Nangong moon falls in front of the old lady, and how to be careful with Jiang's baby to remind the old lady.

The old lady's eyes were moist. She saw that the granddaughter really thought about the Nangong family. Now the old lady held the hand of Nangong yueluo and said, "Yueya, it used to be grandma who wronged you. Grandma had an invitation

Nangong yueluo was just a look in her eyes. She knew that although her relationship with her grandmother had turned around, the old lady still had one more heart in front of her children.

Nangong moon lifted her eyes, and the clear water washed into the old lady's eyes.

"Grandmother, but it's OK to say that as long as Luo Er can do it, he will do his best."

Before the old lady spoke, Nangong yueluo promised.

The old lady took Nangong yueluo's hand and patted it a few times. She deliberated and said, "Yueya, you know grandmother's biggest wish now is to leave incense for Nangong family. In this way, even if the grandmother died, she would be able to explain to the ancestors. "

"Now that Jiang has two children, her grandmother is both happy and worried. From pregnancy to safe birth, we are cautious everywhere. Yueya, grandma knows that it's a tough task, but you are the only one who can be trusted

"Please also ask yuewenchu to protect the fetus in Jiang's abdomen, your younger brother. Let the old woman die and close her eyes. As long as yuewench can give birth to Jiang's fetus safely, grandma will depend on you for everything and support you for everything. "

The old lady's voice beg, let the south palace month fall the bottom of the heart across a light gloomy.

Although it seems like a request, after all, she is afraid that her dark hand will harm the fetus in Jiang's abdomen.

Nangong yueluo knew this nod, so she accepted a hot potato.

Naturally, they will not harm the fetus in Jiang's abdomen, but it is difficult to ensure that others will not harm the fetus in Jiang's abdomen.

But grandmother is really her weakness. As long as she wants, she will try her best to protect it.

At the moment, Nangong yueluo took the old lady's hand and said solemnly, "grandma, luo'er will do her best to let Jiang's family give birth to a younger brother safely."

Brother two words between lips and teeth flip, eyeground also across a hint of hope.

These two children are the result of her own efforts. Since she brought them, she also hoped that the two children would be new to the prime minister's family and add some affection to her thin family.

The old lady has been carefully observing the face of Nangong yueluo. She is really happy and sincere. At the moment, she is relieved.

A year's consideration, although long, but if the girl really can let her wish, let Nangong family leave incense. Then she will do everything for her.

"Well, I'll pay more attention to the girl in the next month." The old lady nodded frequently, her hands still holding the hand of Nangong yueluo.

"Grandmother, since you trust Luo Er, Luo Er also implores her that in the future, aunt Jiang's food and clothing should all be according to her granddaughter's requirements. Also ask grandmother and trusted people to supervise. Don't give a villain a chance. " The south palace moon falls one face congeals heavy way.

When the old lady listened to her words, she suddenly realized.

This is the heart of his own, the girl should be under this matter, that in Jiang Ping An gave birth to a child before, this girl has been to be wary of villain calculation.

"Yuewench, grandmother's good granddaughter." The old lady thought that she was suspicious of her, and she knew that she was suspicious.

But she was full of answers. The old lady could not help but think of qianyuxue. She was so filial to her. Every morning and evening, please say hello, never a sunset.

That's a wonderful daughter-in-law, too.

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