Dark Beast Summoner

Chapter 985: Eastern Theater

Chapter 985

"Sacred Fire Demon King!"

Fu Yao stared at the Sacred Fire Demon King who was looking down high in the sky, gritted his teeth, and a deep hatred burst into his eyes.

Unexpectedly, not long after he came out of the underworld, he would meet the Holy Fire Demon King!

After the demise of Master and Junior Sister, everyone wanted to come to the Underworld to share a piece of the pie, and this Holy Fire Demon King was naturally not far behind.

But at that time, the big brother was not seriously injured, and he killed several old immortals in a row. This holy fire demon king jealous big brother, and finally did not attack the dragon vein essence, but casually slaughtered hundreds of thousands of ghost repairers. Ghost repair!

Those ghost repairs are so pitiful. Whether they are old, young, women and children, they are all horrified. For them, this is a sudden catastrophe. There is no way to resist or escape. The Holy Fire Demon King still tortured them before killing them. !

When he and the seniors rushed past, they only saw the corpses and blood flowing in the city, and the Holy Fire Demon King was nowhere to be seen.

At that time, it happened to be a small mess, they had no time to find the Holy Fire Demon King to settle the accounts, so that the Holy Fire Demon King was arrogant now!

When I saw the Holy Fire Demon King today, the hatred of the past rushed into my heart, and Fu Yao's eyes were full of bloodshot eyes.

"Brother, be careful to expose."

Wushuang reminded softly.

When they go to the spirit world, they must be low-key, and they must not reveal their identity. The eighth brother is a ghost repair. Although he wears the skin of a demon repair, if he does it with a person at the level of the immortal, I am afraid it will be exposed.

So she reminded the brother.

"I know, sister, you go first, I will hold him."

Fu Yao stared at the Holy Fire Demon King and said to Wushuang.

"Want to leave? Don't want to run away alone today!"

The Holy Fire Demon King snorted coldly, and looked at Fu Yao and Wushuang with sarcasm in his eyes.

In his eyes, the people below Xianzun are all ants.

Between the dragon and the ants, I don’t know how many mountains are separated, and there is trouble on his site of the Holy Fire Demon King. These ants still want to escape? It's ridiculous.

"Mother, you go first."

Long Yi stopped Wushuang in front of them.

"No need to."

Wushuang winked at Long Yi, and seeing that Long Yi understood what she meant, she took a few steps and looked up at the Holy Fire Demon King.

"Sacred Fire Demon King, I really admire the name for a long time. Today, we did not deliberately cause trouble, but we have killed so many people, and we will not find a reason to justify. What do you think of this, we will compensate you for some treasures. If you are eye-catching, just release How about we leave?"

"Oh, can you have something that this seat is worthy of? Do you think this seat is not a beggar?"

The Holy Fire Demon King sneered.

The corner of Wushuang's mouth hooked, and the Holy Fire Demon King didn't make a direct shot, indicating that he was moved.

This person was originally a greedy person, otherwise he would not have gone to the underworld to fight for the dragon vein essence.

She flipped her hand, and a sacred pillar appeared on her palm.

"This is an ancient thing that the little woman accidentally discovered. Even the divine consciousness can't penetrate into it. The little woman has limited abilities and can't see through its mystery, but there is definitely something else in this little stone pillar. You are dignified. Xianzun, you must be able to see the secret."

She said so deliberately.

The Holy Fire Demon King's eyes fell on the stone pillar, and he couldn't help being interested when he saw that he couldn't penetrate it with his spiritual sense.

But he sneered, "If you want it, just take it directly. You ants, you must die today in the wild in this seat!"

After speaking, he took a big hand and grabbed the stone pillar without his hands.

Wushuang was waiting for this moment. She didn't panic at all, and threw the Pulse Zhenzhu out expressionlessly, and the Holy Fire Demon King's hand immediately shifted its direction.

At this time, Long Yi Long Er took Xiao Rou'er and Si Ying into the teleportation formation, and Wushuang also dragged Senior Brother Eight to teleport outside the teleportation formation.

The old way is still portraying, he wiped the sweat from his head, and it was coming to an end.

At the other end, the Holy Fire Demon King got the stone pillar, but he never thought that this small stone pillar was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. He didn't check it, and one hand was directly crushed!

However, the Holy Fire Demon King was not angry but was delighted, this stone pillar is indeed a treasure, and even the hand of his majestic fairy can be crushed!

"Hahaha! I didn't expect this seat to get another treasure!"

He faintly glanced at the Wushuang and others on the side of the teleportation formation, and sneered: "The control of this teleportation formation is in the hands of this seat. You can't activate it. Even if it can be activated, this seat can immediately appear in Yachi Castle. Don’t fight fearlessly, you are dead."

"is it?"

Wushuang raised the corners of his lips and thought, the Zhenmai Divine Pillar that hit the broken arm of the Holy Fire Demon King suddenly flew up and slammed on the Holy Fire Demon King's head.


The head of the Holy Fire Demon King was crushed by the hundreds of billions of sacred pillars, and his whole person fell to the ground.


When Xiao Rouer's crisp laughter sounded, the old way said: "Okay!"

Wushuang and Fu Yao both entered the teleportation array.

"Sacred Fire Demon King, next time I see you, my grandmother will come to take your dog's life. You should save your head."

The teleportation formation started smoothly, Wushuang deliberately shouted loudly, so that the entire city could hear her voice, and listen carefully to how the Holy Fire Demon King was deflated.

"Damn it! I will go to Baqi City to kill you right away!"

The Holy Fire Demon King roared, and vigorously removed the Zhenmai Shenzhu. At this moment, the Zhenmai Shenzhu suddenly flew back into Wushuang's hands, and the people in the teleportation formation disappeared!

"Damn ants!!"

The Holy Fire Demon King was furious, and he was actually being teased by a stinky lady. He couldn't tell that this stone pillar was controlled by the stinky lady, who deliberately teased him!

"Do you think that you can escape the palm of this seat? It's whimsical!"

The Holy Fire Demon King roared angrily, and disappeared in place when he moved, and soon he arrived in the Baqi City of the spiritual world!

Because this teleportation array can only be teleported to Yachi City.

After he left, he did not notice that the formation suddenly lighted up. Wushuang and others appeared in this formation again. They were not teleported away at all. It turned out that the old way temporarily portrayed the blinding formation and made the teleportation. The illusion of walking.

"We can't teleport to Yaqi City this time. Let's go to Shijuecheng not far from Yaqi City."

The old way gave Wushuang their voice.

"Where is Shijuecheng?" Wushuang asked.

"At the junction of the spirit world and the battlefield." Fu Yao replied, "Baqi City is not far from the battlefield. The Holy Fire Demon King went to Baqi City. It is a good choice for us to go to Shijue City first. When it's time, clean him up."

Battlefield...Eastern battlefield, the territory of the Daxia royal family.


Wushuang's eyes were raised, and a cold light flashed in her eyes. In the Great Xia Dynasty, she had long wanted to see it!

In that case, first go to Daxia Dynasty to take a look, and then go to Baqi City to find the beautiful younger brother Lao Jinlong.

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