Imperial City, today's hot news one after another.

Word of mouth!

Wine shop, tea house, three five one table!

On the street, there are shops, in twos and threes.

Everybody talks with relish!

From Nangong yueluo's widely pasted divorce letter to Prince Xiu, to Nangong yueluo's brave story of strengthening the bloodthirsty king.

From the court set up by the Minister of criminal justice in the prime minister's residence to the imprisonment of Su's family, the story of the owl King claiming 100000 gold from the Prime Minister for Nangong yueluo.

One by one, the story is full of emotion and voice, and even the story version is turned over a few, it seems that all of them come to the scene in person.

On Huayang street in Beijing, there are luxurious restaurants, but in the scorching sun, the three gilded characters of "Qiongyao Pavilion" are shining in the sun.

In the elegant room on the third floor, the man in green stood respectfully with doubts in his eyes and said, "Sir, I clearly gave the green hairpin bee venom. How can it become the seven insect venom of Wuchi kingdom?"

It turned out that it was Yao Tong Jingshi who spoke, and the man in blue shirt sitting in front of him was Mr. Wen, the guest doctor of the prime minister's office.

Hidden in the backlight, I can't see his appearance clearly. The prime minister's family only knows his name is Mr. Wen. As for where he came from and what his name is, no one knows.

"If the royal family wants to make the game, it's what they want to say!" The man in blue shirt said with a clear smile.

"Sir, isn't it..." Jingshi just wanted to say. The man in blue shirt gave a look, and he quickly and cautiously shut up.

Jingshi listened carefully. If he heard someone passing by outside the wing room and waiting for someone to pass by, Jingshi said in a voice that two people could hear: "Sir, will that thing really be in the prime minister's residence?"

"Even if it's not in the prime minister's residence, it must have something to do with Nangong Wende. At present, the royal family has taken great pains to make sure that it is most likely in the hands of Nangong Wende. " The man in blue decided.

"What are we going to do now? If things fall into the hands of the Ming Emperor... "The stone surface of the mirror is dark.

He and his husband have been in the prime minister's residence for several months, but they haven't been found yet. Now they have become the pursuers of the Royal Council.

"Let's see! These days, you must be careful, especially the people in the Lord's residence. " Blue shirt man voice light reminds a way.

"Yes, sir." Mirror stone a face respectfully way, the eye ground conceals a silk not to be willing.

"By the way, go and find out who Yufu dark guard is looking for today?" Blue shirt man see jade house second son jade flawless, according to he got the news yesterday, jade flawless make people chase, seriously injured.

You can see that Yu is flawless and looks as usual, which seems to be injured. Today, the secret guards of Yu mansion are frequent. It seems that the person you are looking for is very important to Yu mansion.

"Yes, sir." Mirror stone takes orders to turn down.

Although the jade mansion has been cautious in looking for people, it has also attracted the attention of those who want to. They can't help but wonder who the jade mansion is so eager to find?

And the person that the jade mansion is looking for, after listening to the wall foot of the backyard of the prime minister's mansion at the moment, quietly returns to the breeze courtyard.


After a long day, she was tired and went to sleep. She told the pink butterfly not to disturb her sleep even if she put iron outside, so that she could live outside.

This sleep, sleep directly after dinner, the sky fading, night shrouded, stars, like a thin night gauze in the whole breeze courtyard, showing the night's hazy beauty!

The people in the house just fell asleep. At this time, a gust of night wind passed, and the pink butterfly who had been guarding outside the door fell down.

A shadow flashed into the room and approached the bed. The sleeping man suddenly opened his eyes, turned his hands and pinched a silver needle with his fingertips.

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