Xiaowang mansion.

On the soft couch, the evil and enchanting man only wears an inner garment with a loose neckline. He lies on his side lazily and wantonly, listening to the secret Wei's report about Nangong moon's falling in the prime minister's palace.

There are no details, the original concise report, Leng is to let a can't tell a story of the dark Wei into a storyteller.

Restore the scene with both sound and emotion

The dark Wei cries blind heart all have, can't bear their family ye love to listen to.

In the dark light, the radian of the attractive red lips is more and more deep, and the corners of the lips are soft, which makes the dark Wei surprised.

How could their master laugh!

Oh, no, they were still holding Nangong in front of the public yesterday and feeding her imperial food.

I'm afraid it will shake the whole capital.

"Tut, it's a little wild cat that doesn't suffer."

There was a trace of spoiling in the lazy voice.

"Sir, you know that she is not at a loss. If she knew that he was scheming against her, she would come to Lord Xiaowang's house to settle with him. "

In the past, dark Wei would not say a word in front of his murderous master.

But he found that I was in a very good mood today, and it was about Nangong's eldest daughter. I seemed to like to hear it very much.

"Well, guess when she'll come to settle with me?" The voice of Helian jiuxiao can't wait.

"My Lord, I don't know!" Dark Wei lowers a way, that South Temple big young lady's mind and ye are equally deep, he can ponder just strange.

"I raised such a fool as you

Helian jiuxiao waved his hand, and a strong wind attacked the dark guard, and the dark guard was beaten out.

If it wasn't for the lightness skill, I'm afraid the dark guard wouldn't have to be a guard. Before he came out, he would beat his muscles and scrape his skin.

The heart that dark Wei cries blind has.

Jing Yu can't bear to remind.

"Since you don't know when she will come to seek revenge, won't you lead her to seek revenge?"


I can't wait for Nangong to take revenge on him?

They are so abnormal!

The dark Wei left secretly.



Nangong yueluo listens to the pink butterfly and the two disabled guards, and talks about the details of last night.

"How many waves of people come to qingfengyuan?"

"Yes, the first wave of people came in, looking for drawers and cabinets, not for gold." Lei Yingjie said.

"The second wave of people in black came in, and it seemed that they were also looking for cupboards, looking for something, but also confused us, and investigated the injuries of our legs.

"And last night, the master's dark guard also came to qingfengyuan. It seems that the purpose is not gold." Lei Ziyang road.


Nangong yueluo listens to the report of the three, and her beautiful eyes sink.

Damn, her mother died early and her father didn't hurt her. What's worth thinking about?

One night, five or six waves of people came to her Qingfeng courtyard. Yesterday she was in Qinghui courtyard. If she was here, one night would be enough for her.

Nangong yueluo thinks deeply, but she really can't think of anything worthy of these people's consideration.

Just when Nangong moon fell, she was so steep that her black eyes were sharp. She said in a cold voice, "who?"

Then, the plain hand turned and the silver needle went straight into the air.

In the dark, a secret guard dodged the silver needle. She was surprised that Nangong was so good that she almost got the needle.

If he gets hurt, then he doesn't have to be a dark guard any more.

Three people look, did not find anyone.

Nangong yueluo's whole face was extremely ugly. Although she was separated by some distance, her nose was very special, and there was the fragrance of that guy in the air.

Although that person just now is not the original one, he must also be the one around him.

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