In the main hall, the courtiers trembled. Sure enough, as long as the emperor met the king, he had no principle.

No matter life or death, no matter black or white, as long as the king opens his mouth, he will order people to kill with a knife!

"Tut, Liu mubai, are you borrowing courage from heaven today?" Helian jiuxiao thin lips slightly hook, showing a cold air.

Liu mubai's body was awe inspiring, and he bowed to Helian jiuxiao. With a sincere and honest face, he said, "I dare not return to the king. It's really miss Nangong's business. It's very important. "

"Say it A word is like an ice arrow coming out of its sheath.

"Back to the emperor, his royal highness. From the porridge stains that Miss Nangong had left on her lapels, the three of them examined her pulse and concluded that someone had poisoned Miss Nangong's porridge with seven insects yesterday, and that Miss Nangong had been poisoned for at least six hours. "

"Miss Nangong has only one breath to breathe now. If she needs half a stick of incense, she will die."

"Originally, the poisonous hair should have been poisoned four or five hours in the evening, that is, this morning, but the body fell into the water and the cold entered the body, which led to high fever and promoted the advance of poisonous hair." Liu Mu Bai's sword eyebrows slightly coagulate.

"Seven insect poison?" Emperor Ming's thick eyebrows pick the road slightly.

"Back to the emperor, the seven insect poison is the best one used by Wuchi, a small country in the western regions. Now it appears to miss Nangong. It can be big or small. "

"The kingdom of Wuchi!" The dark eyes of the Ming emperor were full of Yin Ao.

After listening to Liu mubai's words, Nangong Wende put down his heart a little and said, "emperor Mingjian, I'm wronged. Someone must have set up the matter of the divorce."

"This man wanted to frame the prime minister's house, so he made a plan to terminate the contract first, and secretly poisoned the little girl, making the world think that the little girl was afraid of committing suicide, and that the little girl died without proof, which would make Longyan angry and implicate the prime minister's house."

"Emperor, it's a good game of chess to poison the little girl! The emperor is the king of the Ming Dynasty. He will be able to see things clearly. I beg the emperor to save my daughter. " Nangong Wende knocked his head again.

The bright emperor's eyes fell on Nangong yueluo's body, dark and indistinguishable. Then he looked up at Helian jiuxiao lying on the soft couch lazily and wantonly.

Helian jiuxiao didn't respond, but he just closed his eyebrows and eyes, and lay flat and didn't care.

The Ming emperor took back his sight and scanned the hall with his cold eyes. It was the emperor's majesty that finally fell on Nangong Wende. He said in a deep voice: "since the prime minister said that someone had played a big game behind me, how can I make people happy?"

"Liu mubai, can the Nangong moon still be saved?"

"If you go back to the emperor, you can save it. If you have more than half of the incense, you can't save the great Luo immortal." Liu mubai said plainly.

The Ming emperor raised his hand and motioned for Liu mubai to rescue him in full view of the public.

Liu mubai also has no taboo. He opens his medicine box, takes out the life extending pills from it, pries Nangong yueluo's mouth open, puts the pills into his mouth, and the pills melt at the entrance.

Then he took out a silver needle bag, squeezed the silver needle, and grabbed Nangong yueluo's left index finger across the gauze.

In the blink of an eye, half a silver needle pierced into Nangong yueluo's index finger.

The pain made Nangong yueluo almost scream. She cursed in her heart. She thought that Liu mubai's imperial doctor had saved her from the owl king. Then she read his love in her heart and would return it to him in the future.

Damn, now she knows, this guy can't save her, this is to torture her rhythm!

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