Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 968: Fu Yao

Chapter 968

Amid the screams, the skinning king was deprived of his vitality by the flames.

Mu Wushuang circled the sword intent, confining his soul, making it impossible to escape, and finally killing the skinner king's soul, leaving no bones.

The king of runners and the king of the emperor, who were still dealing with the dragon and the dragon, both turned pale in fright. I didn't expect Mu Wushuang to do nothing. It was so amazing when he did it, so that the skinning king did not even have the power to resist, so he directly took it. Suppressed, came a painful killing.

Moreover, her cultivation base hasn't fallen. How could this be possible? Didn't she have such a strong ability because she took the elixir of improving her cultivation? It has been so long, why hasn't the effect of the medicine been lost?

The two felt faintly uneasy. They felt uneasy in their hearts since King Abi's rebellion. Now that the King of Skinner died tragically, they were even more panicked, feeling that things were beyond their control.

This Mu Wushuang doesn't really have the cultivation base of the peak of the Immortal King, right?

The two thought in shock at the same time.

But I still feel unbelievable. It's unbelievable that people who were in the early days of the Immortal King a few months ago have already cultivated the peak of the Immortal King, which is too unreasonable.

Ke Mu Wushuang's calm and tyrannical sword intent made them have to believe this guess.

Moreover, her aura is very stable, it is not like a cultivation base that has suddenly risen after taking a pill. I am afraid that the skinning king will die, but she did not expect that the person who killed him was the real peak of the fairy king!

And what is going on with King Abi? Why does that kid say he has two souls in his body?

They also thought of Seizing the Shelter. This thought was justified. When Abi King first came to the Underworld, he was very arrogant and killed many ghost repairs. He did not seem to be a low-key person.

But soon after, King Abi began to retreat, rarely came out, very low-key, not in line with his personality.

"Kill them."

At this time, Mu Wushuang said to Long Yi and Long Er faintly.

"Yes, mistress."

Long Yilong two nodded, and suddenly the aura was full, no longer lazy, directly killing the king of Chaotian and the king of the wheel.

Mu Wushuang asked them to hold on first, the purpose is to see if anyone is coming. Now that no one is coming, there is no need to keep these two people.

The king of the emperor and the king of Zhuan were guilty of splitting, their faces were blue and white, with cold sweats. The two of them never expected that Mu Wushuang's two subordinates had never used their full strength, and they were just playing them like monkeys. !

The two even have the cultivation base of the peak of the fairy king!

how could it be possible!

How could there be two immortal king pinnacle people willing to be subordinate to a woman!

They couldn't figure it out, but Long Yi Long Er would not give them time to figure it out. The mistress ordered the killing, and they made a quick decision.

Mu Wushuang no longer pays attention to the emperor king and the king of Zhuan. There are countless magic weapons of dragon, one dragon and two dragons. After a long battle, killing people is not sloppy. It is only a matter of time to kill the king of emperor and Zhuan.

As soon as the skinning king died, all the dozens of sharp knives that had been inserted into King Abi fell out.

King Abi was still holding his head, seeming to be doing a fierce struggle. Mu Wushuang frowned slightly, and invited his son to ask him:

"Xixi, which of the two souls in his body dominates?"

Xuan Xi squinted his eyes, purple pupils flickered in his eyes, and he whispered:

"Mother, there are two souls in his body, one prototype is a lion demon, and the other is a human. When he first came out, the human soul was stronger, but now the lion demon's soul is eating back the human soul."

The spirit of the lion and demon should be the original soul of this person. The human being should be the one who robbed each other, and this person should have a lot to do with the underworld.

Maybe, he is...one of Pluto's disciples, one of her brothers?

Mu Wushuang thought in his heart.

Thinking of this, she immediately planted an enchantment so that everyone could not see the situation inside, and then took out a magical medicine that could strengthen the soul.

Although she is not sure if this person is one of the underworld seniors, she doesn't want to miss this opportunity. If he doesn't save him now, maybe he will really lose his soul.

Although the magic medicine is precious and hard to find in the world, for her, it can be taken out at will. As long as it can save people, she is willing to take out a dozen plants.

"Xixi, come here, I will extract the essence of the magical medicine, you introduce the essence of the magical medicine into this person's soul, pay attention, don't make a mistake and bear it."

"Yeah." Xuan Xi nodded seriously.

She distilled the essence of the magical medicine one by one, and the air was suddenly filled with the scent of the fascinating soul. In the body of King Abi, the spirit of the lion demon paused for a while, turned her head, and looked excited and greedy. The magical medicine essence at her fingertips.

Xuan Xi seized the time, and quickly divided the spirit of this magical medicine into two hands, and one hand first led towards the human soul in King Abi's body.

The lion and demon soul smiled and rushed to **** at the moment Xuan Xi opened his hand. However, he only snatched a small trace. Xuan Xi’s other hand quickly injected all the remaining magical medicine essence. In that human soul.

In the blink of an eye, the somewhat wilting spirit gradually grew. He took a deep look at Xuan Xi, but he didn't care about going into further details. First, he solved the spirit of the lion monster.

He occupied the body of the lion demon. For more than two hundred years, he fought with this lion demon and finally won. He did not expect that this lion demon is also a vicious person, and he dormant, and finally bit him fiercely. One bite, I want to swallow him and strengthen myself.

If it weren't for the emergence of this magical medicine, I am afraid that the lion demon would really succeed.

He died tragically that year, his soul was also damaged, and it was difficult to seize the house.

This lion demon is a wicked and vicious person. He has no psychological burden to take away this person, and if he wants to avenge his master, his younger brothers, and his younger sisters, he has to do it even if he wants to avenge good people.

The tragedy of the year flashed in Fu Yao's heart, and he started to deal with the spirit of the lion demon even more fiercely. It is these outsiders who killed his brothers and countless innocent people of the underworld!

The spirit of the lion demon was begging for mercy and asked him to raise his hands high, saying that he was willing to give him his body.

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire soul was completely swallowed by Fu Yao.

When Mu Wushuang watched King Abi's face gradually improve, and there was no more struggle on his face, he knew that he had succeeded.

Immediately afterwards, he revealed a cold temperament belonging to ghost repair.

Mu Wushuang knew that she was right, this person was indeed from Pluto.

"Who are you? You have such a cultivation level, but I have never seen you."

Before she could ask a question, she heard the people in front of her ask her.

She is a ghost cultivator and also the cultivation base of the immortal king peak. Without thousands of years, it is impossible to have such a cultivation base. It has only been a few hundred years since the underworld had an accident, and it has only been more than two hundred years since his accident. There is no reason not to remember that there is such a talented female ghost in the underworld.

Although Mu Wushuang's bone age was only a few dozen years old, he believed that she should have used something to cover up the true bone age.

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