Nangong yueluo saw that Sima Chang'an had already answered. She raised her hand and wiped her tears. Her eyes were as bright as a dusty gem.

"My Lord, the people's daughter suspected that someone deliberately made Mr. Zang unconscious, designed to harm him and put the blame on the people's daughter. Adults might as well start with the people who drink with Mr. Zang. "

As soon as Nangong yueluo said this, Zang Mingxue, who was on one side, ran over jingmang and said, "Mr. Sima, the dog almost died. Fortunately, Miss Nangong recovered her life, but she had to stay in bed for the rest of her life. I also ask Mr. Sima to be the master of the dog. "

Sima Chang'an's face was dark, and his eyes were filled with impatience and displeasure. But under pressure, he had to ask, "Mr. Zang, who is your son drinking with today?"

"I don't know about this official. I only know that he has made some new friends and invited him to drink and have fun today." Zang Mingxue was so absorbed in his memory that he did not know those people.

Sima Chang'an looked at Nangong yueluo: "Miss Nangong, now you can't tell who invited Mr. Zang, but Mr. Zang was in a coma. This matter should be carefully investigated by our officials. "

Nangong yueluo knows that today, not to mention that Sima Chang'an can't give her an explanation, even he lianyue can't give her justice.

She forced Sima Chang'an to take the case, but it was only a shock to tell the people behind her that she would never be afraid of them.

"In this way, the people's daughter will wait for the good news from master Sima." Nangong month falls blessing body way, immediately get up.

He ignored all the people present, turned around and left.

He lianyue looks at the shabby clothes. He should be embarrassed and ashamed. He is arrogant and leaves with a proud face.

That gradually disappeared in the door of the back, but also showing pride.

He lianyue can't help but get up and chase after the back.

Shangguantuo's cold and hard face was a little surprised. The prince was really abnormal today.

The mighty body also gets up from the chair and follows helianyue, while helianye leaves Dali temple with other thoughts.

Those who got the benefit of Nangong yueluo also left one after another.

Sima Chang'an looks at the finally quiet Dali temple. He is sitting on his chair like a frustrated ball. He can't manage it or dare to manage it. But if he doesn't follow up and give an account to Nangong Yue, he will make a mess of Dali Temple according to the master's temper.

As soon as Sima Chang'an thought of Nangong yueluo, he had a bad headache. He raised his hand and rubbed his sore temple.


The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkles on every corner of the capital. The moon of Nangong is covered with the glow of the sun. She is walking slowly, like an immortal, hiding her cold and fierce power.

She was followed by many people, including the prince, the general of the Dragon army, the king of Qin, and all kinds of people.

Those who should go home forget to go home and escort Nangong yueluo to the prime minister's residence.

Follow nangongyue to the gate of the prime minister's residence.

Nangong moon falls steep turn around, cut water eyes fall on he lianyue: "prince all the way with Minister daughter to the prime minister's house, is still want to despise minister daughter?"

Until this time, he lianyue was annoyed. His behavior today is really abnormal.

He lianyue soon recovered his look. When he looked up again, he was still the prince who was shining like the cold moon. His sweet voice rang out: "I heard that the prime minister was ill, so I stopped by to visit him."

"Oh? visit? I have never seen anyone come to visit the patient empty handed Nangong moon falls, beautiful eyes smile.

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