"Of course, if mammy believes that the moon will fall, she can take me to your grandson some other day to see if he can be cured, so that he can get married and have children like ordinary people."

Nangong yueluo's words brightened mother Qiu's eyes and dyed her hope. But for the time being, mother Qiu is still skeptical and plans to wait and see.

"Go ahead, Mammy. It's my fault that makes grandma angry in the daytime. I wanted to tell my grandmother to send someone to my courtyard to carry those boxes of gold into Qinghui courtyard. "

"After all, no grandmother tried to protect me, I have become a ghost." After a few words, the moon deliberately raised her voice with the autumn mother said.

Sure enough, hearing that one hundred thousand gold could enter Qinghui courtyard, the people inside moved.

Nangong yueluo saw a smile, then knelt in the yard: "Mammy, you don't need to persuade me, if I don't kneel here today, please. I'm not at ease! "

Inside the house, there was another sound. The old man inside was very happy and angry today. But Su's mother and son were safe, and she was relieved.

As for the madness of Nangong yueluo, she has resentment in her heart, and the prime minister's office has something to do with her.

Although I heard 100000 gold and my eyes were shining, I still had to pretend to be noble.

Nangong Yue sees the old man behind the curtain and her greedy eyes for money.

Her grandmother was sincere to her, but she was also extremely rich.

As soon as Nangong yueluo knelt down, it was dark, and a layer of spring dew was already floating in the courtyard.

The moon in the yard heard mother Qiu persuading the old lady to calm down.

"Old lady, although it's spring now, it's chilly and painful. What's more, if the young lady's delicate body is frozen and cold, you are the only one who loves her in this house. "

"Old lady, if you don't pay attention to her, I'm afraid the eldest lady would rather kneel down. What's more, the young lady just told me that she wanted to ask the old lady to order someone to carry the hundred thousand taels of gold from Qingfeng courtyard to Qinghui courtyard. "

"Well, who wants her 100000 gold?" The old lady is cold hum, although the bottom of her heart is eager to immediately order people to carry 100000 gold into Qinghui courtyard, she can't pull down the old face.

Mother Qiu knew very well, so she continued to persuade: "old lady, you are not rare, but the young lady is concerned about the old lady. She just wants to show filial respect to the old lady for all she has."

"Even though there is something wrong with the young lady's behavior now. But there is no one in the mansion to teach the young lady. Besides the old lady, the prime minister's mansion doesn't wait to see the young lady from top to bottom. As the saying goes, when a dog is in a hurry, he will jump over the wall. What's more, when a man is in a hurry? It's hard to avoid doing drastic things. "


Inside, mother Qiu exhorts

Suddenly, there was a "Dong".

"No, I'm afraid something happened to the first lady!" Mother Qiu gave a quick cry and took the lead to walk out.

Autumn mother just opened the door curtain and saw Nangong moon fall fainting on the ground.

"Old lady, old lady, the first lady passed out."

The old lady also quickly steps out, autumn mammy busy call servant girls, the women will help Nangong month fall into.

"Come on, help me to my couch!" The old lady's deep black eyes also filled with a trace of worry.

The maid women helped people to the couch, and the Nangong moon fell.

Mother Qiu exclaimed, "ah, how can the forehead of the eldest lady be so hot?"

On hearing this, the old lady sat beside the couch, stretched out her hand to explore the forehead of Nangong yueluo, and said, "is it so hot? I'm afraid it's cold. Come on, get the doctor

That night, the moon falls and stays in Qinghui courtyard. The old lady calls for someone to take care of her. Mother Qiu persuades her several times: "old lady, your body is important. Go and have a rest. There are old slaves here!"

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