Seeing the emperor's action, Nangong Wende was very angry, but he couldn't fight against the heavenly family, so he had to watch the imperial guards collect all the valuable things from the prime minister's house.

Rao Shi's 90000 gold, which was originally used by Nangong yueluo to be filial to the old lady, was all taken away. She was so angry that the old lady fainted.

The other aunts were also swept away. They were so angry that they scolded Nangong yueluo.

All the money that could be collected in the prime minister's house has been collected, which is not enough for 200000 taels of gold.

"Prime minister, there are less than 200000 taels of gold here. The emperor's instructions limit the rest to three days."

Then the president of the imperial army left with the collected money.

Nangong Wende was so angry that he was shaking all over, and his face turned white. But even though he was angry, he didn't dare to vent his anger.

Nangong yueluo looks coldly at the Imperial Army's search of the prime minister's residence, and the schadenfreude in her eyes is even more prosperous. She sees that Nangong Wende wants to attack Nangong yueluo angrily.

"Dad, are you sure you want to smash it?"

Nangong Wende was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted.

"Master, master..."

Nangong yueluo coldly looks at Nangong Wende fainting, but she turns around in a good mood and walks towards Qingfeng courtyard.

When Nangong yueluo came to qingfengyuan, he saw a brocade box on the table for no reason.

Suspicious of the forward, alert to open. But there are a lot of sales contracts in the brocade box.

Beautiful eyes dark, this person is really interesting, she broke his bureau, caught his people, dominate his drunk fragrant building.

I also personally gave her the deed of sale of the girls in zuixiang building.

Although the heart has doubt, but people will sell the deed to her hand, such good things as she naturally will not extrapolate.

In the past, there was a pink butterfly in Qingfeng courtyard. Now the pink butterfly is dead. Qiuju and Bailu are called by their grandmother to take care of Jiang Yuzhen.

It seems that the maid still wants her own. Even though the contract of Bailu and Qiuju is in her own hands, the grandmother's cry is over.

Nangong yueluo draws water, boils water, bathes and loses her clothes.

After that, he lay comfortably on the couch and had a good sleep.

However, it didn't make Nangong yueluo sleep comfortable and steady.

A group of noisy female voices all came towards Qingfeng courtyard.

"Nangong yueluo, you cunt, you made us lose money by the Imperial Army, you compensate us." Although Nangong Furong is a little more restrained than before, it still shows its true shape when it comes to big events.

Nangong yueluo gets up unhappily and looks at the noisy women in front of her. She sneers and says, "Nangong Furong, you all said that it's the imperial guards who took your money, and the emperor is the next one. You're going to find the imperial guards and the emperor yourself."

"We don't care. The emperor will order to search our prime minister's residence because of you. You are the culprit. You compensate us for our money. " Nangong Furong screamed.

Su's eyes are full of poison, just like a poisonous snake in July. He wants to stun Nangong yueluo.

"Nangong yueluo, I'll leave my words here today. You'll have to pay for any money that the imperial army has taken from our Chunze courtyard." Then, Su took out a long list in public and threw it directly to Nangong yueluo.

Nangong yueluo catches it, glances at the dense list coldly, and sneers at it.

"Elder sister, today's affair is too much for you. If you destroy the gate of the prime minister's mansion, you will make our prime minister's mansion ransacked completely. You have to compensate us for our money. This is the list of my aunt and I who were ransacked. In it, there is the dowry that my mother prepared for me to marry into the prince's mansion." Nangong Qianyao comes forward and hands the list to Nangong yueluo.

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