Dark Blood Age

Chapter 866: Let you do it!


Is this a house?

From the secret to the repair of Frosussa, the deaths were over 10,000, Arora was self-disciplined, and the bodies of the soldiers were drifting over the Doron River. The undead still whispered in the dark night, and the woman ended in a word. What?

Does she think that Hull is a child who has been doing bad things outside?

This is war!

A **** war!

Chu Yunsheng smiled softly and smiled very coldly.

The scornful smile seems to be a sharp sword under the gloomy sky, with a frost, screaming the princess's proud red robe, and screaming at the gorgeous cloud cover.

Prince Hull took a step and stopped in front of the princess’s angry guards. “Sister Wang, you, go back.”

The flaming princess raised a pair of hail in cold and proud, flashed a chill, and suddenly raised his hand, "squeaky", under the eyes of the public, hit Huer with a slap in the face!

A slender handprint suddenly appeared on Hu's cheek. It did not hide. He still looked up and looked directly at the hail that no one dared to see in the mainland.

However, this slap has been shaken by the three armies, and Chu Yunsheng is also a jump in his heart.

"Do you want to be an emperor?" The cold princess shook slightly and said coldly: "How many times have I told you? Don't want to be an emperor, don't think about it, it's not a good thing, why don't you listen? ?"

Huer bit his lip: "Seven Kings..."

The fiery princess screamed coldly: "Why!"

Hull’s emotions suddenly excited and raised his voice: “Why? You know why!”

The seven princesses icy coldly: "I have arranged for you to seal the land. Both the fourth and the king have agreed. Go to the land."

Hull smiled coldly: "Fencing the land? Will he? He won't let me live."

The seven princesses looked icy and said: "Fourteen brothers, do you know why your mother was born noble, but the nobles of Sun City don't support you and support the fourth?"

Hull dismissed: "I am not as flattering as he is."

The seven princesses sneered: "So you can't be an emperor. He is more suitable than you! Don't think that no one can see through your heart. The deep uneasiness in your heart is what the Sun City nobles fear."

Hull provoked: "Do you want them?"

The seven princesses screamed coldly: "Who do you think you are? Do you know how your mother died? Do you know why the emperor is depressed? You don't know anything! Childish!"

Hull’s slight meal: “Seven Kings...”

Seven Princess said: "I always thought that the fourth child thought too much, how could you be his enemy? But today, it turns out that he is right, his eyes are vicious and accurate, but he did not make a mistake... Go back with me. Go to your mother's fief and never go back to Sun City."

Hull smiled and looked at the camp under the head of the city. Shaking his head: "Seven Kings, you still don't understand, I can't go back!"

The seven princess sneered, pointing to Chu Yunsheng: "Just because of it? It confuses people, demonizes the people. Let the uneasiness in your heart get vented? You are too naive! You forgot that our Kadan people are the people of the gods. We have made a contract with the gods. We have guarded the mainland for generations. When the devil comes again, the gods will come back to save us!"

Hu Erdao: "This has nothing to do with the gods."

Seven princesses angered: "You have been fascinated by this earth man, and you don't understand anything at all! When the devil comes back, you want to repel them with ridiculous freaks!? There is no room for negotiation. Don't say it anymore! Either go back with me right away, or you will go to death with this dirty deformity!"

Hull suddenly silenced. Chu Yunsheng knew that it had no way to convince the cold and proud princess. At this point, basically it was completely torn apart, and he sneered aloud: "Is it? I don't know what the devil you are talking about. But I know They are here, where are your gods?"

"Podzhi, take this dirty deformity away immediately! I don't want to see it again." The seven princesses did not want to say a second sentence to Chu Yunsheng. From her eyes, she could see deep disgust. As if from the depths of the soul.

Behind her is a tall guard, wearing a purple-gold armor, engraved with a sacred inscription on the chest that is different from all the mainland knights. He immediately circumvented Hull and went straight to Chu Yun.

But at this time, in the hall, in an instant, there were countless burning swords without any warnings. One handle and one handle floated in the air, sharp and sharp, and the proud princess and her entourage Surrounded by groups, everyone around them hangs dozens of squirting fire swords from top to bottom. The nearest swords are only less than half a centimeter from their noses!

"I don't care if you are a seven-princess or a seven-grid, and you don't care what four princes or four princes." Chu Yunsheng stood in the hundred swords, and said: "You have to figure out, you have a cardinal old man, I also have the identity of the Eight-Royal Sky Detective, according to your logic, on the qualifications, let you do it, it is worthy to talk to me!"

The fiery princess was trembled with anger, but she didn't dare to move. No one knows how these swords came. No volatility of energy appeared out of thin air, and it didn't move, as if waiting for their owners. Under the order, they will kill together anyone killed by Jian Feng.

"Take the sword of the great priest!" The princess was proud after all, and ordered the coldness behind her.

A guard did not hesitate to rush out of the fire sword to take the sword. Chu Yunsheng immediately said: "I advise you not to move, you just dare to run, I promise you the princess. Will be poked out dozens of holes!"

"Get the sword!" The proud princess will be threatened by this, and immediately raise the voice again.

With a bang, in the hall, hundreds of fire swords immediately turned around and let go of other people, all coming to the seven princesses, burning swords, reflecting her fiery clothes like the most vivid clouds.

This time, the guard who took the sword was safe around, but he did not dare to move. He did not know what to do when he stood there.

Chu Yunsheng is also no way, the fire yuan sword group made with the control force looks mysterious, prestige, arrogant, in fact, its fire energy combat power is the same as slag, can not see. It’s not as good as a slashing knife. If you are aware of the guards who are going to fight for the seven princesses, it’s better to concentrate on them and point them to the “seven princesses”, so that everyone can’t move. I dare not try it.

"Chu, let go of the seven kings." Huer shouted and shouted at Chu Yun.

"Prince Hull!" Chu Yunsheng cold channel: "I am not letting go of her, she always wants to catch me!"

"No matter what, you first let go of the seven kings sister, Chu. I told you, you forgot?" Huer was really anxious, and frequently hinted to Chu Yunsheng.

"You can rest assured that I know more than you are old and undead." Then, Chu Yunsheng used the low but very firm voice that only the people on the platform of the main hall could hear: "Hull Prince. I must remind you, She slaps you in front of the three army!"

This statement is out. Not only Huer was shocked. Even the seven princesses were too convinced, and their eyes were like spurting out anger, staring at Chu Yunsheng, and they couldn’t even say anything.

Others are even more stunned. What do this arrogant freak want to do? Is it crazy? Don't know who the Seven Princess is! ?

Don't say that fan Huer is the fan of the four princes, and no one will say more than half a gossip!

Seven princesses trembled. Seriously stimulated the loyalty of the guards, on the platform of the main hall, in front of the three armed forces, screaming and arranging the epee. Two swaying swords.

Huer’s Zijin Guards hesitated at the time, but immediately heard that Chu Yunsheng’s “guards” Budney and others did not hesitate to smear the sword, and felt a little shy.

"Chu walking!" Huer's heart jumped, ignoring the eyes of Zijin's guards who asked for orders, and quickly pulled Chu Yunsheng.

But before he said it, Chu Yunsheng suddenly took a step forward and shouted to the front of the temple and to the front of the three armed forces:

"Feng! Wang, Zi, Dian, Xia, Ling!"

Every time he went forward, the fire swords spread out together on both sides, letting a channel of fire and staggering come to the seven princesses who could not believe.

In front of Huer, who is like a wooden chicken, in the eyes of a princess who is murderous but does not dare to move, in the calm and deep sea of ​​the three army officers, holding his right hand, toward the delicate face, fierce Fluttering outwards...


The fire swords spread out, and the fiery princess flew back like a leaf.

As everyone could not respond, Chu Yunsheng stepped out of the crowd and stepped to the edge of the hall platform, pulling out the fire knife and pointing at the army like the ocean.

"His Royal Highness will go back and return to Sun City, but there is only one way, that is, the king is on the horizon!"

With his voice, the fire swords are lined up like a dragon, shooting in the sky in the south, breaking through the clouds.

One second, two seconds... After ten seconds, Chu Yunsheng’s three military officers under the blade of the sword, the tsunami-like eruption of the earth-shattering oath:

"Jun, the world!"

"Jun, the world!"

"Jun, the world!"


Chu Yunsheng took off the fire knife and turned back. The red palm print on the pale little face of the cold princess of the seven princesses has not been eliminated. He pushed open the inner officer who wanted to hold her, holding a purple gold in his hand. Lee sword, looking at him coldly.

But it doesn't matter. At the moment, on the platform, in the hall, anyone, any voice, is drowned in the overwhelming voice of the three armed forces that are rumbling through the clouds.

In addition to begging her to leave, the loyal guards of the princess were already nervous, fearing that the army would immediately lose control.

Chu Yunsheng’s heart was moving and wanted to take a look at the golden sword in her hand, but I thought about it. So far, the big priest in the Sun City Temple has nothing to do, so don’t stimulate it. It is up.

It must be really angry, the army under the platform is shouting the scorpion, not enough to kill.

Chu Yunsheng completed the task and continued to go back to drink his water. The remaining face was left to Hull to reveal it, and the endgame had to rely on it to clean up. At this point, it had no way out.

In the pleading of the guards, the angry seven princess finally took back the Zijinli sword, and looked at Chu Yunsheng with a cold hate. She rolled up the fiery red robes, and when she got off the bus, she said indifferently. Board the rut.

Hull looked at her, his eyes complicated: "Seven Kings."

The seven princess turned her head and looked at the gloomy sky. The tone was indifferent: "Four Kings, do you think that it is for you?"

Ten years ago, I was only seven years old. When the big princess died of illness, I cried for three days and three nights before her bed. I vowed to find out the real murderer. She took my hand and said that she recognized it. You can't worry about your brother.

In those years, I dare not leave you, sleep in bed, eat at the same table, or else, you can't live now. You may remember it early. Even so, you still fell into the water seven times when you went to the temple, poisoned eleven times, and was trapped six times by fire..."

"I'm sorry." Hull moved slightly, especially when he heard that the seven princess called it "fourteen kings" in a cold tone, and there was a bit of pain in the depths of his eyes, but it finally looked up and barely smiled: "Some It’s always a matter of knowing whether it’s right or not.”

The seven princesses did not return to the gorgeous cloud cover, and there was a sorrowful saying: "I will complete the only wish of the princess before his death, and bury your body next to her."

The bright and colorful clouds cover the sounds of three snow-white flying beasts with long wings. Like a fire meteor, they cross the head of a thousand horses and go through the sky and disappear into the sky.

The light breeze from the Doron River gorge blew the long hair of Huer's drifting, and two lines of tears flowed out of the corner of the eye. In the wind, it slowly put on the helmet, pressed down and hid the flying tip, pulled out the waist. The epee between the mountains, toward the south, to the place where the seven princesses disappeared, the cold road:

"set off!"


The mountains and mountains gradually fell behind, and the other larger desert gradually appeared at the edge of the line of sight.

Chu Yunsheng sat in the battle and looked at the front with a telescope. When he turned around and looked for the trail of the Duolun River, he found that the foothills far behind him were too straight and steep, even on the edge, like The splashing water is solidified between the heavens and the earth.

Hull, who was reloaded, said:

"It is said that in the era of the gods, the second **** Asus was carrying the gods and negotiating with the devil. After the gods learned it, they were so angry that they found the Frosusa that it hid, and took a knife from the sky, and the underground melted splash. Out, squatting on the sky, Asus thought that he must die. Before dying, he sorrowfully uttered the most vicious curse in the world, but did not expect the bait, Asus’s sister blocked the knife for it, and the body was broken. Falling to the earth, Asus's curse unfortunately fell on the bait. Her broken body turned into two deserts, and her soul after her death was also endured by torture. Sorrowful, looking at the sky desperate to commit suicide, trying to use his body after death to turn into a grassland, connecting the two deserts together, and saving the bait from the curse of hell, this is the origin of Frosius."

Chu Yunsheng’s heart jumped inexplicably. Hu Er described this scene, removing the mythological factors. He seems to have seen it there. The red cloud of the Seven Princesses is like a nightmare.


Don't be fooled by the chapter name, this is a sad story, hehe.

^(To be continued. Mobile users please read.)

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