Dark Demon Warlock

Chapter 297: copy

  Chapter 297 Copy

   This is like a new map. Everyone is a pioneer and unfamiliar with everything, but you already know the monster information, which is outrageous!

   There is no possibility of "internal testing" or "data leakage". In Donna Morton's view, the only possibility is that they got far more information than themselves and others when they came.

   "What information do you have, we will buy it!" Donna Morton did not force them to share, but offered to pay for it.

  This team was initially assembled temporarily, but after experiencing Mossier and what happened just now, it has gradually emerged as a cohesive force.

  Donna Morton naturally didn't want to spoil this hard-won atmosphere.

  Although many people support the sharing of Yate, but once she adopts it, the cohesion of the team that has been so hard to come by will immediately fall apart.

   Spend money to buy, but also set rules.

   "The information we have obtained is similar to yours, even if it is more, it will be limited." Art knew what she wanted, but it was identified by his ability to identify scrolls and panels, so there was no way to give it.

  Donna Morton looked at Shaohui.

  Shao Hui is a member of Terra Church, so she should be easier to speak and consider the overall situation.

   "He didn't lie to you." Shao Hui nodded.

   After hearing this, Donna Morton looked at Art again and asked, "Then how do you know these things?"

  Yate was a little speechless, she didn't believe what she said, but she believed it when Shaohui spoke, so the difference in treatment should not be too obvious!

  The problem is, I didn't do anything!

  Although I do not agree to form a team, it is a normal choice problem. There is no deceit, cheating, etc. Why did it become like this?

   "I'm just curious, you don't need to answer." Donna Morton added immediately.

   Played a tricky game, first tested his attitude, and saw that he didn't answer right away, so he said it's okay not to answer.

   "Guessed." Art pointed to his head.

  Donna Morton suspected that he was satirizing herself and others.

   Dylan Felton next to him also twitched his eyes.

  However, if Shaohui didn't lie, then he might have deduced it by himself, that is to say, this guy is really smart!

  In this unknown and dangerous environment, it is not a good thing for an overly smart person to appear.

   "Why are they copying this?" Art asked, glancing at the crowd who were trying to copy the rituals on the stone wall.

  The second stone chrysalis has been fixed, and it is also a failure.

  Before opening the stone gate, do some repairs first.

   A group of people were busy copying and recording the rituals on the stone wall.

  Although Mossonil was restrained by the power of the Church of Dawn, everyone has a deep understanding of its strength, and has long been thinking about this ceremony.

  Before I was afraid of being known by others, so I took action when I saw that I ran out of time.

   Then I found out, yo, everyone thought of it together!

  Yat naturally knows, but can they really find the real rituals from these complicated carvings?

  In addition, without the raw materials and recipes, what is the use of getting the complete ritual?

   The rituals are only auxiliary, and the raw materials in the stone chrysalis are the core!

  Donna Morton and Dylan Felton are not copied, but Beverly and Dylan Felton's partner is in the ranks of copies.

   "Take it back as a reference, and many things are researched in this way." Donna Morton explained.

  Yate suddenly realized.

   Actually forgot this!

  This is the same as humans discovering the remains of aliens and learning technology from them. Professionals can also learn mysterious knowledge from the remains of these vanished civilizations!

   No wonder April Joel and Noah Godwin are so passionate about relics!

   "Shall I lend you a copy after I go out?" Donna Morton offered to express her kindness.

   Sure enough, strength determines treatment.

   "No, I don't need it." Art declined with a wave of his hand.

  Although this ritual is matched with the materials in the stone pupae, it requires the energy of life forms. The best raw materials are naturally extraordinary creatures.

  Professionals can also be regarded as a type of extraordinary creature!

  He didn't want countless professionals to become "fertilizer" because of his own reasons.

   "Yes." Donna Morton nodded, not surprised by his choice.

  Already realized that I misunderstood his smile at that time, it was not "smiling", but seeing through my little trick!

  With his intelligence and mystery, it is not surprising that he can refuse this temptation.

   2 people left.

  Christine Carter came over.

   "Thank you!" Special thanks to Art.

   I have already thanked everyone, and I deliberately left him at the end out of respect.

   At that time, his reminder was very important.

   "No, it's everyone who contributes." No one would be disgusted with people who know how to be grateful, and Yate is no exception, so he deliberately pulled her to chat for a while.

  Yuchan's ability to ward off evil spirits can spread around her body after being activated, forming a small field that just includes her.

   After everyone finished copying, the stone door was finally about to be opened.

  In the depths of a passage, it can only be reached after seven turns and eight turns. It is carved on the stone wall, with a height of more than 4 meters, just flush with the cave roof, and a width of more than 2 meters. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a city gate!

  On the stone gates, a ferocious monster is carved on each.

  The head of the monster, located at a height of 2 meters, is carved into 2 bunk heads, with 2 rusted metal rings hanging on it.

  Shaohui glanced at Yate.

  There is also this structure on the door of his house!

  Yat was also taken aback for a moment.

   Unexpectedly, I could see the shop head in the ruins of a ruined civilization!


   "Look and see if there is a mechanism." Such a high stone gate is obviously not suitable for manual opening and closing.

   There is a high probability that there is a mechanism.

  However, a group of people searched for a while but failed to find the agency.

   Even the top of the head has been searched!

   I have to admit that such a high stone gate is really a manual switch.

   After a brief discussion, Beverly and a member of the Tyra Church stepped forward to open the door.

  A strong man no less tall than Beverly, wearing a yellow cloth suit, the style is very similar to exercise clothes, but it is more self-cultivating and more convenient for actual combat.

  Others on alert.

   Two people came to the front and back of the door, and tried to push it with their hands first.

   Can't push it.

   The two of them twitched their faces.

   Actually opened to them!

  There is no place to start, and it is obviously unrealistic to pull the 2 rings, so I dug 2 holes with weapons.

   Fortunately, the material of the stone gate is hard enough, but not too hard to dig.

  The thickness is a bit exaggerated.

  More than 30cm!

   "Start!" The two matched the rhythm and exerted their strength at the same time.

  The outline of the muscle burst can be seen through the clothes, exuding the beauty of majestic strength.

   "Creak—" Accompanied by the sound of rusty gears turning, the two stone doors slowly opened.

  The vigilance of everyone is raised to the highest level.

  The first thing that gushes out is a wave of air that looks like a tongue of fire.

  The two people who opened the door had their hair curled instantly!

  (end of this chapter)

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