The wind in March is cold on the body, but for martial arts practitioners, it doesn't hurt. But what made his face so cold was that he was stripped naked by a woman.

"Woman, you'd better stop." The man has no doubt that Nangong yueluo will pull out his obscene trousers.

"Oh, you can't just stop. You have to let your brother's Lushan face show to the world, don't you?"

The smile on Nangong yueluo's face is better than that of the scorching sun. It is clear that it is so beautiful and gorgeous. However, in the eyes of men, she is hairy and afraid.

"You..." warning words just fly out a sound.

But I saw that he was whipped at his waist and the belt on his trousers was whipped. It's loose at the waist. Just a move and the pants will fall off.

"Tut, Miss Ben is more kind-hearted." Then he took out flint from the man's robe and lit his clothes in front of people.

When the wind blows, the man's robe is burning in front of him. The flame reflected in the man's eyes is burning with the anger in his eyes

Never had the humiliation, thanks to this woman.

Nangong yueluo takes out medicine from space with his mind and approaches men.

The man quickly shut up, the month falls evil spirit of a smile, the silver needle toward the man's cheek force of thorn.

"Ah..." the man couldn't help crying out, but yueluo quickly threw the medicine into Nangong's mouth.

When the medicine enters the throat, it will melt.

"What did you give me to eat?" The man's eyes spurt fire, full of blood, have rushed to swallow the moon into the abdomen.

"Don't worry. You'll find out later."

Nangong yueluo doesn't care about men. As a modern doctor, she hasn't seen anything, but she doesn't have such a hobby.

Seeing Li Hanyu like this, Nangong yueluo frowned.

Although she didn't want her to do too much, she became a burden to her, but she wanted to save her after all.

Fortunately, Li Hanyu was a little scared and didn't hurt his muscles and bones.

But it's more difficult to deal with the wound right now. It's too big. I need to strip all her pants.

The month falls to have to use silver needle to prick a point first, wake up Li Hanyu.

As soon as Li Hanyu woke up, he said with concern: "are you ok?"

"I'm fine. I've already subdued you. You've been hurt a lot." Nangong yueluo has a complicated look in her eyes.

"It's nothing. It's just a little skin injury. I'll be fine in a few days. " Li Hanyu's mellow face opened a broad-minded smile.

Said, will stand up, just move, pain her grin.

"Don't move. Sit here first. I'll find a way to take you back! "

Nangong yueluo went to the horse who had fallen down. He just killed himself. The horse was dead.

We had to think of another way, but it was empty all around and there was no tool to use.

"It's OK. I can go by myself." Li Hanyu then gritted her teeth and stood up.

Nangong yueluo is sure that they can only walk back with their legs, so she takes out the omnipotent herbal liquid and sprays it on Li Hanyu's wound.

"Hiss..." Li Hanyu couldn't help crying in pain.

Then the wound was hot, and then she moved, but it didn't hurt.

It's amazing.

Although Li Hanyu insists that she can walk, Nangong yueluo still helps her to go back to the city.

Although spray a hundred herbs liquid, leg can't feel pain, after all is hurt, walk can't so agile, so helped walk half an hour, still far away.

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