Dark Blood Age

Chapter 869: Only God knows


The dark fire of the dragon flew through the sky, and the shrill scream of Yeye was like the smug after hunting. It was probably full, playing tricks on the crawling "biological" on the ground, and not eager to attack and kill.

It has a different shape. Unlike the pterosaur's wing membranes, which are connected to the limbs, they are separated, strong and strong, and can easily tear the prey, and have a long tail rarely seen by pterosaurs, like a The sharp fire cone, the knights who died under its tail vertebra are numerous.

Chu Yunsheng right hand pulls the bowstring, the left index finger presses the arrow tip, and the eye moves along the arrow with the fire dragon.

On both sides of his side, there were ten sharp arrows suspended in silence. He was only prepared to use one or two, and the other was to prevent accidents.

The knights passing by in a hurry gasped silently at Chu Yunsheng, and their eyes were complicated. Some people hoped that Chu Yunsheng would shoot the devil in the air, but some people hoped that it should not be done by the earth.

They still have big priests after all.


The fire dragon did not find the arrow that Chu Yunsheng lit up. It was too proud to despise all the poor crawling creatures on the ground.

It is the overlord of the air. Under its plundering, these crawling creatures have no second possibility except to run away.

Chu Yunsheng pulled the bowstring to the maximum, and the upper layer of the ternary fire was gathered around the arrow and burned like a beautiful long snake.

One second, two seconds... The energy level climbed rapidly, constantly rushing to the minimum threshold required for Xiaoyun.

The fire dragon finally felt a trace of uneasiness. It looked like a fist-like eye and quickly searched the ground. It seemed to be angry, as if it was a shame for the humble creeping creature to dare to offend it.

The fluctuation of the vitality is getting stronger and stronger, and the fire dragon seems to be able to sense the general. The rotating eyeball suddenly stared at a black spot on the ground, then screamed with a high scream.

Chu Yunsheng did not move, locked it straight into the figure, the aurora on the bowstring shines, the level can be broken, the bowstring is released, and the burning arrow snake is shot like an anger.

An arrow whistling clouds!

Many years ago, he was able to shoot through the five-family aircraft with the arrow of Xiaoyun, and now he is more skilled.

His archery is above the sword. crack shot!

In the dragon's pupil, there is a burning arrow that seems to be breaking through the sky, and it is getting closer and bigger.

It opened its fierce mouth and wanted to spurt a ray of flames to stop the magical and magnificent snake. But it forgot the speed of calculation!

The whistling of Xiaoyun’s arrow broke the eardrum of everyone. Leave the next moment of the bowstring. It broke through the sound barrier, and the ears of American soldiers who were slightly closer together shook the blood.


The fire dragon's flame has not yet squirted his mouth, and the whistling arrow will pass through it. In the sky, a burst of brilliant fireworks bursts, and it swoops over a dozen faces.

A blood hole. It appears on its forehead.

But it did not die, fluttering the wing membrane, screaming, screaming everywhere. Like a knocked fireworks.

These beasts were so powerful that, in the expectation of Chu Yunsheng, they reached for the second arrow.

The fire dragon on the sky was completely irritated, lost his senses, and looked at Chu Yunsheng on the ground in a vicious manner. After the volley fell over and over, and gradually stabilized, he immediately put away the wing membrane and wrapped the body into a sharp arrow at the maximum speed. Rush to the ground.

The second bow of Chu Yunsheng was already on the string, and the sword was also pulled out by him and inserted aside.

These fire dragons are indeed very powerful, and Xiaoyun Arrow can't shoot it, but he must kill this fire dragon today.

Pulling the bowstring and rushing to climb the energy level, with the breakthrough, the tumbling momentum has not subsided, and it takes only a short period of time to return to the required energy level. If it is not enough, it can even shoot.

As the fire dragon got closer and closer to the ground, the surrounding knights hurriedly dispersed, but Chu Yunsheng still stood still, leaving the fire dragon seemingly angry.

Years of experience in killing made Chu Yunsheng intuitively think that before the fire dragon hit him, he might have to shoot a second arrow and it might take a little time. He wanted to move the horse to move, but he immediately changed his mind.

Under the control of the idea, around his body, a huge inflamed tyrannosaurus suddenly emerged, and as soon as he appeared, he spurted a long flame toward the fire dragon.

This is just a scene with a virtual appearance, the lethality is equal to zero, but the fire dragon's obvious meal suddenly slams the wing membrane, as if to evade.

At this time, the second arrow of Xiaoyun, from the flaming tyrannical dragon mouth, took the air out of the flames of the illusory.

The flames dissipated, and the whistling arrows gathered the flames of the Tyrannosaurus retracting the arrow and breaking the clouds.

This arrow, the fire dragon could not escape, and slammed into the head.


The tyrannical fire vented in the air, blowing the flags on the ground, and when people looked back, they saw the incomparable fire dragon tumbling into the sand, fluttering the wing membrane, and screaming.

The harsh screams, like a reminder, caused the other pterosaurs in the air to slam, and collectively flew to the sky, looking at the ground in amazement.

Chu Yunsheng's body fire is almost exhausted, and the last point of strength, driving the horse to fly past, cut the head of the dying dragon.

Most of the army that was passing by were civilians recruited from Frosius, and the first time they saw this scene, they were shocked and silent.

When Chu Yunsheng cut down the head of the dragon, the squad gradually whispered:

"Is it actually killing the devil?"

"I heard that it is a deformed person?"

"Well, it is said to be the walking of a different god."

"It's terrible, stay away from it."


After the blood riders rested, they came up and wanted to drag the body of the dragon. This is a symbol.

"Don't mess!"

Chu Yunsheng held the handle and said: "Let the doctor come, pump my blood to the injured brother, and don't mess with other people."

"Wang, what is it...?" Shauna was shocked and alert, staying the same, but carefully sneaked out.

Chu Yunsheng once again said: "Don’t look at it, what to do."

And his gaze has been quietly looking at one direction.

At the edge of the oasis jungle, they rushed out of the artificially opened passages. Vaguely standing a dinosaur shaped like an Athlon, about two meters long, with green feathers, but no flying wings.

Chu Yunsheng is not an expert in dinosaurs. He can't name it, but this dinosaur gives him the same feeling as all dinosaurs, even unlike the fire dragon that died under his feet.

Because, it stood there all the time, watching silently, watching like a person.

This feeling is creepy. It is just a dinosaur, but it is silently watching with yourself!

After a while, Chu Yunsheng was shocked to find that it suddenly lowered his head and used a flexible forefoot like a sickle. From the ground, pick up a weapon left by a mainland Chinese knight and look at a small meeting. Look at yourself again. Slowly hide into the jungle.

Its movements are smooth and coordinated.

A wise dinosaur?

Chu Yunsheng’s heart suddenly thought of absurdity.

how can that be possible?

He shook his head again, it should happen that, so far, the original intelligent life on the earth should be only human.

The **** doctors quickly rushed over with tired bodies, and they were actually one of the blood riding members in order to gain stronger evolutionary abilities. Many people have a medical degree in a long life.

Looking at Chu Yunsheng in awe, he took out the needle that was carried, and after the request, he took blood from Chu Yunsheng's arm.

"I am going to Hull. You can save people as soon as possible. In addition, Shauna, you go to look for Bauer. I didn't see him just now. I don't know if he is still alive? Let him help me find some of the US soldiers." People who know dinosaurs."

Chu Yunsheng retracted his arm and quickly explained it.

If you want to find someone who knows a lot about dinosaurs among 10,000 Chinese people, it may be difficult, but if you find one among the Americans, the chances are great. When these soldiers are studying, there are all kinds of wonderful hobbies. It is rarely blocked.

When I saw Hull, it was unraveling the armor to treat the wound. Under the claws of the Athlon, the armor of the mainland was still fragile.

Chu Yunsheng did not talk nonsense, and said: "The prince Hull, things are beyond my expectations, I want to know all the information about your devil legend."

Hull’s deep-eyed look at Chu Yunsheng, said: “Do you want to know the look of the legendary devil?”

Chu Yun rose a little and looked at it seriously.

Hull waved his hand to open the medical officer who treated it. He meditated and said: "I can't tell you too much. Regarding the devil's record, the ancient texts preserved in the court are very poor, and I am just a prince, not all books. I can see, but there is a book of gods in the temple. Except for the big gods, it is said that only the seven kings have seen it. It records many battles between the gods and the devil. The specific appearance of the devil is also recorded in the secret hall of the temple. All I know is the scales that I got from the Seven Kings."

Chu Yun raised his brow and said: "It’s the princess... forget it, wait until we hit Sun City!"

Huer heard a bitter smile and looked at the defeated soldiers in one place.

Chu Yunsheng raised his gaze silently and looked at the rest of the army. He said: "When I came, I looked at it roughly, and it was about half of the damage. Today, this thing must be embarrassing, so I came to ask you. The tornado is different from the drifting sand whirlpool and the ordinary natural phenomenon. The energy disturbance is extremely fierce. It is death when it enters, but it appears when we are close to the oasis, but obviously it is not just for us. The person who can survive half is already good. This army is temporarily pieced together, and the rest of the people have experienced life and death, and the overall combat effectiveness will not be worse than before."

Among the three armed forces, the most devastating loss was the temporary recruitment of civilians. Many people were scared, and their legs could not move softly. They watched as they were torn into pieces by carnivorous dinosaurs.

Huer nodded and sighed: "There is no desert, half dead first. A thousand years ago, when the emperor of the King of the Kings levied the Kakar Empire, he was so defeated."

Chu Yunsheng does not know what to say. At this time, it can also use its ancestors' deeds to inspire itself. It is really a strong man who has repeatedly defeated and defeated.

Seeing that Chu Yunsheng did not speak, Huer suddenly looked up: "I just heard that you shot the demon in the sky?"

Chu Yunsheng nodded: "The animal must die, otherwise you will not be able to control your people. My people will no longer have the courage to fight these animals."

"There should be a big priest's sake..." Hull suddenly flashed a trace of surprise: "Do you really want to fight the devil? That is the war that the gods can save!"

Chu Yunsheng said faintly: "I am just worried, and if those dinosaurs are what you call the devil. Although they are really tyrannical, your gods are still too worthless."

Hull silently, and seems to realize that there is something wrong with it. After all, the legend is often a thousand miles away from the truth.

At this time, Shauna rushed with a young American soldier about twenty years old.

When he was a horse, Shauna said: "Adult, Bauer was seriously injured and could not come. This is the first-class soldier Jofilist, who was recommended by Colonel Spur."

Chu Yunsheng looked at Jofilist and saw him with injuries. But the eyes are full of excitement. This kind of excitement is not because of seeing myself, but more like the satisfaction of the realization of many years of wishes.

"Do you really understand the type of dinosaur?" Chu Yunsheng saw that he was not very old, and some doubts were in his impression. No matter what expert, it has to be white. The kind that carries a series of titles.

Josephine started to squat. The cheeks are red: "Adult, I like dinosaurs since I was a child. The dinosaur model I collected at home can be filled with a room. Right, when I was in high school, I participated in an activity. I dug a lightning beast in Australia, I secretly sneaked Keep one of its teeth, you see this."

Said, he pulled a huge sharp tooth from his neck. Lift up and show to Chu Yunsheng and Shauna.

Chu Yunsheng nodded and said: "That line, it's you, I will paint you a dinosaur look, you can see if you can name it and tell me its characteristics."

"Adult, please wait." Joffey turned to Shauna: "Captain Shauna, I said that adults will look at me and say good bread?"

When Chu Yun rose to a black line, he thought that he was always excited because the strong interest in dinosaurs was seen by his own eyes. Who wanted to be because Shauna promised to give him a piece of bread!

Shorta took out a piece of bread with butter from the bag. It was a special offer for blood riding. Joffie was taken in the hands like a baby, carefully wrapped in a cloth and received in his military bag. Then looked up and watched Chu Yunsheng: "Adult, you say, but if I can't recognize it, you can't go back this piece of bread."

Chu Yunsheng felt that he had encountered a liar, but with the idea of ​​trying it out, he painted the shape of the dinosaur that he looked at with the slashing scabbard on the sand. He said: "The front foot looks like a sickle. I don't paint it, it has feathers, dark green, but no wing membrane, the mouth is like this..."

Jofilist stared at the dinosaur figure in the sand, touched his chin, pinched his mouth, and suddenly said: "Adult, does it look like an a Aaron? I know, this is a dragon, or It is the fangs of the tooth that has gone a little further. In the East China, a complete fossil was discovered. They are called the most intelligent dinosaurs. Some people even think that they can evolve into dinosaurs!"

Chu Yunsheng sinks in his heart and locks his brow: "Dinosaurs? How is it possible?"

Josephine looked intently: "Why is it impossible? They have lived on the earth for more than 160 million years. If it is not extinct, can anyone block one of them to evolve wisdom? They are in the end It’s already a warm-blooded animal! If it’s not that they are gone, maybe we won’t have humans!”

Chu Yunsheng subconsciously said: "How are they extinct?"

Joffie stunned and spread his hands, but he said: "You really asked me, this question has never been understood. Who knows? Maybe God doesn't like them, tired of them, only God. Just known."

Chu Yunsheng brows a jump: "God?"

He remembered the fist that destroyed the earth! And, the tyrannosaurus horrified to escape the eyes.

What happened sixty-four million years ago? It seems that the sixth order of the bones has also been mentioned once.

Chu Yunsheng stood up and looked at the sky in the distance. If anyone could know what happened at that time, probably only the cleanest and most primitive humans of the First Age, even before, not their later participation. There are too many "cottage products" such as the dwarf blood family.

"Wait, why should I use the word "clean"?"

^(To be continued...)

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