But even so, sun Yunhe knew that the girl had great ability, so although she was blamed, she didn't go to her heart.

Nangong yueluo finished and opened her medicine box. Fortunately, before she came, she basically took all the things she wanted out of the medical space.

"He's got a head injury with congestion." Nangong yueluo said that he didn't borrow sun Yunhe's hand, but took out the silver needle bag himself and arranged it.

Pick out the silver needle, raise and drop the hand, and fly the needle to the acupoint.

Drop 18 silver needles and form a needle array.

He often used needles on his head, but it was the first time he saw such a delicate needle array.

Sun Yunhe sighed to himself that the girl's medical skill was far above him.

Nangong yueluo took out a medical bag after forming a needle array here.

As soon as he opened it, all kinds of scalpels and surgical tools made sun Yunhe's eyes protrude.

These things, experts see, are good things for the treatment of patients.

If you look at those bottles and cans, they are all unprecedented.

Nangong yueluo puts on the surgical gloves. He looks for the one with large blast area first, and quickly uncovers the one he dislikes.

Then it was disinfected with alcohol.

Sun Yunhe's eyes are almost rolling to the ground. Look at Nangong yueluo. His eyes have been staring at the injury of Helian jiuxiao.

Her hand was able to reach the tool.

But first she cut off the rotten meat with a knife as thin as a cicada's wing.

The exchange of several tools is very handy.

In this way, it seems that she often treats such patients, and only after tens of thousands of times of tempering can she have such skilled and sharp movements.

Sun Yunhe sighed deeply again.

It took him one night to deal with a large area of injury on his leg. In the eyes of the world, he must have dealt with it very well.

But look at Nangong yueluo. It's clean and beautiful. Look at her again. Her eyes are still fixed on the wound. She took the needle.

People's skin and flesh as cloth, look at her familiar thread, like sewing clothes.

He only saw suturing in ancient books. When he saw it with his own eyes, he was shocked and excited again.

If the present situation is not right, he will kneel down to worship his teacher.

On the thigh, the foot was sutured with 16 stitches, and the wound was very neat and perfect.

Sun Yunhe stares at Nangong yueluo's hands to deal with the injury. He doesn't dare to blink his eyes. He's afraid of missing out on such a good learning opportunity.

But Nangong yueluo took a piece of gauze. Yes, it should be gauze.

Sun Yunhe told himself so for the time being.

But the gauze was torn open and there was medicine on it.

Nangong yueluo directly pastes the gauze on the wound where Helian jiuxiao sews up. There is no bandage or tape for the time being. The two sides of the gauze are sticky.

She dealt with this large area of the wound, and then quickly and neatly to deal with the side of the small wound.

In sun Yunhe's opinion, Nangong's moon setting is also very fast.

But it took her an hour to deal with the leg injury. After the leg injury was dealt with, Nangong yueluo immediately bandaged Helian jiuxiao.

On the other hand, it's also good. For a small area of blast injury, we are now immersed in the treatment of the wound.

This small area of wound, disinfection, treatment of carrion, do not need to sew, directly paste gauze, need to sew a few stitches.

It's another full hour to deal with this.

After treatment, both legs were wrapped with gauze.

After dealing with the serious leg, Nangong yueluo pulled out the silver needle, and then changed the silver needle.

Once again sharp needle knot needle.

Sun Yunhe looked again and changed the needle array.

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