He is eccentric and can't get close to women. Except for the queen who brought him up, as long as there is a woman close to her, she will die.

He'll be violent and murderous.

But this woman is a special case, yesterday she touched him, ten fingers linked, strange feeling in the heart, lips also seems to have a soft feeling, with her light fragrance.

He didn't hate the feeling and even liked it.

When I relive this feeling for the second time, I feel inexplicable joy.

The month falls to want to cry violently, get up quickly.

Helian jiuxiao looked at the people who were shy and angry. He had never seen a woman's face so wonderful. He thought it was very good-looking.

There was a strange feeling in his heart, and he couldn't help tickling his lips and joking: "why, smell it clearly? Do you need to smell it again? "

"Cough..." Nangong moon coughed a few times.

"No, no, it's clear."

"Feel the pulse?" Helian jiuxiao actively lifted up the cloud sleeve and showed her white hand.

Originally was to explore the pulse, but in front of this man to invite, how she has a kind of big wolf to eat little red riding hood feeling.

"Don't pry!" Nangong yueluo is busy.

Then Nangong yueluo took out a small bottle from the medical space and said, "although this medicine can't solve the strange poison on you, it can delay the attack of your strange poison. One pill a day. This bottle is for one month

He Lian jiuxiao catches the medicine that the moon throws to him. His eyes are deep and dark. He looks at the delicate bottle in his hand. He has never seen the material of the bottle.

The cold air in the cold jade like eyes is heavy again. He doesn't know how to open it?

Nangong yueluo seems to see the embarrassment of Helian jiuxiao and makes a twist.

Helian jiuxiao raised his hand and twisted it again. It seemed that something was broken, and then the bottle was unscrewed.

However, the pill in the bottle is about the size of a grain of rice. It is golden and transparent. Take out one pill and throw it into your mouth without hesitation. The taste is a little soft and has a light fruit flavor.

If this medicine is like this in the world, there is no one willing to drink bitter soup.

Originally, yueluo wanted to say that you are not afraid that I will poison you.

"Your Highness, use this medicine first. I'll give you the specific treatment plan after careful consideration."


Helian jiuxiao, with soft medicine in his mouth, is reluctant to swallow it like a child eating candy.

A piece of medicine actually contains a stick of incense. Someone hasn't swallowed it yet.

"Well, your highness, it's time for you to go back and have a rest." The south palace moon falls to remind a way.

"Well, it's time to rest." Helian jiuxiao tugged at him and directly covered him with the quilt.

Shit, this man doesn't want to sleep here tonight?

Nangong yueluo reminds a man who occupies a magpie's Nest: "Your Highness, this is my bed!"

"Well!" Helian jiuxiao said softly. He turned over and lay on his back with his eyes closed. If he dares to disturb me, I'll split someone's posture.

Nangong yueluo was so breathless that she wanted to rush up and strangle Helian jiuxiao. She stood on her bed and glared at her incense.

Ear sound, are a man breathing evenly, already asleep.

"Asshole!" Nangong yueluo rushes over, holding Helian jiuxiao's neck with her slim hands. Her face is bulging, and she is very angry.

But when the hand touches the cold skin of Helian jiuxiao, the heart trembles for no reason.

The man is as cold as a millennium ice cellar.

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