"Helian jiuxiao, go away, Miss Ben will never talk to you." Nangong yueluo almost roared.

Helian jiuxiao looked wrongly at the moon setting in Nangong.

"Luo Er, why are you so generous to me? During the three days and nights when you were in a coma, I didn't close my eyes. I knead my stomach for you, and I changed the blood stained sheets for you. And wash your body and change your clothes. " Helian jiuxiao asked for sympathy.

Nangong yueluo really swears that she doesn't want to talk to Helian jiuxiao any more. She is so angry that she feels pain all over her body.

This man's ability to irritate people is really extraordinary.

Sun Yunhe looked very happy on the other side. He went out and came in again with medicinal food in his hand.

"Girl, you've been sleeping for three days and nights, and you're hungry. Here, have a bowl of porridge. "

Angry people, smell the smell of medicine, instinctively do not want to eat, but between the lips and teeth there is the smell of porridge, now nod.

This time, I don't need to lie on the couch, I just need to sit up.

When he saw it, he pressed down Nangong yueluo and said, "Luoer, your body is empty. Lie still. I will feed you."

Nangong yueluo slaps Helian jiuxiao's big hand.

"Go away, go away, don't touch Miss Ben." Nangong yueluo gnashes her teeth.

Then, with both hands on the bed, he sat up and took the medicated meal from sun Yunhe.

Nangong yueluo really wants to scoop up a spoon, but the medicated food in his hand is forcibly taken away by Helian jiuxiao.

He even nine Xiao scoop up a spoon, the eye dew tenderly passes the spoon to the mouth of the South Temple month falls.

"Give it to me. I can drink it myself." Nangong yueluo is going to snatch the medicinal porridge.

Hand on the bowl, hard to grab, can be like a kilo weight like, actually can't move a cent.

"Luo'er, dear, you don't have the strength. When I feed you and keep you healthy, you have the strength. Don't say you eat by yourself. I just want to beat and scold my king. I'll follow you." Helian jiuxiao coaxes Nangong yueluo with the voice of coaxing children.

Nangong yueluo is speechless to Helian jiuxiao, but now she is hungry, so she has no choice but to let this guy feed her.

A mouthful into, slowly slide into the throat, although the gas, but this porridge actually some other flavor, not clear road unknown.

It is a lower abdomen again, He Lian nine Xiao raises a hand, extremely gentle wipe the porridge of her lips.


This hand, this movement, Nangong moon falls, but I feel that my heart is beating very fast, as if I want to jump out of my throat.

Nangong yueluo felt another wave of unnamed dryness and heat spread to her four limbs and bones and penetrated into every cell of her body.

Helian jiuxiao looks up and sees the red face of Nangong yueluo. His heart is also moved.

Not waiting for him to hold Nangong yueluo's mouth.

The sound of eager footsteps was immediately heard.

"Wang Ye... Wang Ye... Something happened..."

The voice of the comer awakens Nangong yueluo, and immediately pushes Helian jiuxiao away.

He Lian jiuxiao's red eyes were stained with thin anger, and his face under the mask was as cold as ice.


In a word, it is full of strong spirit of killing!

The bodyguard of Lord Xiaowang's house, who came to report, could not help but rustle a few times. He looked up and said: "Lord, the king Ning is gone. The queen is mad in the palace."

He Lian jiuxiao heard that He Lian Ling had disappeared, and his face under the mask was even colder than the ice cellar of ten thousand years.

"When did it disappear? Who saw King Ning last? Where have you met? " Helian jiuxiao asked quickly.

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