Emperor Ming criticized Nangong Wende.

Nangong Wende had to bow his head to listen to the training.

He lianyue is still calm, it seems that he is not the one who has an engagement with Nangong yueluo. He doesn't care if he can't get rid of it.

In the prime minister's palace, when the imperial city's letter of divorce came to the prime minister's palace, the Imperial Army seized Nangong yueluo in the palace. In the backyard, the two mother and daughter were very happy.

However, what makes Su Ruyi smile even more is that doctor Keqing has already diagnosed her as happy today.

Su Ruyi caresses her flat abdomen. The baby is definitely a boy. She seems to see the scene of becoming the prime minister's wife.


Red sleeves, Su's close servant girl, came quickly.

As soon as Su Shi saw Hongxiu, she put away her smile and asked, "is it OK?"

"Don't worry, madam. I've solved it." Red sleeve whispers.

"Well, there's no doubt that the cheap maid will die this time." Su's beautiful eyes broke her hatred. The position of the prime minister's wife should have been her for more than ten years.

"Ma'am, is it really her who posted the divorce letter to divorce the prince?" At the bottom of her heart, she has doubts and worries.

"Oh, she will die, whether it is done by that cheap hoof or not. The royal family will take her! " Su's hook lip laughs a way, the eye ground hates an idea not to reduce.

"The slut insulted my Hibiscus yesterday and hurt her future. It's cheap for her to die like this."

"You've gone to spy for information?" Su Shi asks a way, the eye ground can't wait to want to know the South Temple month falls of dead news.

"Don't worry, madam. I've ordered someone to wait outside the palace. I'll report back to the palace as soon as I have news." Red sleeve side says to knead double shoulder for Su Shi.

"Well, I don't worry about your business." Su nodded with satisfaction.

"How is Furong?"

"The second young lady is still angry. She smashes all the things that can be dropped and smashed in the room. If she doesn't get the news from her wife, Nangong yueluo has been poisoned and will surely die. The second young lady is afraid that she will rush into qingfengyuan with a knife and do her best. "

"You have to make sure that the second young lady doesn't do anything wrong. Now that I'm pregnant with a boy, I'll have a long-term plan when I become the prime minister's wife and want to marry the prince. " Su frowned.

"Don't worry, madam. I'm afraid that the second young lady can't let off steam in her own room." Red sleeve comforts Su Shi.

"Well, I'm very sleepy these days. Help me to sleep."

Tea is about to help Su to bed.

The housekeeper came in a hurry.

"Ma'am... Ma'am... No good..."

Red tea said: "how can housekeeper Ding talk? Madam, it's very good. "

Ding Hai, the housekeeper of the prime minister's house, looked flustered. Because he was running fast, his forehead was covered with beany sweat.

"Madam, the Minister of justice of the Ministry of punishment has been ordered to set up a court in our prime minister's residence to handle cases. It is said that Wu CHIGUO's meticulous work in the mansion designed to frame the young lady, pasted the letter of suspension widely, and poisoned the young lady with an impure purpose. "

"Li Shangshu also said that fortunately, the eldest lady was very lucky. She was saved by the head of Liuyuan, and now she has no worries about her life."

"What did you say? Nangong yueluo, isn't that cheap hoof dead? " Su looked at Ding and said in a high voice.

Su was shocked to hear that Nangong yueluo had not died. Fortunately, Hongxiu pulled Su's sleeve secretly.

Su recalled and said, "steward, is Li Shangshu wrong? How can there be detailed works of Wuchi kingdom in our prime minister's residence? "

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