It's so delicious!

I really want to eat it.

However, as before, still three chopsticks, raw roast whole sheep was so removed.

Pissed off, Nangong yueluo grinds her teeth. You can't enjoy this delicious food. It's as irritating as being caught by a cat.

However, when she was crazy, the next delicious food made her forget to scold. Finally, she gave up and had to eat three mouthfuls of everything.

But that's it. Twenty four dishes with twelve cakes and twelve fruits.

I'm full!


All the people in the prime minister's mansion have already been stunned.

When Nangong Mengyao sees that Helian jiuxiao feeds Nangong yueluo with imperial food, her heart is stirring. This scene is deeply imprinted on her heart, which makes her swear that she will not marry the king in this life.

It is said that the woman who is close to Wang sanzhang will surely die.

It's said that the king of the owl has a habit of cleanliness, but what about now?

The Nangong moon was not only nearly three Zhang, but also held by the king in his lap, waiting for him gently.

So rumors are not credible.

Nangong Mengyao's hostility to Nangong yueluo is deeper.

Nangong yueluo, who can enter the eyes of the king? How could you have been fed by the king himself today?

Nangong Mengyao wants to drag Nangong yueluo away and replace her.

"Full?" Helian's dark eyes were shining. For the first time, she felt that watching a cat like woman in her arms eating food, she also felt beautiful, and seemed to be full.

Nangong yueluo answers Helian jiuxiao with burping.

With a wave, it's all down.


Finally, Nangong yueluo held a dish of horseshoe cake in her hands.

"Belch..." the month falls can't help but belch again, "I am full now, hungry in the afternoon can eat."

"No way!"

Helian jiuxiao's white and slender fingers fell on a dish of cakes in Nangong yueluo's arms and pulled the dish of horseshoe cakes out of her arms.

Irritating, irritating!

The south palace month falls beautiful Mou to contain Nu, wish to stare to pierce the He Lian nine Xiao, the cheek Gang son is red more attractive.

This man is so hateful that he gives her delicious food and doesn't let her eat enough. He is angry and mad!

"Want to eat? I'll bring it to you in the evening! " Helian jiuxiao suddenly approached the ear of Nangong yueluo and slowly exhaled.

Tickle your ears, scratch your ears!

Nangong yueluo glared and said in a low voice: "now you don't give me any food. Who wants you to send it at night?"

They whispered and behaved intimately. Especially at this time, Nangong moon fell and two clouds flew up on her cheeks. With the flattery of her little daughter, Nangong Mengyao had a deeper hatred in her eyes.

"You're shameless, bitch!" Nangong Mengyao cursed fiercely in her heart. She twisted her embroidered handkerchief with both hands and gnashed her teeth with hatred.

In the same heart, I hate Nangong Qianyao and Nangong Furong.

Nangong Qianyao still knows to be patient, but Nangong Furong's eyes are burning.

The old lady's face is also very angry. It's really humiliating for this villain to behave intimately with a man in full view of the public!

"Since you're full, it's time for you to go!"

Helian jiuxiao releases his hand around Nangong yueluo's waist, and Nangong yueluo gets up quickly.

Instant, a light leg, Helian jiuxiao feel a corner of the heart seems to be evacuated.

When they heard that the king wanted to leave, they were relieved.

Helian jiuxiao got up and walked a few steps. He stopped abruptly and said, "Jingyu, take these boxes of gold to my daughter's qingfengyuan."

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