"Slave!" Helian jiuxiao has just avoided dozens of poisonous arrows. When he turns around, he finds that Nangong yueluo has hit the move.

The needle is small and vicious.

Helian jiuxiao pulled the collar and saw the white skin, now it was dark purple.

In an instant, Helian's deep black eyes were full of fury and fury.

"If you dare to hurt my servants, I will make you live as if you were dead!"

The sound of cruelty is like penetrating the hell of Jiuyou. The next moment, the wind is hunting, the sand is flying away, the eyes are confused, and the archer is flying from the dark.

Brutally cut off the limbs!

"Soak these people in the wine shop and carry them to the Jinluan Palace tomorrow morning."

Helian jiuxiao's whole body's anger was like a raging wave beating his chest.

The sad Liu mubai is brought by Jingyu from Liufu.

It's right in front of the couch.

"Nangong moon falls?"

When Liu mubai thought of Jinluan palace, the woman hit him in the face with embroidered shoes, which is still talked about by the people. She turned around and wanted to leave.

When he died, he took a step, and a bloodthirsty voice rang out: "if you dare to take another step, I will break your leg."

"Xiaowang took the wrong medicine today?"

Liu mubai looks at the man who looks like a devil and knows that he is not joking.

Helplessly, he looked down and was shocked.

"The poison on the needle is a thousand insect poison from Wuchi country. It's extremely poisonous. In another quarter of an hour, he will be poisoned to death. "

When Helian jiuxiao looked down again, the poison needle was dark black at the speed visible to the naked eye.

"Detoxify her quickly!" He Lian jiuxiao's eyes glared at Liu mubai fiercely.

"There are only two ways to detoxify thousand insect poisons, one is antidote; On the other hand, a person with deep internal power is required to take the poison from her to him. " Liu mubai looked at Helian jiuxiao carefully.

"You can go away!"

He even nine Xiao words fall, directly will Liu mubai a lift throw out of the house.


Liu mubai fell to the ground heavily and grinded his teeth, so he had to bear it for nothing.

However, he was thrown out of the house. Jingyu picked him up and went to the wing room.

"Stinking feather, let go, let go, I can go by myself." Liu Mu Bai's face was green and white with anger. When he stood in the Lord's mansion, his face was gone.

Inside, Helian jiuxiao has taken off Nangong yueluo's clothes. Without thinking, he uses his internal power to poison him with thousands of insects.

When he first met her, she was stripped of her clothes. He gave her clothes to cover her body. She played with him in public and kissed him.

Besides, she can cure the strange poison on him. In this way, there is no need for another poison.

At this moment, Helian jiuxiao's mind is more and more clear. When he hears that she will be poisoned and killed in less than a quarter of an hour, his heart seems to be missing a corner. He doesn't want her to lose her beauty, and then it will fall.

Just, in this life, I met such an interesting woman who could be close to him, so let's identify her.

For a full hour, she finally put the thousand insect poison on him. Looking at her still slightly pale face, my heart was aching.

Miraculously, the poison was just painful to him, but there were no symptoms like those on Nangong yueluo.

He even nine Xiao ignore, just order people to change the hot water, immediately put her in the bath bucket, personally wipe her body.

But when she saw the old and new whiplash marks on her body, the anger in her chest suddenly surged, and her heart was pulled, and there was no reason for her pain.

Although Yunxiao Pavilion used to collect her information and was bullied everywhere in the prime minister's residence, it had nothing to do with him in the past, but now she is his slave and his private property.

Helian jiuxiao gently wipes Nangong yueluo's body for fear of touching her scabby scar.

The dark guards of the owl King's mansion, after they were injured by the moon fall of Nangong just now, their master's whole body had never been bloodthirsty, which frightened them.

Miss Nangong is different in my heart.

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