"I also ask the prince to make decisions for the women of the people and put them in prison." Nangong yueluo also cried out.

The onlookers, whether injured by the loss of control of the prime minister's carriage yesterday, or onlookers, all glared at Nangong yueluo.

This woman, with her first-class ability of telling lies, said that she was beaten, arrested and smashed by them.

Those families with the wounded will rush to fight against Nangong yueluo.

"Ah... Prince... Help... They're going to kill the people's daughter..." the shrill cry of Nangong moon

The injured family members who rushed up didn't rush up at all, and no one dares to hit her with something, but among them, there are still stones and vegetable leaves in their hands.

"Prince, you see, you see... They want to kill minnv... Wuwuwuwu... Minnv is still afraid..."

Shangguantuo looks at the moon setting in Nangong with great interest. This woman is absolutely, absolutely.

The ability to open your eyes and tell lies is first-class. She doesn't ignore the people who are angry with her.

After hearing the news, the people gathered around them were puzzled. They looked at the moon setting in Nangong, and then at the people who were crying injustice and grievance, disturbing their heads and asking for an explanation.

In the crowd, someone angrily scolded: "Nangong yueluo, you wicked girl, you don't pretend to be Chunliang here. It's just that you hurt people yesterday, and today you want to kill us unreasonably."

"Prince, you don't believe us. You always see with your own eyes that this evil girl is going to kill Lord Zang."

He lianyue looks at Zang Mingxue.

Zang Mingxue was full of hatred and wanted to avenge his son, but Nangong yueluo's words shocked him.

I'm afraid that Yi'er has made some new friends these days. He often comes back drunk and says something he doesn't understand.

People's eyes fell on Zang Mingxue, and he lianyue's voice sounded like a sweet spring: "Mr. Zang, is Nangong yueluo going to kill you? Mr. Zang doesn't need to worry about it, but it's OK to say that the palace is in charge for you. "

However, Zang Mingxue was immersed in his own thoughts. He recalled that Yi'er always said to make friends with those new friends.

Yesterday, he was

"Lord Zang, what are you doing in a daze? What does the prince ask you?" He Lianye's warm voice reminds Zang Mingxue of his kindness.

He Lianye also wants to scold Nangong yueluo for being shameless, but he is a latecomer.

The prince didn't scold Nangong yueluo directly, so he had to look on and see a trace of murder.

Zang Mingxue heard he Lianye's voice and raised his head. His mind was upset. The more he thought about it, the more shocked he was. Then he looked at Nangong yueluo.

Their eyes met in the air, making eye contact secretly.

Inexplicably, Zang Mingxue understood the hint in Nangong yueluo's eyes, and immediately knelt down and said, "go back to the prince, I beg the prince to make the decision. Yesterday, Nangong's carriage went out of control and killed Weichen's dog. "

"Today, I'm waiting at the gate of the city. I want to ask Miss Nangong for a word. He also asked his Royal Highness the prince to make decisions for Wei Chen. I want miss Nangong to return her life. "

"Just now, I want miss Nangong to return my son's life."

He Lian Yue's Hua Mou light flashed, and his whole body was full of compelling light, which made people unable to look away.

"Miss Nangong, can you confess the crime that Lord Zang accused you of?" He lianyue's sweet voice sounded like a clear spring again.

"No, she didn't hurt anyone." Nangong yueluo denied it.

"Min Nu wants to sue those who hurt me, and Zang, who wants to kill me. I beg the crown prince to make the decision." Nangong moon falls on the road.

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