Li Hanyu's pretty willow eyebrows frowned slightly, instinctively looking at the drunken fragrant building mother.

Before waiting for her to ask, helianling's knife slashed at her again, and his mouth called out: "bitch, I'll kill you."

Bitch, kill you?

Li Hanyu dodged the knife cut by he lianling and almost fell to the ground.

The tip of the nose sniffed, intuition told her ningwang is not right.

At this time, there are officers and soldiers guarding outside the zuixiang building, surrounded by people.

Li Hanyu's heart sank. I'm afraid there's something else in this matter. But in full view of the public, the king of Ning killed her with a knife. Now she has to cut her with a knife. The queen can protect the king of Ning, but she can't suppress the public anger.

"Boom..." a group of officers and soldiers rushed in.

As soon as he saw so many officers and men holding knives, steep and soft as sheep, he rushed forward and hugged Li Hanyu.

"Wuwuwuwu, fairy sister, ling'er is afraid, ling'er is afraid!"

Li Hanyu is not expected to be held firmly.

When zuixiang Lou's mother saw the officers and soldiers of the punishment department, she immediately pointed at helianling and said, "you've come just in time, my Lord. This murderer killed six of my girls in full view of the public. Miss Li can also testify for the slave. Your Lord will make decisions for the slave."

Li Shian and Li Hanyu look at each other.

When he saw his daughter's sad face, he immediately raised his eyes and looked at the person who held her tightly. His heart was angry. But when he saw that it was king Ning, Li Shian was also shocked.

The palace just heard that King Ning had disappeared, and the palace was full of people. Unexpectedly, the king Ning was in the zuixiang building and killed people with a knife.

This matter really baffled Li Shian, father and daughter four eyes meet in the air.

"Wuwu, fairy sister, ling'er is afraid. The bad guys are so fierce. Ling'er has killed them all."

At this time, he lianling held his mouth, and his bright eyes were covered with a layer of misty fog, like a deer lost in the forest, which made people feel pity.

Li Shi'an heard that helianling himself admitted that he had killed these people.

King Ning has never dared to kill people since he was a coward, but now he kills people in public.

According to the law of Dongyue, the prince's crime is the same as the common people's.

More and more onlookers gathered outside. Piansheng helianling was a fool. He held Li Hanyu in his arms and said in a soft voice: "Wuwuwuwu... Fairy sister, save ling'er. Ling'er is afraid... Bad guys are so fierce... Ling'er has killed... Ling'er has killed... Wuwuwuwu..."

Zuixiang Lou's mother and all the girls knelt down on the ground and begged Li Shian to be the master.

"Lord Li, you must make the decision for the slaves and punish the murderer severely."

"Miss Li, you can see with your own eyes that the murderer killed with a lethal weapon, and he himself admitted it."

Li Shi'an looks at Li Hanyu, father and daughter look very dignified.

In the crowd outside the zuixiang building, there are people who uphold justice, leading their own people to rush in immediately.

"Murder pays for life. Such a villain should pay for his life. Mr. Li, what are you doing? It's the right way. " The man in the royal guards, with some minions behind him, is very sharp.

"Wuwuwuwu... Fairy sister... Ling'er is afraid..." he lianling hugs Li Hanyu and cries.

With this, the man in the royal guards rushed in to fight for justice, and there were even more people in the crowd who supported him. For a moment, he cried out: "Mr. Li, punish the killers severely and put the law on the spot."

"Punish the killers severely and bring the law to justice."

"Murder pays for life, and the law is in place."

The shouting was like a raging wave.

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