Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 970: When I have no one in the underworld?

Chapter 970 When I Have No One In Underworld?

"Brother, what you expected is really good, then King Qin Guang really had an accident!"

The King of Blood Pond released his spiritual sense and looked at the direction of the first hall.

I saw flying sand and rocks in the mid-air of the First Hall, overcast with clouds, and violent forces were destroying the building of the First Hall.

"King Qin Guang has gotten into trouble, and he can no longer control his behavior."

Emperor Song squinted his eyes, like a sneer on the handsome face of a white-faced scholar.

"Fresh and enchanted? Great! Brother, we took the opportunity to kill him, one hundred! Killing him, we can go to the Hall of Hades and get the treasure left by Hades! And the movement made by King Qin Guang doesn't seem to be at all. Immortal Venerable Realm, the most talented Da Luo Jinxian in the early stage, not even the Immortal King, his injury is worse than we thought!"

The Blood Pond King said excitedly, waiting for this day, they have waited for more than two hundred years!

I have long heard that there are many treasures in the Hall of Hades. Didn’t Chu Jiang find a god-level exercise in the outer hall of Hall of Hades? Although the exercise is a bit shameful, it is also a god-level exercise, isn't it? There are countless god-level treasures inside.

They have always been shocked by King Qin Guang’s remaining prestige and did not dare to act rashly. Now King Qin Guang is simply the Wolf King with all four legs broken. It looks terrifying, but it is no longer dangerous. Anyone can go up and kill him!

"However, the situation in the ghost repair city is unexpected to us, and the three skinning kings actually folded in!"

Xuechi Wang squinted his eyes, his eyes shone cold.

It's not that they have a good relationship with the King of Skinner and the emperor, but the ability of the female ghost in the ghost repair city surprised them.

Such a person should have been killed in the first place, but staying under his nose for so long is really taboo.

But it's nothing. After King Qin Guang solves the problem, the ghost repair city should be slowly cleaned.

After today, this underworld will be the world of him and his eldest brother.

Emperor Song glanced at the direction of Guixiu City faintly, obviously still not paying attention to that side.

"That amazing and brilliant King Qin Guang should have come to an end long ago. Today, the Lord of the Palace helps him out of the sea of ​​suffering."

He withdrew his gaze, said sharply, and flew in the direction of the first hall.

The Blood Pond King smiled and followed excitedly.

In the first hall, King Biancheng was still guarding outside, his expression a little anxious.

When he saw the fake Emperor Song and the King of Blood Pond, his brows were frowned, and he said coldly:

"You have done a lot of evil in the spiritual world, and there is nowhere to go. The underworld has taken you in for more than two hundred years. Why, now you are going to avenge your revenge on the contrary?"

"Accept?" The King of Blood Pond sneered: "King Biancheng, this is not called accept. There is no one in the underworld. We came to the underworld to make you the master of the ghost repair."

"It's a master of the house, this big brother hasn't happened yet, so you can't wait to show your wolf ambition?"

King Bian Cheng snorted coldly, his eyes filled with disgust.

He knew that the false Emperor Song and the King of Blood Pond were uneasy and kind, and had not come out to cause trouble, because they were afraid of the big brother. Now that the big brother has become crazy, they can't help it.

"King Biancheng, if you are acquainted, you should just let it go. We are just here to help King Qin Guang get free. What we do is good. If you obstruct, we won't be merciful."

The blood pool is king.

Who didn't know that King Bian Cheng was the disciple with the worst aptitude among all the disciples of Pluto. He had no sense of existence and no threat.

Emperor Song and King Blood Pond didn't want to waste time on him, they just wanted to get rid of King Qin Guang as soon as possible, so as not to have many dreams at night.

Compared with King Qin Guang, a small King Biancheng is nothing.

"Oh, if you want to hurt the big brother, you still have to see if you agree or not!"

King Bian Cheng stood in front of the two of them, unabated.

The fake Song emperor, who looked like a white-faced scholar, frowned, looked at King Bian Cheng for a few breaths, and narrowed his eyes: "King Bian is worthy of being a disciple of Pluto. In just a few months, he has increased a lot of cultivation."

Only then did the King of Blood Pond discover that King Bian Cheng's aura had become much more restrained, and there was a vague feeling that the peak of the Immortal King was about to reach completion.

How is this possible?

It is said that King Bian Cheng, the youngest disciple of Pluto, is a mediocre, with extremely poor cultivation aptitude, and his brothers are all amazing geniuses, and only he is an A Dou who can't afford to support.

This can't help A Dou, who hasn't advanced for hundreds of years, how come he suddenly advanced?

Give him a little more time, isn't he about to enter the realm of Xianzun?

A sense of panic arose in the King of Blood Pond, and it seemed that King Bian Cheng had to get rid of it immediately.

"Brother, let's get rid of King Biancheng first, and then solve King Qin Guang, anyway, now King Qin Guang is still in the middle of a demon, maybe he will die under his demons!"

The King of Blood Pond said to Emperor Song.

Both of their brothers are the cultivation base of the peak of the fairy king realm. The eldest brother Song Emperor has even reached the threshold of the immortal venerable, and he can be promoted to the immortal venerable with only a little luck!

After killing King Biancheng and King Qin Guang, all the luck that the underworld still gave birth to is the elder brother's. By then, the eldest brother will be one of the few immortals in the immortal world!

Emperor Song nodded, looked at King Biancheng, and said, "King Biancheng, you can rest assured that after you die, your big brother and the ghosts of your underworld will come to bury you."

His tone was flat, and the words of the ghost cultivator of the underworld came out of his mouth, as simple as trampling to death a colony of ants.

King Bian Cheng was very angry and grinned, just as he was about to speak, suddenly a few figures came against the wind.

"Little..." The words "Junior Sister" were held back by King Bian Cheng, but there was a real smile on his face.

However, when he saw King Abi, he had a look, and his eyes showed surprise.

"Brother Eight!"

He shouted.

The exercises learned by the eighth brothers are master’s original exercises. Like other brothers, the breath of each brother is different. So when he saw King Abi, he knew that this must be his. Eighth senior brother Abi Wang Fu Yao!

It turns out that Brother Eight has always been in the underworld!

He finally understood why the fake Abi king came to the underworld for so many years. Apart from being arrogant for a few days at the beginning, he has been retreating in the Ninth Hall.


The King of Blood Pond was shocked, and the eyes of Emperor Song, who had been calm, flashed with surprise.

This Abi King turned out to be the real Abi King! The eighth disciple of Pluto is still alive!

"It turns out that the disciples of Pluto will also do something that is not visible."

Emperor Song was just surprised, and he returned to normal. After all, it was to seize the house, the cultivation base did not advance but retreated, and only the cultivation base in the middle and late stages of the fairy king realm, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"There is nothing to be stunned by the seizure of the house. The wicked person who wants to take the place of the seat is the wicked person who wants to take his place. It is the false Emperor of the Song Dynasty, the king of the blood pond. When I have no one in the underworld?"

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