Command: Sacrifice.

Sacrifice a summoned creature to give the summoner a shield that can absorb all damage, which is 120% of the health of the sacrificed summoned creature.

Zhang Feng sacrificed himself immediately after being attacked, and the designated target was the black bear.

As a tank-shaped summoned creature, the black bear has about 300 to 400 million health points under the current attributes.

After one sacrifice, it can absorb nearly 50,000 damage for Zhang Feng.

Combined with his own health points, the value of 70,000 is enough for him to offset most of the damage.

Even the leader-level BOSS will not cause much damage to him.

However, this time the white light shooting was indeed quite dangerous.

The previous few white lights knocked off almost 10,000 of his health points. If he did not sacrifice the remaining six or seven in time, he might not be able to save his life.

However, Zhang Feng was still somewhat grateful from the bottom of his heart to see An Yunfeng blocking in front of him.

The golden light shield on the opponent's body is the famous Holy Shield, which is an extremely rare invincible skill.

After it is turned on, it can directly immunize most of the damage, which can be called a magical skill.

But skills are skills. In a real battle like the Dark Game, being able to directly sacrifice oneself to block the damage can be called fearless even with the Holy Shield.

After all, although the Holy Shield is called an invincible skill, it is not really invincible.

After all, there are still some damages that can penetrate skills like the Holy Shield, and there is a chance to kill the Paladin himself.

Judging from An Yunfeng's behavior, this should be her instinctive action. It seems that in the Red Team, her position should be a sub-tank during the Knight stage.

The so-called sub-tank is not in the front during the battle, but on the side of the team to protect the caster and the long-range attack teammates.

It is necessary to have corresponding protection means to drive away the intruding enemy, or to invalidate the attack of the opponent on the protected party.

From An Yunfeng's behavior, a lot of information about her can be seen.

Walking out from behind An Yunfeng, Zhang Feng maintained the shield effect brought by his own sacrifice skill, looked forward, and found the person who had attacked him before.

He didn't expect that there were five spiritualists of Lannos race players.

On their side, there were many high-tech floating cannons, and countless photons gathered at the muzzles, obviously for the next batch of bombardment.

From this point, it can be seen that the terrible damage just now should be some kind of attack method after the opponent's energy storage.

Originally, they were prepared to kill with one blow, but they didn't expect Zhang Feng to easily eliminate it.

They found that their attack failed and were about to react, but it was too late.

The wind bird in the sky flapped its wings, and suddenly a tornado swept everyone up and threw them high into the sky.

At the same time, the lightning of the Thunder Bird also fell on them.

After these spiritualists fell to the ground a few seconds later, a large amount of damage had destroyed all their health.

Looking at their charred bodies, Zhang Feng snorted.

An Yunfeng on the side was calling for the Holy Light to restore his health.

"It seems that our battle just now attracted nearby players."

An Yunfeng said to Zhang Feng, "Let's leave first."


Zhang Feng nodded slightly, and then hurriedly left the scene with An Yunfeng, no longer caring about the surrounding environment.

With the help of the dark night, they found a remote corner and went directly into the half plane, covering the entrance to the plane and letting more than a dozen summoned creatures guard the entrance.

At this time, Zhang Feng was really relieved, and went into the villa in the half plane with An Yunfeng to rest for a while.

This sneak attack dealt a heavy blow to Zhang Feng's originally complacent mentality.

Although this kind of assassin-type spellcaster is indeed difficult to defend against collective attacks, it is indeed a bit too proud to think that he is invincible with an SSS-level talent.

Although the psychic is a second-level profession, although the psychic has joined forces with several people to release a big move, although they may not be able to kill Zhang Feng in one second.

Although there are many "althoughs", Zhang Feng has been alerted.

He is not truly invincible yet, and still needs to accumulate more.

"The damage of a normal psychic should not be so high. It seems that he has a very high attack level, so he has received an additional bonus."

Zhang Feng began to review the previous battle, "It's mainly because my defense level was not very high just now. If it can reach level 20, the damage will be greatly reduced."

"So the advanced attributes still need to be improved as soon as possible, so as not to be killed by others without paying attention."

Zhang Feng finished his calculations and began to pour out all the loot in the storage ring, preparing to count them carefully.

Killing other players will not drop items unless a hunting order is issued against them.

So although the five psychics must have a lot of good things, they are basically unavailable.

However, the floating cannon requires a specific profession, so he can't use it even if it drops.

The main dropped items are still these two boss-level BOSSes.

"It's a pity that there were originally three, but one was accidentally killed."

Thinking of this, Zhang Feng felt a little regretful.

If the first demon slayer who was killed instantly was given some time and pressure, there would be three bosses that dropped loot now.

After sorting all the loot, Zhang Feng nodded with satisfaction.

The drops this time were pretty good.

There were two purple equipment, and several blue and green equipment.

[Jumping Boots]

Equipment requirements: Agility 70; Constitution 50

Equipment attributes: +25 Constitution; +30 Agility; +11 Spirit

Equipment special effects: Grip (passive effect, when equipped with jumping boots, you can walk on walls and double the jumping distance)


Equipment requirements: Spirit 80

Equipment attributes: +40 Spirit; +20 Constitution; +18 Intelligence

Equipment special effects: Sacrifice (passive effect, defense level +3)

Two purple equipment, both of which have very good effects.

Loyalty is the equipment that Zhang Feng must obtain.

First of all, it has a full 78 points of attribute enhancement.

Secondly, it is the equipment special effect of sacrificing life.

It can bring him 3 points of defense level.

With his talent effect, all advanced attributes are increased by 3 points, which is a significant improvement.

So the Loyalty was directly used by Zhang Feng to replace his [White Bone General Waistband].

Another [Jumping Boots] allows people to walk on walls and double the jumping distance.

More importantly, the attributes obtained are 66 points.

Unfortunately, the equipment requires agility, which is obviously for professions such as assassins and thieves.

Originally, Zhang Feng wanted to share this equipment with An Yunfeng and thank her for her protection.

Now he can only continue to accept it and use it to improve his strength.

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