricane.


"You don't have to say thank you. We saved your family because of destiny, and my daughter is very fond of you. That's it. Don't have any psychological burdens. It's not too late to return to the spiritual world after you recover your injuries."

Mu Wushuang said to Yan Ke and his wife who came to say thank you.

"We are already planning to stay in the underworld."

Yan Ke said.

Since the person who saved his life was Wushuang, not the Helian family, then the family needn't rush back to the spirit world.

"Stay in the underworld? Have you thought about it? As far as I know, your Yan family is one of the four major families in the spiritual world. Is it appropriate for you to stay in the underworld?"

Mu Wushuang curiously said.

Long Moshen raised his eyelids on the side and glanced at Yan Ke.

Yan Ke and Lan Jun were a little surprised that Wushuang knew their identities, and couldn't help but guess whether Wushuang and her husband's identities would be more than that simple, otherwise it would be impossible to tell their identities in a word.

"It's true that we are a branch of the Yan family leader, but now the family leader is in the branch family. The family cannot accommodate our family of three. We only travel around. Our son likes the underworld, so we plan to stay in the underworld.

"What is the name of the owner of the Yan family now?"

Long Moshen suddenly said.

"Yan Yunzhi." Yan Ke suppressed the doubts in his heart and said.

"It's him, it's no wonder." Long Mo said in a deep voice: "After a while, you can return to the spirit world. I will send someone to help you take home the master position, but..."

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