Before entering his mech, Ares said to Hercules: "Our current cooperation is over. When we get to the earth, we will each have our own abilities!" After speaking, he took the lead in getting into the mecha. .

"The prince, goodbye." After Kress saluted Hercules, he followed Ares and went into the mecha.

"The prince, we are now..." After the second prince and Kreis left, Tomac saw that his prince was not in a rush to return to the earth at all. Instead, Tomac was puzzled.

"Tomac, what is there to worry about, Jie is there now, and only I know it. Even if Ares goes to Earth first, he may not be able to find Jie?" Hercules didn't tell me this time. Zhou Yujie told Ares where he was now.

"So that's the case." Tomac knew that when he heard Hercules say this, he wanted to understand.

"Tomac, what I asked you to prepare, are you ready?" Hercules asked Tomac again.

"Grand Prince, what you asked me to prepare has already been detected. When we pass by Venus, we can drop by and take it. But, Grand Prince, will it be bad for us to do this?" Tomac I don't quite understand why the prince did this. After all, there is only one planet with civilization in the Milky Way galaxy. However, this does not mean that there will be no civilizations on other unmanned planets after that?

The prince actually asked him to take away the geocentric energy of a planet this time, although such energy can be used as a power source for the mecha, which is nothing better. In this way, the mecha has an unlimited supply of energy and does not worry about the problem of energy drying up at all. Outside, the mecha made of geocentric energy also possesses nothing other mechas have, that is, the ability to repair itself. Unless the geocentric energy from the mecha is taken away, even if the mecha is 99% damaged, it can repair itself. Such a mecha can be regarded as an emperor-class mecha.

However, it is not so easy to make such a mecha. First of all, geocentric energy is not so easy to obtain. After all, there is only one geocentric energy for a planet. When the geocentric energy of the planet is taken away, either the planet will slowly dry up and die; or it will take many years for the planet to regenerate a new earth. Heart.

Furthermore, ordinary asteroids have no geocentric energy at all, and they must be large-scale planets. However, in the universe, many planets have life forms. As long as there are life forms on one planet, even if they don't have intelligent creatures, as intelligent creatures of the advanced literary star system, they can't plunder the other side's living planet. Even if the planets without life exist, as the rule of the galaxy, for the development of their own galaxies, they will not do anything to take the energy from the center of the earth.

Of course, if you can discover unknown planets, and, when the Cosmos Alliance has not discovered it, take the Earth's core energy and use it on the mecha, then it can only show that you have the ability. The cosmic alliance will not stop you. After all, in the universe, the law of survival is the law of survival.

Even so, up to now, there are no more than one hundred mechas like those with geocentric energy sources in the entire universe.

In galaxies with advanced civilizations like the Emerald Galaxy, there are only the mechas of the emperor and empress, and the mecha "Glorious" of Hercules. Even Ares's "Phantom" has not reached that level. In addition, it is the most elite guard in the empire.

Hercules felt that since Zhou Yujie wanted to have his own mecha, as the mermaid king, he was naturally the best geocentric energy mecha.

Fortunately, only the earth has life in the Milky Way galaxy, and the rest of the planets are all dead stars. Otherwise, he would not dare to move this idea rashly.

"Tomac, only the Geocentric Energy Mecha can be worthy of Jie, and at the same time, it can also protect Jie, do you understand?" Hercules replied Tomac. No matter how attractive the natural mermaid is to the intelligent creatures of the universe, there is no need for him to say. If those people find that Jie is a "dark gold mermaid", they can do anything to get Jie.

Besides, his abilities are limited after all. If there is no good thing to protect Zhou Yujie, he would rather keep Zhou Yujie on earth for the rest of his life, and dare not take him back to the Emerald Galaxy.

"The prince, I also understand what you mean." How could Tomac not understand his prince, and then he said: "The prince, everything is ready, we can leave."

"Let's go then." Hercules nodded, "I hope Jie will like the gift I gave him."

The earth at this time...

Zhou Yujie stepped out of the new mecha cockpit and asked the scientists present: "Is there still no way to solve it?"

"Boss, the energy bars on the earth now can only supply mechas for three hours at most..." Although the scientists have worked very hard, they really can't solve the energy supply of mechas.

Although the materials sent by the leader of Jade last time have allowed them to successfully create mechas, after the mechas were made, it was too expensive to use, but it became a new problem for them.

"Everyone think of a way to see." Zhou Yujie sighed, in this regard he can only leave it to the scientists to deal with.

If a mecha must replenish primary energy in three hours, to be honest, such mecha has some tasteless...

After one of the scientists thought about it, he answered Zhou Yujie, "Leader, we will try some new energy."

"Thank you." Zhou Yujie nodded.

The captain of Zhou Yujie's guard walked to Zhou Yujie's side, "Leader, a guest is visiting."

"Guest?" Zhou Yujie was taken aback for a moment? Not many people know about his work in the deep-sea laboratory in the Arctic Ocean. Besides, this is the same as the Pacific Deep Sea Laboratory, and both belong to the organization's most confidential core laboratory. Outsiders have no chance to visit at all. Why is there a guest here at this time?

"Chief, the other party brought the invitation letter from Chief Jade, saying that he can help you solve the problem you are currently worrying about." If the chief guard had not seen the other party took out the invitation letter from Chief Jade, it would never be possible to see Zhou Yujie in person. .

"In that case, I'll go over and take a look." Zhou Yujie nodded, then took the evil emperor and went with the captain of the guard.

In order to protect the Arctic Ocean deep-sea laboratory, the organization deliberately established a submarine base outside the laboratory, and the so-called meeting room is actually not in the laboratory area, but in an outside base.

"How could it be you?" Zhou Yujie's first reaction after seeing Hercules was to be angry. He had no idea that his mother would let this person come here.

"Jie, long time no see." Hercules didn't take Zhou Yujie's unfriendly tone to heart. He hasn't seen the person he loves so much for half a year. He is naturally happy to see each other now.

"I'd rather not see you for the rest of my life." Zhou Yujie didn't know why. He just couldn't get a good impression of Hercules. Maybe it's because that incident hurt him too much!

"Jie, even if you are not happy to see me, but are you unwilling to solve the problem of mecha energy supply?" Hercules directly threw out his bait.

"Before, when you traded with your mother, did you dig a trap and let us get in?" Zhou Yujie was also stupid. How could it be that the other party provided them with mecha information so kindly.

"Jie, you are wrong. I didn't dig any traps for you to jump in. It is impossible to supply mecha needs for a long time with the earth's current energy." Hercules gave the answer directly.

Zhou Yujie also knows that what Hercules is telling is the truth, and this matter has been confirmed by the world's top scientific team. For this reason, he had to compromise and asked: "Then you can tell me what deal you want to do."

"It's hard to talk about the deal. This is the gift I want to give you. However, I hope you can be kind to me in the future." Hercules truly loves Zhou Yujie, and he doesn't want them to be Any so-called entanglement of interests appeared.

"Then I owe you a favor, but if you want me to be friendly to you, unless..." Zhou Yujie was interrupted by Hercules before he finished speaking.

"Jie, you take me to your mecha first." Hercules didn't plan on Zhou Yujie's hostile words. Anyway, he is already here now, and there is a chance to get along well with Zhou Yujie.

"Let's go." Zhou Yujie turned around and left.

When Hercules put the energy bar he brought into the mecha, the mecha changed a lot in the first time, and the energy data directly reached the peak. In addition, some energy seems to be converted into Some new things are attached to the surface of the mecha.

"Go in and try it." Hercules suggested that Zhou Yujie could try his new mecha.

"Yeah." After Zhou Yujie entered the mecha, he found that this mecha was very different from the previous ones. Although everything hasn't changed in any way, the mecha feels different to him.

Finally, after Zhou Yujie performed a series of actions, he found that not only did the energy of the mecha not decrease, but also increased. This made him a little surprised and puzzled?

After exiting the cabin, Hercules walked up to Zhou Yujie and put a button on Zhou Yujie's clothes: "This is a space button for storing mechas."

"Thank you." Zhou Yujie did not refuse this time. After all, the space technology they currently possessed could not allow him to put down a mecha. Therefore, he gladly accepted Hercules' kindness.

"Hercules, you energy bar..." After Zhou Yujie put away his mecha, he wondered if the energy bar brought by Hercules was extra.

"Jie, this energy bar is a gift I brought you. It is unique." Hercules gave Zhou Yujie a ruthless answer.

"..." Whether Zhou Yujie, or a scientist, was speechless.

Hercules was a little embarrassed by everyone staring at him like this. He could only say: "If yours can mine energy crystals, maybe you can solve the problem of mecha energy bars. However, it seems that the earth There is no such thing on it."

"You said it means you didn't say it." Zhou Yujie's face became even more ugly...

"However, if your space technology reaches a certain level, there will be such an energy crystal on the nearest Mars." Hercules gave everyone a so-called hope.

Of course, Zhou Yujie can now fly to Mars with his mecha to mine energy crystals, but the prerequisite is that the countries on the earth will not count him. Zhou Yujie now has a key to the treasure, but he can't open the treasure. Isn't that depressing?

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