Su Yushan saw that the old lady couldn't bear it. He stood up and said, "if the old lady can't promise this marriage, Yushan will have to carry the 100000 gold back to Su's house."

"Good bye, old lady!"

Su Yushan didn't deal with the old lady and got up directly.

The prime minister's family on one side was in a hurry.

"Brother Su, please wait a moment. The old lady did not refuse. But after all, it's the marriage of the prime minister's daughter. It's common sense to think about it a little bit. " It was Jiang who spoke.

"Yes, uncle, grandma is still worried about her mother today. She blames her elder sister. You see, her elder sister was beaten to death by her grandmother. The reason why my grandmother didn't agree for a while was that she was afraid that her eldest sister's marriage to Su's house would disturb Su's house. So think twice. " Nangong Furong is a little smoother after the red sleeve raising.

"Grandmother, do you think so?" Nangong Furong looks at the old lady.

"Old lady, if you are more hesitant here, the prime minister will spend one more day gathering 100000 gold and have no time to rescue aunt su. I'm afraid her baby has a chance. What's more, miss yesterday... "

Although the old lady could not bear to be reminded by Jiang, she could think of her golden grandson and the incense of Nangong family.

She could not bear to give up. She nodded and said, "OK, Su Fu will come to exchange Geng tie some day."

"Yushan, thank you for your help." Su Yushan bows again.

Pretending to be in a coma, Nangong yueluo's whole body is cold. Does the Su family beg to marry her?


Just as Su Yushan wanted to get up and say goodbye, suddenly a lazy evil voice came:

"Oh, the prime minister's residence is so busy!"

As soon as they raised their eyes, they saw the king in black coming in from the door, and the porter followed them closely.

All the people present trembled. How did this killing God come to the prime minister's residence today?

"I don't know if the king has arrived, but I haven't met him far away. Please forgive me." The old lady got up to salute.

The female relatives of the prime minister kept a distance from the king for fear of blood splashing on the spot.

Su Yushan's thick eyebrows slightly frowned, and his heart was uneasy.

"I have seen your Highness the owl king!" All saluted to Helian jiuxiao.

"Well!" Helian jiuxiao snorted and sat down with a wanton attitude.

"Oh, so much gold? Su Fu is really rich. "

Under the mask of Helian jiuxiao, the deep eyes like a cold pool fell on Su Yushan.

"Xiao Wang praised me falsely. The Su family is only a small business. Today, the prime minister's house is in urgent need. The Su family is just making a modest effort. I hope the prime minister's house can compensate the king's 100000 gold as soon as possible." Su Yushan's attitude is humble and respectful. He has long lost his high attitude when he was in the prime minister's residence.

"Oh, do something? Just now I heard that you are going to marry my servant for your lame son? "

Helian jiuxiao's slender, bamboo like fingers gently knocked on the table, beating on Su Yushan's heart.

"I'm afraid his highness Xiao Wang misunderstood. It's Nangong that Cao min asked for his wife. One hundred thousand gold is a dowry, and I don't feel aggrieved by Miss Nangong. "

Su Yushan's forehead was covered with sweat. Although he was defending, he knew that the slave in the king's mouth was probably the moon falling in the south palace.

"The Nangong lady you are talking about is my servant? I don't know when my slave will be so cheap that I can ask to marry my slave with only one hundred thousand gold? " He Lian's voice is very lazy.

But it fell into Su Yushan's ears, but it was like a devil's voice, urging his life and soul.

A hundred thousand gold?!

Xiao Wang's words made the prime minister's family at the scene gasp fiercely.

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