Dark Blood Age

Chapter 877: Checking female bodies under the moon


In a jungle in the north.

"what did you say?"

Chu Yunsheng came from the torment of the itching torture, and the sweat on his forehead continued to look at the people in front of him, surprised.

Before dark, they all flew all the way, and finally came to a deep mountain forest without a mark on the map. Although the blood riders were injured, some were even seriously injured, but they will become the fastest and the fastest. Chu Yunsheng of the "Zombie Man" bundled up, found a half syringe and pushed the red liquid into it.

Just coming over, I heard that Shauna’s cousin, Git, was uncomfortably bringing a weird message.

Git is a big fate. Unlike other blood horses who lived fiercely. He can survive. It is almost a miracle. When he first charged, he was washed away. When he was awake, he found himself buried in a pile of Hull. In the dead bodies of the soldiers, there was already a battle in the chaos. Chu Yunsheng was returning to the rush. Wang Ting’s army had already shifted the main energy to a place far away from it. He had been squatting in the nest and did not dare to move until Chu Yun Li took control of the dead line, erected Wang Qi, he ran out, and by the way also saved a few dead and dying comrades.

Afterwards, I learned that the remaining seventeen blood riders, including Shauna, and three others, saved a total of five sneaking!

Although one of them later died of a zero-dimensional burst, four still survived.

Although he did not make up the military merits, compared with the heroic performance of other blood horses, it was not enough glory, but it did indeed make a great contribution to the rescue, especially Shauna, almost he turned out from the body, and then When you bury it for a while, you will lose your breath.

After going north, Shauna basically couldn't talk. His injury was very heavy, and half of his body was almost cut off. The task of completing Chu Yunsheng’s account was on him.

The first time I was in close contact with Chu Yunsheng, he was still very nervous. He just swayed three or four needles and slammed the place. Fortunately, Chu Yunsheng was unaware, and he was considered to be confusing.

As the lightest person in the 17-year-old blood ride, Git became the "duty soldier" of all people, healing, feeding, going up and down, etc., busy, and of course the most important. It is to ensure the safety of Chu Yunsheng when he can't act.

"Wang, really, I have felt this way more than once. I was there just now, would you like to see it?"

It is a little different from other blood rides. Git is active and people are flexible. Although it is an uncompromising blood group. I especially like Harry Potter, which ordinary humans like, and occasionally love to watch vampire movies. There are some strange ideas in my head. Once I was excited, my head wrote a letter and I didn’t know the real one. The blood family, because he did not receive any attention and reply. Indignant, he sneaked into the director's house. In the middle of the night, he stood on the bed and showed two smirking fangs. He just scared the white beard director holding the beauty on the bed into the heart hospital. Afterwards, he was caught by Shauna. A meal.

But now the companions are dead and injured. The casualties are heavy. Even if he is, he can't afford the spirit. His mood is extremely low. If it is not something weird, he won't say it. Before, everyone was silent.

Chu Yunsheng nodded in a dignified position, tried to stand up under the help of Gite, and moved his hands and feet. The nerve touch has been largely restored. The rest of the area is being rebuilt. When he was just injecting, he still had illusions. The whole body is not aware, it should not be as irritating as it was last time. It was indeed the case at the beginning, but then, the nerves gradually became tough, and after a little recovery, the pain was even better than the first time. In the length of the total time, because the first half lost consciousness, he has reduced a lot, otherwise he really does not know if he can get through.

I came to the jungle pointed by Jitter. There was a mound of soil. The **** horses that were killed were buried here. Each pit was personally planed by Git. The other blood horses did not have that strength. This weather met again. Rain, if you don't bury it, you will stink.

"It's here, Wang, you wait, now it seems that I haven't come out." Git walked to a place in the soil of Susong, where there were several footprints. He would stand here for a while, and then there again. After standing for a while, I whispered strangely in my mouth:

"It should be here, obviously, just now, why not?"

Chu Yun raised his brow and asked: "Whose graves are there in the row next to you?"

Git followed from left to right and said: "This is Lao Lai, this is Evan's, this is Xiao Billy..." At the last one, he sank and said: "This, this is Sister Butney."

Chu Yunsheng nodded in a heavy mood, and suddenly there was another movement in his heart: "Come here, come over, don't stand there, yes, like me, turn your back, don't look back!"

Git's look moved and suddenly realized: "Yes, yes, yes! That's it. I was just ready to go, then, when I turned back, I was gone!"

"Don't talk." Chu Yunsheng immediately said.

Immediately, the two held their breath and looked back at the graves of the solitude, and quietly sat down.

Quietly around, in addition to the sound of the wind blowing the woods, there is no other sound, the moonlight darkly falls from the jungle treetops on the ground, reflecting a strange branch, shaking the gloomy, like connecting the underworld The intersection.

At this time, as if there was a gust of wind blowing, cool and cool, Git couldn't help but scream, and couldn't help but want to look back, but seeing Chu Yunsheng calmly sinking his face, thinking about it or not.

Time passed quietly, I don't know how long it took, and the Gite who was busy for a day was sleepy, screaming and falling asleep.

Suddenly, Chu Yun rose to him, and he immediately woke up, just about to talk, seeing Chu Yunsheng gave him a banned look, he immediately stopped his mouth.

But he immediately looked at Chu Yunsheng with amazement and said with a very small mouth: "There has appeared, and it has appeared again!"

"Don't look back!" Chu Yunsheng saw him subconscious and wanted to go back and see, immediately.

"I feel that it is watching us, seems to have something to say to us?" Gite nervously snorted, although it is a blood family, but he really threw the **** face: "Wang, you said, it is a ghost ?"

Chu Yunsheng ignored him and frowned and asked: "Do you feel it too?"

Kyrgyzstan’s head is nervous: “Yes. There are three or four times before and after, and the time interval is getting longer and longer, but every time I look back, I can’t see anything, but I obviously feel it is behind you, looking at you, Staring at you, making you creepy, Wang, won't it really be a ghost?"

"What a ghost!" Chu Yun stood up and screamed. Road: "Fast, immediately dig them out!"

Gite understood it vaguely, but still horrified: "Wang, who, dig. Who is it?"

"Can anyone still? Lao Lai, Xiao Billy. Boudney... all dug out! Fast!"

Chu Yunsheng has turned around. Dig the grave quickly!

After a while, there is nothing, nothing can be seen!

This strange feeling when he left the battlefield, Chu Yunsheng felt once, when a shadow appeared vaguely behind their team. It was like a woman who was covered in blood, but he suddenly turned back and saw everything. He thought it was his own illusion. After all, at that time, the body gradually became numb, and the nerve organs were in disorder. It is normal to provide the brain with errors or repeated historical memory information.

But now that Git feels it, it can't be an illusion!

Although it is impossible to be a ghost, Git is not wrong at all. The shadow of a woman who is covered in blood is indeed like what she wants to say in the gloomy feeling behind her, but when she turns back, it disappears.

Moreover, every time is the same, indicating that this is a feeling of repetition, should not be "living", it should be the static afterimage left in the moment before death.

In addition, according to Git's description, combined with Chu Yunsheng's own feelings, the time interval between its appearance is gradually lengthening, and the time of existence is getting shorter and shorter, which means that it is slowly disappearing, and finally It may not appear again!

A thought appeared in Chu Yunsheng’s mind, and people buried in the pit may have others still alive!

No matter who you are, you must do everything you can to save it!

The body was quickly dug up by two people, and the men and women were separated and set aside.

Looking at this horrible corpse, Chu Yunsheng felt that I was sorry for them, not to mention the coffin, even a broken mat, he did not have it at the moment, only to wear them in a broken blood coat, or to take off other living blood races. The clothes were put together, and this barely covered the scarred body and buried it.

However, compared with those who can't find the people who can't go back to the capital, they are counted as safe, and only the death is not reported. This requires Chu Yunsheng and the rest of the blood riders to complete.

"Check women first!"

Chu Yunsheng said to Git, leaning down and checking a female body, starting with Butni.

Git watched Chu Yunsheng inspecting the female corpse in the dark moonlight, and the more horrible the horror, the paler face, the slightly swollen leg, swallowing, and stuttering: "Wang, I am going to take Pascal back, he is good to stay. It’s a doctor.”

"Well, then go on, let him bring all the medical drugs we have."

Chu Yun raised his wrinkles.

This Gite, a **** family, usually only scares ordinary people, but he has never seen him like this. When he is fighting, he is not very timid, he will be afraid of ghosts. Moreover, these dead bodies are his Companions of comrades-in-arms, is it that the ghosts of the more close people are more scary?

It can only be said that people are different. Some people are so daring that they can kill people without blinking, but they can’t be scared when they see cockroaches or caterpillars.

When Gitton was suddenly stunned, he ran out of the grave forest.

Chu Yunsheng carefully examined the female body. His ambulance knowledge was pitiful. It was nothing more than pulse and heartbeat. Even the pupil dilation could not be seen exactly. However, he could feel the energy in the female body, as long as there was energy fluctuation, The instructions are still alive.

As a result, he was very disappointed and confused. From the beginning to the end, especially Boutney, he carefully examined it several times, and found no trace of vitality. The body was cold, the heartbeat was completely gone, and the energy was dead.

Then, he had to start checking the male body again, hoping to find something. At this time, Git came back with Pascal. Chu Yunsheng simply explained and explained, and Pascal, who had broken his legs, looked serious and immediately. Pull out a few pieces of small equipment left, including a small medical flashlight, to re-examine the female body.


Chu Yunsheng was opening a small Billy swelled and smelly eyelid, and he heard Pascal on the other side making a doubtful voice.


Is the name of this chapter a bit scary? Preparing for the three more today, this is the first, and the second is the second. Everyone must vote. There will be three more nights and nights tonight. Although the headache was severe last night, I have prepared the new medicine.

^(To be continued...)

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