Mother Qiu bent down to pick up the things on the ground. It was a pearl eardrop. Her heart thumped and her face was embarrassed.

"What's the matter? Show it to me!" The old lady said with a calm face.

Autumn mother carefully presented to the old lady.

The old lady took a close look and was so angry that she yelled: "beast, beast!"

"Don't be angry, old lady. A pearl eardrop can't do much, and it can't explain anything!"

Autumn mother comforts a way.

"Don't try to persuade me that the old lady is not so confused, and even less dazzled. This is the birthday gift that I personally selected when the animal was born the year before last. "

"She liked it tight and wore it often. She thought the beast was innocent and pure-minded."

"Now it looks like a wolf in sheep's clothing. I had such a big appetite that I stole 100000 taels of gold. "

The old lady said, her tendons leaping and beating the ground with her crutches.

"Grandmother, do you know who it is?" Nangong yueluo's eyes are full of tears. If she wants to stay, it's very touching and distressing.

"Come on, grandma said. If anyone bullies you, grandma will decide for you." The old lady's face is full of anger, one hand drags Nangong yueluo.

They walked towards the autumn yard.

In the courtyard on autumn Eve, Nangong Mengyao was unwilling. Last night, they sneaked into Qingfeng courtyard and wanted to steal the 100000 gold.

Hell, the gold seems to disappear out of thin air.

Here Nangong Mengyao is wondering where those boxes of gold will go? Maybe someone stole it from her first.

The old lady and her party have arrived at the door.

"Miss four, the old lady came to the courtyard with people in a rage."

The servant girl Yeliu rushed in to report.

"What? How did grandma come to qiuxiyuan? " Nangong Mengyao was surprised.

There was no time for her to think deeply. She had already arrived at the gate of the hospital.

Nangong Mengyao is busy leading Yeliu out to meet the old lady.

"Grandmother, early in the morning, how can I trouble you to come to see Mengyao in qiuxiyuan? Mengyao should go to see her."

With that, Nangong Mengyao was about to take the old lady's hand, but she pushed her away.

"Search for me!" The old lady said with a dull face.

Nangong Mengyao looks puzzled. Her grandmother is very angry today.

"Grandmother, what are you looking for? You tell Mengyao that Mengyao sent someone to find it for you. " Nangong Mengyao said, again want to come forward.

The old lady went straight over Nangong Mengyao, and the party quickly went to the house.

"Grandmother, the fourth sister is innocent. The thief who stole gold from qingfengyuan last night must not be the fourth sister."

Nangong moon falls beside to comfort the old lady. Her voice is silent, but every word clearly falls into Nangong Mengyao's ear.

"What, qingfengyuan was stolen last night, and the gold was stolen?"

Nangong Mengyao was shocked and relieved. Sure enough, someone stole the gold first.

But the next moment, she felt something unusual.

How could grandma bring people to qiuxiyuan? Did she suspect that she stole the gold?

Although she didn't steal the gold, she did go to qingfengyuan last night. How does grandma know she went to qingfengyuan last night?

"Mother Qiu, don't do that. It can't be the fourth sister."

The old lady rushed into the courtyard on autumn Eve. Jiang was very surprised and got up to wash.

A group of servant women came into the room to search for things.

"Well, what are you doing? Who allows you to look through my things. "

There was a conflict between Jiang and the maid who searched for things.

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