Dark Gold Mermaid

Chapter 133: (build)

On this side, Zhou Yujie is busy with work in the entertainment industry. On the other side, Liu Zihao is too busy because of the news that Zhou Yujie is about to disband the "slave"! First, we must appease everyone, and at the same time, we must find out who spread the rumors.

"Big brother, why are you here?" Zhou Yujie saw Liu Zihao appear in Alex's manor, but he didn't react for a while.

"I can't come anymore, the organization is going to be a mess." The only purpose of Liu Zihao's coming here is to question his brother. Has the little brother done his meddling business recently and threw the business to the Pacific Ocean?

"Big brother, isn't the organization running well? Isn't it as horrible as you said?" Zhou Yujie smiled. He also knows that in the recent past, he only cared about his work in the entertainment industry. Other than that, he seemed to be genuine. He threw all organizational matters to his elder brother to deal with.

As a leader, he not only ensures that the organization can function normally, but also handles all kinds of chores in the organization. When he was a star in China, his mother left the entertainment company to him to manage. Although, most of the time, he left these things to Su to take care of, but it was an entertainment company after all.

Now, it is impossible for him to learn to take over the entertainment company and be a hand-off shopkeeper, leaving everything to his eldest brother to handle. Learning to manage the organization and operation is a must. However, the organization is so big after all, it is impossible for him to swallow a big bun, right?

"Xiaojie, your rumors last time have caused dissatisfaction with some elders. Although they can't abolish you, they will definitely evade your rights during your tenure, do you understand?" Liu Zihao is not I want to blame Zhou Yujie, and he just took over the organization, and he didn't know many people and things. The other party gave him a set, but fortunately, Alex reacted fast enough, otherwise, they would all be turned back this time!

"Brother, is the other party still not responding?" How could Zhou Yujie fail to hear that there is something in his elder brother's words?

"They are just trying to give you a prestige." Liu Zihao had already noticed that the other party had made it clear this time that they wanted to kill someone with a knife!

"Brother, this time they may just want to give me a good start, but they are not sure that they will really want to attack me next time. It seems that what we have to do is to change the core of the organization before they do it. Change your blood!" Zhou Yujie is no ordinary martial artist, after all, he is also a genius with an IQ of over 180. Things only need a little bit from the other party, and he can see the essence directly from the surface. When he was willing to take over the organization, he understood what is the principle of a gentleman and a courtier.

Those who disagree with themselves don't need to be merciless to them. When they should be cruel, they must not be merciless. Otherwise, the person who will be sent to the ruling table is himself.

"It seems that Big Brother Bai is worried about you." Liu Zihao heard Zhou Yujie say this, the big rock in his heart has been put down. At the beginning, he was afraid that Zhou Yujie would not understand this. Now it seems that Zhou Yujie has already made a plan. Today's action, I'm afraid, is just the beginning of his plan!

"I also know that the eldest brother is for good." Zhou Yujie is actually very pleased. He and Liu Zihao are not brothers, but they are closer to each other than many brothers. This eldest brother always focuses on them. Protect them!

"Then you should tell me about your next plan?" Liu Zihao wanted to know Zhou Yujie's plan, and he was ready to cooperate with Zhou Yujie's next actions.

"Brother, I'm afraid, you still need to block for me for a few days. I have my own arrangements for this exchange of blood." Zhou Yujie didn't believe Liu Zihao, but he didn't want Liu Zihao to participate in it, so as not to put him in danger. .

"What are you talking about, I am your eldest brother, it is incumbent to protect you!" Liu Zihao didn't understand Zhou Yujie's painstaking efforts, but at the beginning he promised his father to take good care of Aunt Zhou and protect his two younger brothers. !

"When the time comes, I will naturally ask my eldest brother to help." Zhou Yujie decides things that are so easy to let go.

"If you let me know that you are doing dangerous things without authorization, it's up to me how to deal with you!" After Liu Zihao expected such a sentence, he said nothing more. They are all grown-ups. What should be done and what should not be done should be clear in their hearts.

"Big brother, after this incident, I am still planning to be a hand-shoulder. Without the support of my eldest brother, how can I do it?" Zhou Yujie joked to please Liu Zihao.

"Don't give me honey." Liu Zihao smiled and asked: "Yes, my mother said that the evil emperor will be back in two days."

"It's great that the emperor can come back!" Zhou Yujie was very happy when he heard the news. Although he knew that the evil emperor would be fine, he couldn't feel at ease without his side!

"Since there is nothing more to do, I'll take a step first." Liu Zihao left without looking back after speaking.

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