When magnified through the glass beads, I saw the nematodes on the horse's meat quickly devouring the horse's meat, and exclaimed: "Niang, what is this? It's so terrible."

"This is the real culprit in the death of these girls." Nangong moon falls and moves red lips.

On hearing this, the onlookers could not help but step back.

This thing, will quickly devour people?

I don't know how much smaller it is than black hair. If it hadn't been magnified by this glass bead, it would have been invisible to the naked eye.

"Since these insects are the culprits, why did king Ning kill these girls?" Asked someone in the crowd.

"Good question. That's what I'm going to answer. It is well known that the king of Ning is stupid. The queen has always ordered people to live in the palace and look at the king of Ning. "

"But people with bad intentions sneak into the palace, abduct King Ning and take his soul away. The reason why King Ning kills people is because of the fragrance of these girls."

"But before King Ning took a knife to kill these girls, they were all killed by nematodes. It was at the time when these girls died that King Ning killed them. Therefore, people mistakenly think that King Ning killed these girls. "

"When I just came in, King Ning also wanted to kill me. That's because my clothes had been tampered with and had the same fragrance as the six girls."

"You see, now the king of Ning is so honest and kind, stupid and innocent." Nangong yueluo said, and they all looked at helianling, who was hiding behind Li Hanyu. However, they saw that he was as cute as a deer lost in the forest. He looked at them with a timid and harmless face. From time to time, he touched people's eyes and hid behind Li Hanyu.

"This is the resentment of people who want to lead the people's anger to the imperial court." The sound of the moon falling in Nangong is not loud, but it is loud.

All the people present looked at the young man in unison.

Even though the young man witnessed the nematode being led out from the corpse by Nangong yueluo, his uneasiness was suppressed. Then he raised his eyes and looked magnanimous and open.

"According to miss Nangong, silly king was taken away from the palace. Who did it? No murderer, Miss Nangong, I can do it. The nematode itself is a sojourn on horse meat. It's you who induced them to say so mysteriously, to exonerate the silly king. "

Nangong moon fell, her eyes were smiling, her lips were shallow: "ha ha, don't worry, I will let you know who the killer is? Who owns these nematodes

Then, the Nangong moon fell, her eyes were clear, her hands were raised, and a silver needle went into the young man's acupoint, making him unable to move.

"You black hearted, heartless Nangong yueluo, what do you want to do?" The young man yelled angrily, with a trace of panic hidden in his eyes.

What does this woman know?

Nangong yueluo then cut off a large piece of fragrant horse meat and hung it on the young man's mouth with thread, about a minute away.

The onlookers looked at Nangong yueluo with a puzzled look on their face again.

The young man saw the move of Nangong yueluo, his heart became more and more flustered, and his face also flashed a flustered color.

"Nangong yueluo, what do you want to do?" However, as he spoke, there were black balls coming out of his mouth and wriggling to the large area of horse meat.

When the young man found the abnormality, he wanted to close his mouth. However, Nangong yueluo was stabbed by a silver needle, which made his jaw unable to move.

Can only helplessly watch, the nematode in his body constantly crawls out from the mouth, crawls to this large piece of barbecue.

People standing nearby clearly saw that the young man had something black crawling out of his mouth.

At the moment, the people present have a sudden insight on their face.

"So you are the real murderer. You killed the six Hualou girls."

"Well, you good-looking guy, kill people and call thieves. We're pretending to be good people here to fight against injustice. "

"That is, that is, even we have been cheated by this black hearted man and believed him by mistake."

The onlookers immediately looked angry. You and I scolded the young man.

But the young man watched the nematodes in his body crawling out of his mouth, and his face turned white when he got to the horse meat.

His body seems to be gradually hollowed out. His body is the container of nematodes. As soon as the nematodes leave his body, his container also loses the meaning of survival.

"No... don't..." his heart was shouting, trying to stop the nematode from leaving his body.

More and more panic, more and more uneasiness.

He wanted to stop it, but his body couldn't move. Then, with all the nematodes crawling away, his eyes looked in horror at the fast devoured horse meat.

When people saw such a large piece of horse meat, it was black and they were very afraid.

Nangong yueluo then took out the silver needle that stabbed the man.

As soon as the silver needle was pulled out, the young man collapsed on the ground.

"No... no..." he kept shaking his head and yelling, terrified.

On one side, the mother of zuixiang building saw that the nematodes in the man's body were lured out, and he became a body.

At the moment, there was a flash of panic in my eyes, and I was about to retreat quietly.

However, Nangong yueluo rippled her red lips and said, "Mom, where are you going?"

With that, Nangong yueluo walked towards her with her gloved hands, legs in one hand and rope in the other.

Mother wanted to go, but the criminal officer held her up with a knife.

"No, I'm not going anywhere. Thank you, Miss Nangong, for finding out the real culprit for these six girls. "

With that, mother bowed to Nangong yueluo Yingying, then turned around and said angrily, "why did you kill my six girls? He also put the blame on the king of Ning. You curse that you will go to hell after you die, and you will never be reincarnated. "

Nangong yueluo's eyes are more and more bright and dazzling, which is brighter than the Milky Way stars.

"Mother scolded me well. The murderer who killed these girls should go to hell for 18 times and never come back."

Then he put the leg of the horse on his mother's mouth.

My mother wants to shut up and keep silent, but she feels that in full view of the public, she will shut up and keep silent. This is 300 taels of silver here.

"Miss Nangong, what are you doing?" Mother asked.

"Why? My mother soon knew what Miss Ben had done The sound of the moon setting in Nangong is like a wind chime. It's very sweet. It can be heard in my mother's ears, but it's like a lethal talisman.

"Miss Nangong, if you have something to say, although the horse meat is fragrant, it's very embarrassing for you to put it on the slave's lips like this." Mother reluctantly pulled out a smile.

"Horse meat is not shabby. It's only after a while that it's shabby. It's frightening." The moon falls in Nangong, and the water flows.

Mother tried to control the tumult in her body, but then her face was twisted and a cold knife was put on her neck.

If she moves, it will kill her.

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