"Everyone, I have a question, where did the kinship come from?" Zhou Yujie has learned about the history of religion, and the first generation of kinship is very controversial. However, he did not think that the blood race was born in the age of gods.

"In fact, some people have also suspected that the blood race should be an alien creature." Yin Huinan answered Zhou Yujie's question.

"Elder Smith, you just said that after the mermaid drove the kinsman away, they returned to the deep sea. Now, are there any mermaid in the deep sea?" Since Zhou Yujie became a mermaid and got the mermaid inheritance, he found that there was nothing on earth except him and Mother, there is no longer a third mermaid. And where are the mermaids who have appeared before? Human science and technology are getting stronger and stronger, and deep-sea exploration is also deepening...

"Leader, I can't answer your question." Smith shook his head at Zhou Yujie. After all, the age is a long time away, and the contractors of that year no longer exist in this world. Besides, mermaids are not immortal creatures, are they?

"Xiaojie, we are not discussing whether there are other mermaids on this earth. Our focus should be on how to deal with those blood races." Zhou Yu did not expect this time to be so troublesome, although she also knew that There have been blood races on the earth, but she didn't know that blood races still had such old grievances with them.

"Chief Jade doesn't have to worry about this. I will make the organization pay close attention to each other's every move." As the elder of the war department, Telpi, whether it is for the protection of Zhou Yujie and Zhou Yu, or the organization of the encirclement and suppression of the blood clan. , These are the things of their war department.

"Xiaojie, what are your plans?" Zhou Yu wanted to hear his son's opinion. After all, the leader of the organization is Zhou Yujie instead of herself.

"A blood clan I met before claimed to be a child of a blood clan and a mermaid. Everyone knows that it is impossible for a blood clan to produce offspring. If a blood clan holds a manfish, we must rescue them as soon as possible." Zhou Yujie is not actually Fear of the blood, he is more worried about whether there are mermaids in the hands of the blood?

"Boss, in fact, the blood family you meet is not a blood family in the true sense, nor is it a mermaid in the true sense. It's a "blood Philis"." When Kopda said this sentence, it was actually with a lot of Helpless.

"Kopda, it looks like you are hiding a lot of things from everyone." When Zhou Yu said this, it was natural to be angry. After being the leader for so many years, Zhou Yu didn't know much about mermaid. But the elders didn't really admit her, so they concealed a lot of things from her.

"Chief Jade, it is not that we intentionally concealed it, but after the blood race disappeared from everyone's sight, the mermaid also left. Except for the surrogate mermaid, many things have been erased. As a biologist, I just become a technology After the minister was elder, he learned about this through the dictation of the last elder.” Kopda really didn’t intentionally conceal it. After all, he felt that it was impossible to happen. Just listen to it as a story.

"Then don't talk nonsense." Zhou Yu is sometimes a person who doesn't have much patience.

"Blood Philis" is a half-blood, half-mermaid creature created by the blood race after absorbing the flesh and blood of Phiplis. I said before that mermaids are noble and pure creatures. Their blood is the cleanest and purest power, while the blood races are dirty creatures. These are the two largest extremes in the universe.

It's like the darkness meets the light, and it is either swallowed by the light or the darkness covers the light. It stands to reason that after the blood clan **** the blood of the mermaid, it should be purified and die.

The cunning blood race used the prince and got Phiplis' blood. Maybe the blood race didn't know that sucking the blood of the mermaid would bring its own destruction. However, this cunning kin was very lucky.

When the mermaid's blood was preparing to purify him, he happened to meet a kind woman "Alice". When the cunning blood family couldn't bear the pain, they unexpectedly gave Alice the first embrace. After the blood of the mermaid carried Alice's body, the cunning blood race survived miraculously.

In order to be grateful to Alice, he took her by his side and gave her the best. After being embraced by the cunning blood clan for the first time, Alice should have become a blood clan, but because of the blood of the mermaid, she did not become a real blood clan.

It is said that Rijiu Shengqing is not false at all! Alice fell in love with the blood family, and at this time, she found out that she was pregnant. Unfortunately, when the child was born, Alice was sucked up all the blood by her child and died.

When the cunning kinsmen saw Alice's child, he was surprised to find that the child was only a pure human? The cunning kin did not kill the child, he just put the child into the human society, and when the child grew up, he married a wife and had children. However, it is a pity that the child born by his wife is a terrible monster...

Because this child is a natural blood race, the baby found that he could not control the instinct of his blood race at all. He could ravage the entire village of humans in one night, and his power was so powerful that even the cunning blood race could not deal with this baby. It's just that, I don't know if it is because of blood relationship, he can easily control this baby!

The cunning kinsman grasped the key point at once, in order to get more and stronger babies. He took Alice's child back to the castle, and, at the same time, he ordered his subordinates to capture many women back, in order to let Alice's child make more babies for him.

Why the cunning kinsmen are so eager to get more babies is because the merfolk united with the humans and carried out crazy revenge on their kinsmen.

If the mermaid itself does not have any powerful power, but once the mermaid forms a contract, the power of the mankind will be improved, and he will no longer be afraid of the blood. But those babies are the best knife against humans and mermaids.

Alice's son was unwilling to obey the cunning kin at first, but the sly kin didn't care so much. As long as he could make a baby, the method or something was not important at all.

When the cunning kinsman also had romantic cells, he also gave these babies a nice name called "Blood Philis". It is said to be to thank Alice, and some names!

Because "Blood Philis" only obeys the orders of a cunning blood clan, and it is powerful. However, there is no impermeable wall in this world. After other blood races knew about it, they began to play the meaning of mermaid blood. Who doesn't want to create their own "blood Philis" anymore.

This also led to later, in the battle between the mermaid and the blood, the "blood Philis" not only caused great damage to the mermaid and humans, but at the same time, once the mermaid was captured by the blood, it would be swallowed by the blood. It's just that being lucky doesn't mean that you will all be lucky later. There are more kinsmen who died on the blood of mermaid.

If it weren't for the religion that had captured the cunning kinship castle and nailed the cunning kinship to the cross, the war would have ended! I'm afraid that if we continue, it is really hard to say whether mankind has a future or whether mermaid has a tomorrow.

The "Blood Philis" caused humans to suffer, and it was natural to behead them all. After the war, there was no "blood Philistine" in this world. And so many years later, "Blood Philis" appeared in front of the world again, then, there is only one possibility, the cunning blood race was saved from the cross...

"In this way, it is very possible that we have a new war with the blood clan?" Zhou Yujie really did not expect that the grievances between the blood clan and the mermaid were no longer a simple matter.

"War is inevitable." Telpi also felt that since the other party provokes himself, why are they here waiting to be beaten? It might be better to take the initiative! After all, they are not in the pure cold weapon era anymore, and modern weapons could not be simpler for the blood race.

"In order to ensure the safety of the mermaids in the future, we must annihilate them." Zhou Yujie said again: "The main question now is, how should we find the other side's nest?"

"Yin Huinan, I need you to explain this kinship incident to the big brothers from several continents, and I plan to activate 24 military satellites..." Zhou Yu thought about it for a while and took out his trump card.

"Chief Jade, I will contact them as soon as possible, but before that, it is better to ask you not to use military satellites for the time being." Yin Huinan wants to communicate with each other before speaking. Anyway, the 24 military satellites can be used. It is not a small satellite, but twenty-four outer space military weapons, any of which can carry out military strikes on any world on the earth.

Governments of all countries know that these 24 military satellites are equal to sharp swords hanging over their heads. If they want to use them, unless they give a reasonable explanation, they are very likely to be attacked by the whole world!

"Then you go as soon as possible." Zhou Yu also knows the truth about the impact of the whole body, but it is better not to hinder those countries.

"Elder Kopda, I will trouble you to study that Hong's corpse. I think the Arctic Ocean experiment should need my help." Zhou Yujie would say this, completely preparing for the next war. If the Pacific Experiment is a biological laboratory, the Arctic Ocean Laboratory is the most advanced weapon laboratory in the world. At the same time, it is also one of the safest places in the world, and Zhou Yujie will go there. It is great.

"It's okay for the leader to go there." Everyone thinks that Zhou Yujie's performance this time is very good, at least, he will not be young and frivolous.

After finishing the elder-level meeting, Zhou Yujie, Zhou Yu, and the evil emperor secretly took a nuclear submarine to the Arctic Ocean Laboratory, while Liu Zihao temporarily took the headquarters for Zhou Yujie. Of course, in order to ensure everyone's safety, the new type of protective clothing has played a big role.

This kind of protective clothing that directly covers the whole body and does not hinder the attraction can effectively prevent the kinsmen from making surprise attacks on them. However, the number of such protective clothing is now limited. However, Zhou Yujie has already ordered the rush.

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