Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 892: Oriental rhyme

Chapter 892

"Five, first bless you, the Abyss Tower Ship has not had a master for many years, and you should all get the chance."

The man in the tiger mask smiled and said to Beixuansheng He Lianyu and other five newcomers.

"Thank you Tiger for your blessing. I definitely can get a big chance. As for this dead mouse, with such a bad character, the Abyss Tower Ship will definitely not recognize him, and it is impossible to give him a chance!"

The woman in the rabbit mask said with a smile, not forgetting to hurt Bei Xuanjie.

"You dare to curse me! You are looking for death!"

Bei Xuanjie gritted his teeth and slapped the table fiercely.

"Whoever runs wild in the tower boat of the deity, don't blame the deity for throwing you out to fend for themselves."

At this moment, a woman with a graceful figure suddenly appeared in the void, her voice was cold, her face was wearing a black and gold mask, noble and simple, mysterious and powerful.

Behind her was a man wearing a golden mask. This man was tall and powerful. It was not the first time to enter the abyss tower ship. This man’s mask was clearly the third layer. Mask!

This person is on the third level!

The third level of cultivation is at least in the realm of Xianzun!

How could you follow behind this mysterious woman, who is this mysterious woman? Why do you say this is her tower ship?

Many people have made waves in their hearts, but they did not rush to speak out.

"What deity? You mean you are the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship? Fart! I also said that Lao Tzu is also the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship!"

Bei Xuanjie suddenly said with a sneer.

"Abyss Tower Ship has not seen the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship for many years. Even if there is a master, it is still a man. You and a woman should not pretend to be the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship to deceive us all."

Bei Xuansheng also said.

"Who said that the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship can't be a woman? Dutou, you are discriminating against women! Maybe she is the daughter of the previous owner, and is now the new owner of the Abyss Tower Ship!"

The woman in the rabbit mask said.

"Dead rabbit!" Bei Xuansheng said angrily: "If you call me a pig's head again, I will beat you more ugly than a pig's head!"

"Come on! Aunt let you fight!" Rabbit provoked.

Beixuan Sheng was furious, and if he wanted to let him know who this rabbit was, he would definitely remove her bones!

"You said you are the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship, can you prove it?" Bei Xuanjie asked with a sneer looking at the woman who appeared just now.

Mu Wushuang chuckled lightly, "What are you, let the deity prove it to you?"

She slowly raised her steps, and walked curly towards the only free position.

Then, in everyone's eyes, she sat in this position symbolizing the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship.

Bei Xuansheng Bei Xuanjie was dumbfounded.

Although it is the first time for them to come, they heard that grandfather mentioned that there is a seat at the head of each floor, and it will always be empty, because it is a seat only for the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship, and no one can sit in that seat Above!

"You... are you really the master of the Abyss Tower Ship?"

Bei Xuanjie asked in shock, stuttering.

"Hahaha! Laughing at me! Fool!" Rabbit covered his mouth and laughed, mocking Bei Xuanjie for offending the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship.

The faces of the others under the masks were also different, but they were mostly gloating.

This newcomer is such a fool!

At the same time, they were extremely surprised. They did not expect that after so many years, the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship appeared again, and he was still a woman!

"Lao Niu pays respects to you!"

The middle-aged man wearing a cow mask immediately stood up and bowed to Mu Wushuang in kind.

Mu Wushuang glanced at him lightly.

The others also stood up quickly and saluted her.

She nodded slightly and said:

"Sit down. When you come to the deity's territory, you have to act according to the deity's rules, otherwise it will make the deity unhappy and the deity will prevent you from coming in again."

"Yes! We promise not to cause trouble! Please don't worry!" said the man in the tiger mask.

Both Bei Xuansheng and Bei Xuanjie shrank their necks. The two of them questioned her identity just now, and they were beaten in the face so quickly.

It doesn't matter if she is slapped in the face, if she keeps her grudges and doesn't give them a chance, she will lose out!

Then how will they face their grandfather, how will they face those brothers and sisters!

"Sir, we are wrong, we shouldn't doubt the identity of the lord just now, please forgive me!"

Bei Xuansheng remedially said.

Mu Wushuang didn't even look at them again, and said to everyone in a lazy tone:

"There are only fifty-eight abyss jade slips in total. Among all living beings, those who can obtain the abyss jade slips are all human beings, and they are also forever lucky. The deity believes that each of you is such a person. But this time, the deity thinks you have a few mouse **** in it, what do you think?"

"Yes! Your Lord really has a pair of eyes!" The woman in the rabbit mask pointed at Bei Xuansheng and Bei Xuanjie with a smile, and said, "Your Lord, I think they are both mouse shit!"


Bei Xuanjie said angrily: "Do you know what noble status we are? How dare we say that we are mouse shit!"

"I just said you are mouse shit, how can you drop it! No matter how noble your status is in reality, in the realm of the noble, even the dragon has to be placed on the noble! The noble, are you right?"

The woman in the rabbit mask said with a smile.

Although she felt a little flattering, it was actually for the brothers Bei Xuansheng and Bei Xuanjie, who told them to not deal with her in the first place!

From a young age, her grandfather taught her that the attitude towards the enemy is-take advantage of illness to kill!

Mu Wushuang glanced at the woman in the rabbit mask. She was the owner of the Abyss Tower Ship and could clearly see the appearance and cultivation of everyone present.

This woman looked young, and she was spiritually cultivated. She had a beautiful appearance and a beauty mole on her eyebrows. She was a beautiful woman, but a beautiful woman who looked very delicate. She did not expect the contrast in her words. The two brothers of Bei Xuansheng and Bei Xuanjie were almost so angry that smoke came from their heads.

Mu Wushuang told the emperor uncle the appearance of this woman, to see if he knew him.

"It should be Dongfang Yuner, the granddaughter of the Patriarch of the Dongfang Family."

Long Moshen quickly answered.

It is spiritual cultivation, and there is a beauty mole on the center of her eyebrows, and she can see her bone age and cultivation level, so it is easy to guess her identity.

Eastern family?

"It's the Eastern Family, one of the four major families in the spirit world?" she asked the emperor.

Then got the affirmative answer from the emperor.

She knew in her heart that this Eastern family was one of the four major families in the spirit world, and was similar in power to the Helian family.

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