Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 965: Crazy

Chapter 965

King Qin Guang has been in retreat for many years and has been in the first hall of the underworld, and activated the enchantment he arranged before he was injured.

There was still a month before the four Jiazi's departure date, but the barrier of the first hall suddenly loosened.

This looseness has caused countless speculations, and the whole underworld is thinking about it floating, there are worries and excitement, and there are other thoughts weird.

No one knew if the barrier of King Qin Guang's hall was loosened, whether King Qin Guang was going to leave early, or what happened to King Qin Guang.

The fourth hall.

The five hall masters gathered together, with different thoughts.

"Emperor Song, what do you think about the loosening of barriers?"

The **** skinning king sat on the chair and asked while turning his teacup. He had several **** handprints on the cup.

If in normal times, the King of the Blood Pond who had been friends with Emperor Song would definitely scold the King of Skinner, but at this time, the King of Blood Pool would frown, and had no urge to take the King of Skinner.

Emperor Song's face was calm, and he couldn't see any emotions.

The tall Demon Repair Runner King coldly snorted: "King Qin Guang is going to die. If he had died cleanly, now there is not so much trouble!"

The thin, tall and tall emperor Wang, who looks like a bamboo pole, squinted his mung bean-sized eyes and said:

"After all, King Qin Guang was once a figure in the pinnacle of the Immortal Venerable. He was only one step away from being promoted to the immortal emperor level. The person who was able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the emperor Lingtian in those days was once lucky, and the thin camel was bigger than a horse. There is some movement over there, which is normal. However, I think he is just a glimpse."

"Oh? The emperor also thinks that King Qin Guang is going to do it?"

The skinning king made an eyebrow raising movement, but he had long lost his eyebrows, and his face was **** and ugly.

The King of Heaven nodded and analyzed:

"King Qin Guang was so badly injured that he was almost dead in his life. I said that the four Jiazi would leave the customs, but it was to shock me. Now that the barrier is loose, it should be Qin Guang that has a problem inside."

"Haha! I waited too long for this day! When King Qin Guang died, this underworld is our world, and the female ghost repair named Mu Wushuang has been arrogant in the ghost repair city for so long, we should also join hands to kill She and her men are now!"

The magic repair runner said with a big smile.

He made good friends with the former King Chujiang, and King Chujiang died tragically, so that the demon cultivator could not lift his head in the underworld, of course the female ghost cultivator must die.

"Yes! It's time to kill that stinky lady!"

The skinning king spoke in agreement.

Mu Wushuang shot him an arrow with the sky shooting bow, so that he has not fully recovered from the injury.

He endured this arrow hatred for a long time.

"King Zhuan, why don't we kill the stinky lady right now, King Qin Guang is now a mud bodhisattva and it is difficult for him to cross the river. Killing that stinky lady will make the underworld more peaceful!"

The skinning king said cruelly, with blood in his scarlet eyes.

"No!" The King of Blood Pond shouted coldly: "You have to do it, and you have to wait to make sure that King Qin Guang is really bad, then you can do it. Don't do it when King Qin Guang is fine, so transfer this anger to me. ."

"King of Blood Pond, you are too timid. You all say that you are brave and brave, and there is nothing you dare to do. I didn't expect to be afraid of a severely injured and dying King Qin Guang! King Qin Guang must not do it, otherwise, well. Yes, how could the barrier loosen?"

The skinning king sneered and said, he stood up, "Today I am going to kill the stinky lady, the wheel king, the emperor king, you go and help me, the magical weapon belongs to you, I just want to kill her, I need nothing."

"Okay! Then I'll accompany you a trip!" The King of Wheels also got up.

The King of Heaven said: "Alright, King Bian Cheng is now guarding the side of the first hall, and has no time to be distracted. This is a good time to kill the female ghost repair. When the female ghost repair is resolved, the next one should be Bian. The king of the city."

The King of Blood Pond frowned, watching the three of them walk out.

Emperor Song's face was expressionless, he couldn't see the happiness or anger, and the blood pond king said, "Brother, if King Qin Guang is okay by that time, he will restore his cultivation. We..."

Emperor Song, who looked like a white-faced scholar, raised his hand, causing the King of Blood Pond to shut his mouth.

He said: "The snipe and the clam compete for the fisherman's profit."

The King of Blood Pond understood what he meant and told him to ignore it. This meant that he also felt that King Qin Guang might not be very good, and he could no longer threaten them.

"Brother, do you think King Qin Guang is no longer a threat?"

Emperor Song said softly: "The barrier is loose, and King Qin Guang is slow to leave. Naturally, he is in physical illness."

If it's okay, it must be cleared early.

The King of Blood Pond was overjoyed. If this is the case, it would be great. They are hiding in this underworld and have not dared to use their fists, but they have been scrupulous about King Qin Guang. If King Qin Guang fails, then the underworld is him and The eldest brother's world is gone, and after a few hundred years, maybe he and his eldest brother will be able to return to the spirit world for a shame.

I have to say that Emperor Song had a good guess.

There was indeed something wrong with King Qin Guang.

He was seriously injured back then, not to mention four Jiazi, even 14 Jiazi, it is impossible for him to fully recover from his injuries.

Back then, so many old monsters in the realm of Immortal Venerable came out to **** the dragon vein essence, and King Qin Guang was dying of severe injuries before he solved those people.

However, the underworld still lost a lot of dragon veins, and the dragon veins underneath were almost exhausted. King Qin Guang was closely related to the underworld, and his luck also became weak.

This time King Qin Guang suddenly woke up from the retreat, but his injuries only recovered a little bit, and he was in a madness, causing the barrier to suddenly loosen.

When King Bian Cheng felt the change of the senior brother, he immediately notified the younger sister, and then rushed to the first hall.

King Qin Guang got into the devil, flying sand and rocks in the first hall, the fluctuations were great. King Bian Cheng understood the big brother, and quickly guessed that the reason for the big brother's getting into the evil must be because of the master and the younger sister. Tell the elder brother that the younger sister is still alive, but he is not sure if the elder brother can hear him, and whether he can survive this demons, he has to rely on the elder brother himself.

In the first hall.

It has been left unattended for many years, and the inside is barren and chaotic. There is no one in the hall, and there are still traces of the fighting.

King Qin Guang sat in the basement. He was dressed in a deep crimson robe and looked handsome. He had a pair of sword eyebrows flying diagonally into the temple. He had a tall nose and well-defined features. He was a first-class handsome man.

I saw his eyes closed, his eyebrows furrowed fiercely, his pale lips pressed tightly, and a cold sweat broke out on his head, as if he was experiencing something painful.

"Junior sister! Little junior sister!"

He suddenly gritted his teeth and shouted, with blue veins bulging on his forehead.

At the same time, his eyes suddenly opened, and scarlet blood and killing intent flashed through Ling Li's black eyes.

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