Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 975: Previous marriage

Chapter 975

"Little Junior Sister, what have you experienced over the years and how did you discover your identity, how about telling it to the big brother?"

King Qin Guang looked at Wushuang and said softly.

When his handsome brows are not smiling, he is not angry and majestic, but if he smiles faintly, he looks extremely beautiful, like a spring breeze, no wonder he is called the most beautiful man in the underworld.

There was chaos in the main hall. He deliberately took out the exquisite chair from the storage ring. At first glance, it was an object that a woman liked. He took it out for Wushuang to sit on, and he and his two juniors sat on the stone steps on the side. .

Wushuang didn’t know that the chair she was sitting on was also carved by King Qin Guang himself. If you look closely, you can see that it is faintly with her favorite flower pattern on the seat. There is also a soft cushion, which is woven from golden silk spit out by golden silkworms. This golden silkworm only grows in extremely cold places. There are less than a hundred golden silkworms in the fairy world. It takes ten years to spit out half a tael of golden silk, and the cushion under her seat is fully produced by a hundred golden silkworms for thousands of years.

But for all this, she didn't know.

But Abi King Biancheng knew about it, and both of them sighed in their hearts.

Waiting for the big brother to know the truth about how little junior sister and Emperor Ling Tian are together again, I don't know how uncomfortable it will be.

"I don’t know how I was reincarnated. My memory only started when I was a few years old. I lived on a planet called Earth, where no one practiced. I was an orphan there and lived for twenty. After many years, there was an accident. At the time of life and death, the soul passed through the body of my body in the small three thousand world, Jiuxiao Continent. Maybe I was reincarnated on the Jiuxiao Continent. This body is mine, and the body is mine. The soul fits very well, there is no rejection at all, and then I start to practice..."

"After arriving in the fairy world, I was led by the fairy world to teleport to the underworld. I began to practice ghost practice. Later, when I was recognized as the master by the nine-headed bird, I vaguely knew my identity, and then I got the jade slip from the father of the underworld. , Confirmed his identity..."

Mu Wushuang briefly recounted her experience, mainly about her identity, and there was nothing else to say.

She spoke plainly, but the three of King Qin Guang didn't listen plainly. They could think of her unfamiliar sense of crisis when she first came to the underworld, how difficult it was for her to get to this step.

"Little Junior Sister, you used to be spiritually cultivating, but you should also be teleporting to the spiritual world. Why would you teleport to the underworld?"

King Qin Guang frowned and asked, his eyes flashing coldly.

He instinctively felt that there must be a problem with that fairy world envoy.

"The immortal realm took me to the underworld deliberately," she replied.

"Who is it that dare to target you?" King Qin Guang's eyes showed murderous intentions. The little junior sister was reincarnated as a person, and has no grievances or enmity with the people of the immortal world. Why would someone deliberately spoil him on the day of ascension?

If it weren't for the patience of the younger junior sisters, it would be different whether they could survive in the underworld where fish and dragons were mixed with someone else.

That person behind the scenes, **** it!

"It's the young lady of the heavenly palace of the spirit world, I am ready to go to the spirit world to find her to settle an account." She said quietly.


King Qin Guang stood up abruptly.

Little Junior Sister actually got in touch with the people in Tiangong, how could it be possible? How could she know the people of Tiangong in the Little Three Thousand World?

King Bian Cheng knew a little bit more. Seeing the big brother so surprised and furious, he knew that the big brother didn't want the younger sister to get involved with the people in Tiangong at all. Unfortunately... it was too late.

Wushuang also understood something from King Qin Guang's expression. She also stood up and said to him:

"Big brother, in fact, in Little Three Thousand World, I have become a biological son."


A crack appeared on the handsome face of King Qin Guang, and he became a biological child... The little junior sister is already a biological child?

"Who is he?"

He asked without effort, the man of the little junior sister, he must have a look, not to make her unhappy in the future.

"he is……"

At this moment, Long Yi Long Er took Xuan Xi and flew to the first hall.


The two stood behind her.

Xuan Xi came to her, raised his head and shouted "Mother", and then said "Hello, uncles" to King Qin Guang and Biancheng.


Looking at the familiar face of Long Xuanxi, King Qin Guang only felt dazed.

"Big Brother, this is the son of Long Moshen and I. His name is Long Xuanxi."

Wushuang looked at his expression, sighed in his heart, and said to him seriously.

She knew that she had a marriage contract with him, which was set by Pluto's father, but she didn't know how this marriage contract came into being and how it disappeared. Judging from his expression, it is obvious that his feelings for him are not brothers. The relationship between us, so she must explain the facts to him as soon as possible.

"How come? You have been reincarnated and lost your memory..."

"Long Moshen was also reincarnated. We met in the Continent of Jiuxiao, and then we met and fell in love, we became a couple, and gave birth to a son and a daughter. Big brother, I and him are a couple, even if we don’t have one. With the memory of previous lives, we can still love each other again. I hope this time, I can stay with him forever."

She said word by word.

King Qin Guang could hear his heartbreaking voice. How happy he was before, how disappointed he is now. He has always known that his feelings are wishful thinking, and the younger sister is affectionate towards him, and treats him as a brother, her first love not him.

But when he thought he could start again, the younger sister had already become biological children with that man.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Brothers will definitely realize your wish. If you want to stay with him for a lifetime, the seniors will help you remove all obstacles. The previous tragedies will not happen again."

Wushuang pursed his lips, his eyes are a bit sore, but no one can tell who is right and who is wrong about emotions? Feelings don’t come first, but when you love, you love. One of the three people will always be hurt.

"Big brother, I don't remember anything about my previous life. If I owe you anything, I hope you can forgive me."

She lowered her head and said.

King Qin Guang stretched out his hand, originally wanted to touch her head, but finally put it back, he said:

"You didn't owe me to me. The marriage contract was made by the master at the time. At that time, you were less ignorant and ignorant. I promised that the marriage was a speculation. How can you blame you.

To blame, he was first moved and wanted to take the younger sister as his own, so he mentioned to Master. If he did not mention this sentence, Master would not make an early marriage appointment for her.

His unwillingness disappeared a long time ago. Today, he shouldn't have wishful thinking.

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