Nangong moon falls on the old lady's pulse and finds that the most urgent thing is not to let the old lady stare at the two dogwood trees.

Just as Nangong yueluo wanted to lead the old lady away from Qinghui courtyard, a servant came to report.

"Old lady, aunt Jiang passed out in the master's yard."

The old lady turned a deaf ear, still staring at the tree full of bright Cornus, smiling intoxicated.

There was something floating in front of me. Nangong yueluo knew that she couldn't go on like this.

It's a good excuse.

At the moment, she ordered mother Qiu and others to help her grandmother.

"Mother Qiu, help your grandmother to Songtao courtyard."

The old lady didn't know that she had been taken away by force, and her feet were light. She walked much faster than the young people. She was so surprised that mother Qiu's heart thumped, but her face looked as usual.

Today, it's half as fast as usual.

When the old lady and Nangong yueluo arrived at Songtao courtyard, Nangong Mengyao called with Jiang Yuzhen in her arms, still kneeling in Songtao courtyard.

There was no servant girl to carry Jiang Yuzhen into the side room of Songtao courtyard.

The old lady was a little conscious when she arrived at Songtao courtyard. Then she asked with a puzzled face: "Hey, isn't she in her own Qinghui courtyard? How did you get to Songtao courtyard again? "

The old lady didn't know how she came here, but then she caught a glimpse of Nangong Mengyao holding the comatose Jiang Yuzhen and said anxiously: "mother, mother, wake up. Wake up, don't scare Yao'er... "

Nangong moon falls, Ning Mei goes to Nangong Mengyao and Jiang Yuzhen.

Nangong yueluo's face was tense. She witnessed Nangong yueluo's revenge on her father. At the moment, she hugged Jiang Yuzhen with her hands and said, "what do you want to do

Murong fang'er and Nangong Qianyao's mother and daughter also came after hearing the news.

Only Nangong Furong and Su Ruyi's mother and daughter are in their own Chunze courtyard. Su Ruyi hasn't recovered from the fright of he Weiyu's violence last night.

Nangong Furong accompanied her in Chunze hospital.

"Four younger sisters need not be so nervous. I just want to check aunt Jiang's health. " Nangong moon falls slowly.

Nangong Mengyao just wants to shout Nangong yueluo away.

But at this time, the old lady had come to her. She didn't want to see Nangong Mengyao and her daughter.

But now that he had arrived at the Songtao hospital, he looked at the Nangong yueluo and said, "yuewench, your medical skill is praised by sun Guoyi. Please show it to Jiang quickly."

"Yes, grandmother." Nangong moon should be crisp, smiling.

Nangong Mengyao's hands trembled as she hugged Jiang Yuzhen.

"Why does the fourth sister tremble? Have you not done something bad? "

"There are only a thousand days to be a thief, but there is no one to prevent a thief. What's more, aunt Jiang fainted now. I don't know if the situation is serious. There is a kind of disease, cerebral hemorrhage. Once a man falls down, if he is not treated in time, he will go back to Jiuquan. " Nangong moon falls, the sound line is faint.

Nangong Mengyao didn't know about cerebral hemorrhage, but when she heard that she was not treated in time, she went back to Jiutian.

No, she didn't want her mother to die. If she died, she would be lonely.

At present, Nangong Mengyao has to ask Nangong yueluo to check for her mother.

Nangong yueluo squats down, right hand pulse.

As soon as the pretty moon eyebrows are picked, tut Tut, unexpectedly, Jiang Yuzhen is striving for success. It seems that in the future, the wind of the prime minister's mansion will blow to nowhere.

One is the mother of the crown prince's concubine, and the other is Jiang's son who is pregnant with Nangong Wende.

What's more, the Jiang family didn't know what luck they had. They were twins, and both of them were boys.

It's very good.

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