Dark Gold Mermaid

Chapter 155: (build)

"The emperor, take me to the swimming pool!" As soon as Zhou Yujie and the evil emperor entered the elevator, he felt like a fire was burning in his body, and his feet began to become painful. It seems that soon, his feet will turn into fish tails!

"Be patient." The evil emperor also noticed Zhou Yujie's strangeness, which they had encountered in the desert last time. Therefore, this time the evil emperor was not as nervous as before.

So, the moment the elevator reached the top floor and opened the door, the evil emperor's feet instantly turned into horseshoes and rushed in the corridor on the top floor. At the same time, in order to prevent others from discovering the strangeness of the top layer, the evil emperor also attached his thought power to the entire top layer! He had completely mastered the control of this floor within a second.

Fortunately, in addition to the presidential suite on the top floor of the hotel chosen by the other party this time, there is also a large swimming pool that can accommodate twenty people! Zhou Yujie wants to add water and can do it in the swimming pool.

The mermaid is the darling of the sea god, as long as there is water, no matter how much damage the mermaid suffers, it can be healed by water. There is still a difference between water and water. For mermaids, they prefer sea water. If they are dehydrated, it is best to soak in sea water!

I don’t know whether it should be said that Zhou Yujie is lucky, or someone specially arranged that the water in the swimming pool is not ordinary water, but sea water with the smell of the sea. This really solves their urgent need!

The evil emperor put Zhou Yujie in the swimming pool. When Zhou Yujie entered the water, his legs changed to fish tails. The dark golden fish tail seems to have a lot less luster than usual!

Zhou Yujie seemed to be relieved in the sea water, but he didn't relieve the status quo in his body too much, so he said to the evil emperor: "Emperor, it seems that I have to soak in the sea water for one night here tonight."

"Xiaojie, don't worry, I will stay by your side and not let anyone disturb you." The evil emperor cannot leave Zhou Yujie. Since Zhou Yujie does not leave, he will not leave either.

"Emperor, do you have a mobile phone?" Zhou Yujie's body was soaked in the sea water except for his head exposed on the water. He didn't change his clothes at all when he entered the water, so naturally his mobile phone was scrapped in the water!

Although his bracelet communicator can be used, it is limited to talking with Zhou Yu and Zhou Yukai. Zhou Yujie felt that he could solve his current situation by himself, and there was no need to notify his mother to make him worry!

The evil emperor asked directly: "Are you going to call Liu Zihao?"

Zhou Yujie nodded to the evil emperor, "Yes, call your eldest brother and tell him that you'd better send someone over." Because he wants to stay here for one night, he should be careful for safety!

Zhou Yujie didn't know why, he always felt that something would happen in general, so he would be so careful. It even asked the evil emperor to call Liu Zihao and ask him to send someone over.

"I see." After the evil emperor nodded, he took out his cell phone and called Liu Zihao.

I don't know what the evil emperor said to Liu Zihao. When the evil emperor hung up the phone, he walked to the pool and pressed the start button. In less than five seconds, the seawater swimming pool was covered by bullet-proof tempered glass, and Zhou Yujie tapped the bullet-proof tempered glass with his hand, which seemed very strong. So, he also sank to the bottom of the pool with peace of mind...

For the safety of Zhou Yujie, the evil emperor turned his lower body into eight claws of an octopus and sat on bulletproof tempered glass. It looks like if you want to get close to Zhou Yujie, you must pass his level first!

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