When Xiangling was about to walk by Nangong yueluo's side, suddenly, her hair was grabbed, and then her face hurt badly.


Xiangling screams across the clear sky.

Everyone's eyes were wide open in shock. The young lady's hands were flying fast, and the silver needle in her hand was flying away on Xiangling's face.

For a moment, but see Xiangling's left face clear four blood words "nine Cheap slave"!

When finished, Nangong moon fell and hooked lips to smile: "well, it's pretty eye-catching."

Xiangling wiped her left cheek and blood in one hand, and immediately exclaimed: "ah..."

People think, Xiangling this is a lesson, Nangong month fall Mou light a Lin, a grasp of Xiangling's hand.

"You... What are you doing?" Xiangling panic way, with her bloody face, the picture is frightening, people are afraid.

"Which hand hit my maid just now?" Nangong yueluo's voice is still as soft as the wind and the moon, but Xiangling is afraid from the bottom of her heart.

"If you don't say that, the young lady will waste your hands!"

Nangong month fall words fall, only hear "creak creak" the sound of broken bones.

They saw that the moon in Nangong was like a ghost in Jiuyou hell. Shengsheng broke all the fingers of Xiangling.

"Ah Xiangling fainted in pain and fell to the ground.

Nangong Furong got up and saw Nangong yueluo's cruel broken Xiangling fingers, gnashing her teeth“ Nangong yueluo, you cunt, how dare you cheat my Xiangling. "

"Oh, just bullying a Xiangling? Then you look down on Miss Ben too much. " Nangong yueluo has a sneer on her lips. She dares to go to her grandmother to arrange her and kill her heart. She wants to make her feel better from top to bottom.

Nangong Furong said angrily, "Nangong moon falls, what do you mean?"

"Don't worry. Let's see how miss Ben returns a tooth for a tooth!" The smile on Nangong yueluo's face is more and more frightening to Nangong Furong.

The words fall, Nangong moon falls, the court just wriggles to beat, tear up a few maidservants of pink butterfly and mother-in-law son to walk, the pace is very light, but every time step on their heart sharp son, seem to urge the life evil spirit to approach them.

The maidservant women knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to beg for mercy: "Miss, please spare your life. The maidservants dare not. I'd like to ask you to let go of your maids. "

"Oh, I didn't miss you in my dictionary. If you are wise, please raise your hand

The maids were so frightened that they shivered and looked at Nangong yueluo with a frightened face: "no, please don't. the maids really know that they are wrong. They don't dare to do it any more."

"Hands up!"

There is no doubt that the voice is sharp.

At present, one of the maidservants was so scared that she fainted.

"Tut, people who dare to bully Miss Ben with such courage." Nangong moon falls with a sneer.

Immediately lift Mou to call: "pink butterfly, come over!"

Although pink butterfly is embarrassed, listen to Nangong Nangong yueluo call her, hurry up.

"Just now how these people beat you, they beat back to miss Ben twice, and beat Miss ben to death to support you."

Oh, arrogant, rampant, she let people see what is arrogant? What is rampant?

"Bitch, you..." Nangong Furong was so angry that she wanted to rush over and tear Nangong yueluo.

The pink butterfly didn't disgrace Nangong yueluo. She immediately came forward, grabbed a maid's hair and twisted her cheek with her hand. The pain made the maid scream repeatedly. After pinching the left cheek, she pinched the right one.

The handmaid fainted, and pink butterfly went to the old woman beside him. She also gave it back and used her strength.

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