Don't blame her selfishness. To survive in the turbulent situation above this power, she can only do it step by step.

There is a wolf at home who wants her to die. There is a wolf outside who wants to swallow her tiger and leopard. She just wants to live and live well

"Please, save the dog..." Zang Ming said and kowtowed to Nangong yueluo.

"Well, I'll save him now." Nangong yueluo nodded softly.

Then, Nangong yueluo kneels on the ground with her feet and her cheeks drooping.

The action of Nangong yueluo kneeling makes everyone's heart beat.

Then, Nangong yueluo's hands overlapped and pressed on Zang Xinyi's heart, and the pressing frequency was quite fast.

In the eyes of the four doctors, they were suspicious. Nangong yueluo was pressing and teaching.

The four doctors nearby listened carefully and kept in mind what Nangong yueluo had taught today.

For the first time, I heard about CPR.

He lianyue covers his beaten face and looks at Nangong yueluo's exquisite medical skills. He has no reason to palpitate fiercely again. It seems that being beaten doesn't make him so angry.

On the contrary, she felt that there was a fog around her, and she wanted to explore and understand her.

Where on earth did she learn this superb medical skill?

Why didn't he receive any news that she was good at medicine?

He lianyue's eyes have been tightly falling on Nangong yueluo. However, when Nangong yueluo attached herself and stuck her lips on Zang Xinyi's lips, her eyes were furious and even had the impulse to kill.

The four doctors were staring at the moon falling in Nangong.

Everyone in the room was shocked

"Respiratory therapy?"

At the moment, in their minds, there is the impact of the traditional idea that men and women are not compatible.

In order to save people's lives, a lady in Nangong yueluo's boudoir went out of her way to save people.

Shangguantuo is also shocked that Nangong yueluo can save people's lives.

Rao Shi Zang Mingxue also looks shocked, just like a stone carving watching the moon fall in Nangong.

A picture flashed in his mind. After that, the owl Wang Ruo Zhi could spare his son.

Immediately Zang Ming Xue sat down on the ground.

When Nangong yueluo looked up at the four doctors, he said angrily, "what are you doing? Double therapy? Come here and press the heart

Standing there, the four of them felt a shock. Chai Xiangyang, who is nearest to Nangong yueluo, immediately squatted down. He folded his hands and pressed his heart quickly as Nangong yueluo had just taught him.

Nangong yueluo still does mouth to mouth artificial respiration for Zang Xinyi.

All the people present were stunned.

Then, Nangong yueluo made a demonstration and looked up again.

"Silly? Come here and take over. " Nangong moon roared in the past.

I don't know how, although shocked, but by her this roar, unexpectedly obediently forward.

The doctor next to Nangong yueluo came forward, kneeling on the ground like Nangong yueluo, his heart beating.

Mouth to mouth, my mind is full of that picture.

Two men?

Mouth to mouth?

"What are you doing? Raise your head and jaw, and open the patient's airway first. Close the patient's nostrils with thumb and index finger, take a deep breath, and open the mouth close to the patient's mouth. "

"No, cover the patient's mouth completely!" The moon falls in the south palace and is corrected immediately.

"Again, take a deep breath and remember to cover his mouth. Blow hard into his mouth. Blow fast and deep. Until his chest collapses down, air flows out of his nose. "

Nangong moon falling said, but also with fingers.

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