After Zhou Yujie spent two days in the mansion of Battlestar Hercules, he wanted to return to Earth. However, he tried to find Hercules many times but was blocked by the servants in the mansion, which made Zhou Yujie a little angry. At this time, Zhou Yujie realized that Hercules was a veritable prince.

"His Royal Highness, the eldest prince still has official duties to deal with. If he comes back, I will notify you as soon as possible." After the steward finished speaking, he turned off the video phone.

To be honest, he disliked this majesty Jie very much, and he didn’t even understand why the prince asked them to call this primitive human "His Royal Highness." The title, is he worthy of this human?

Although the prince confessed to him to treat this primitive man well, he would naturally follow the instructions of the prince. However, this primitive man is too shameless. He didn't see the prince for two days, so he wanted to sue the prince. . However, he would never give the other party this opportunity.

It is precisely because of the butler's prevention that it is a misunderstanding that both sides have produced. Hercules learned from the butler that Zhou Yujie liked it very much and wanted to stay longer. Since Zhou Yujie would stay for a few more days, he naturally agreed. Best, Zhou Yujie can agree to go back to the Emerald Galaxy with him.

And Zhou Yujie became irritable and restless because he couldn't return to Earth because he couldn't see Hercules. He began to wonder if Hercules was planning to put himself under house arrest, perhaps he was planning to take himself further. In this way, even if you want to go back, it is impossible. Zhou Yujie became even more angry when he thought that Hercules was so mean!

"Emperor, what shall we do now?" The only person Zhou Yujie can trust now is the Evil Emperor.

"I have already probed. The security here is very strict. If we want to leave, I am afraid that the chances are not very high." The evil emperor was also a little annoyed by this. Unexpectedly, Hercules would be even more so this time. Treat them. It seems that the enemy cannot be trusted at all.

However, they did not know that in order to protect Zhou Yujie's safety, Hercules had activated Battlestar Level 1 alert. Except for all personnel on duty all day, all weapons are activated all day. There is a special safety net outside the Battlestar, so you can only get in but not out! Everyone thought they were ready for war. Therefore, even if Zhou Yujie can escape from Hercules's mansion, it is impossible to create a Battlestar...

"Damn it!" Zhou Yujie hit the table with a punch.

"Xiaojie, maybe we still have another way..." The evil emperor took Zhou Yujie's hand, because the punch just now made Zhou Yujie's fist a little red and swollen. If Zhou Yujie is just an ordinary person, I am afraid that he would have given medicine to Zhou Yujie a long time ago. Fortunately, he is now a mermaid. After a few seconds, the redness and swelling disappeared.

"Talk about it." Zhou Yujie lifted his chin, he wanted to know what the Evil Emperor thought of.

"Aris may be able to help us." The evil emperor knew that Ares had no good intentions towards Zhou Yujie, but now it is an extraordinary period, and they can only deal with it very seriously.

"Aris?" Zhou Yujie looked at the evil emperor, he seemed to be asking, can Ares really help them?

"Aris and Hercules are brothers. If he is willing to take you away, we will have a chance to return to Earth." The evil emperor felt that if Zhou Yujie spoke, perhaps Ares would agree.

"In this case, I must owe Ares a favor." Zhou Yujie smiled bitterly. He understood that Ares had a bad heart for him. If he was given this opportunity... But if he didn't want to leave now, would it? , Are you really going to wait here for Hercules to take him to the depths of the universe, and can't go home forever?

While Zhou Yujie was swaying from side to side deep in his heart, Hercules and Ares were working hard to modify Zhou Yujie's mecha.

Before the incident happened suddenly, although Zhou Yujie had activated the "Light Energy Mecha", the mecha itself still had many flaws. For example, "optical brain", weapons, etc...

In order to better perfect Zhou Yujie's mecha, Hercules took advantage of Zhou Yujie's days to rest in the Battlestar, and began to transform Zhou Yujie's mecha. This is also why Zhou Yujie wants to find Hercules many times, except for the butler's prevention, this is the main reason.

"The power system, weapon equipment, optical brain program, propulsion system, etc. have been completed." Tomac reported to Hercules, "The prince, next, all you need to do is to test the synchronization between your Highness Jie and the optical brain. "

"Very good." Hercules stood in front of Zhou Yujie's mecha and looked at the renewed mecha, very satisfied. Then he said, "Jie will definitely like this mecha!"

"That's natural." Ares got out of the mecha.

"Why are you in the mecha?" Hercules doesn't like Ares's entry into Zhou Yujie's mecha. After all, for them, the mecha is like their own clothes. Who wants to give their clothes to others? wore?

"I don't want to give Jay's light brain to those idiots to settle down." Ares said back to Hercules.

If Hercules is inferior to Ares in that respect, it is the use and development of optical brain. Ares can be said to be a wizard in the field of optical brain applications. Even the current dean of the Academy of Sciences very much hoped that Ares would help. It's just that Ares has never liked that group of old men.

Although "Phantom" and "Guanghua" are both the top two mechas in the empire, its own "Guanghua" is strong in attack and defense, but compared with "Phantom", "Guanghua" is more like one. Machines, and "Phantoms" are closer to mechanical intelligent organisms.

If the optical brain on Zhou Yujie's mech was designed by Ares, it would definitely be better than others, but Hercules also didn't like it. After all, the optical brain is a machine, and there will be loopholes to drill. In case, Ares has any crooked mind...

"Why are you staring at me so Are you thinking about mechas? You can prepare mechas for him, why can't I prepare "light brains" for him? Even if we both want to get the best, it is a matter between us, at best Come to solve it. But, the universe is so big, in case, that day, we are not by Jie's side, the only thing that can protect him is the mecha. I don't want to be outstanding, do you understand?"

Ares did not think of this at first, but after experiencing this incident, he realized that no matter how strong he is, he cannot always bring Zhou Yujie with him. The only thing he can do is give Zhou Yujie's greatest guarantee. Mecha, Hercules has prepared the best for him, what can he give Zhou Yujie? After thinking about it, he thought of putting the best light brain on Zhou Yujie's mech.

"What a villain this time." Hercules apologized directly.

"It's fine if you know it." Ares lifted his chin, saying that it's fine to see Zhou Yujie's face this time. If there is another time, he will definitely beat Hercules to the ground!

"Aris, can you synchronize "Phantom" and "Guanghua" and Jie's Mecha Light Brain into the three parties?" If Hercules didn't know that Zhou Yujie's Mecha was made by Ares, he Never make such a request.

"I've done it a long time ago." Ares has already synchronized the three optical brains. In this way, they not only know the location of Zhou Yujie, but if something happens, they will notify each other as soon as possible. .

"Thank you." Hercules said thank you directly.

"I did this for Jay." Ares would not accept Hercules' thanks like this.

"Let's tell Jie to try the mecha." Hercules thought for a while, and now that everything is ready, they invited the protagonist to appear on the stage.

"Alright." Ares nodded.

"The first prince, the second prince, the emperor is coming later." Kress arrived in front of Hercules and Ares. Originally, he was going to inform Ares, but he came over when he heard that the second prince was in the mecha remodeling workshop. But I didn't expect to see the eldest prince also here.

"Why did the mother and father come here?" Hercules was a little puzzled. It stands to reason that it is impossible for mother and father to leave the main star under normal circumstances. Last time he came here, he still came with his father, why this time...

"Back to the eldest prince, the empress came here after hearing about His Royal Highness Jie's affairs..." Kress went to inquire about the arrival of the empress, but it turned out to be a little bit dumb...

"Mother and father know that Jie is here?" Hercules frowned when he heard Kress's answer. He had already told everyone to be tight-lipped, so why did he pass it back to the main star?

It turned out that it was precisely because of Hercules' order that the butler worried that the eldest prince was really confused by a primitive human. In order to prevent the eldest prince from being so dissatisfied, he directly reported the news to the empress. I thought that after the emperor gave some warnings to the eldest prince, he could dispose of the primitive humans. Where would they know that the emperor would come in person? It seems that this time things have gone viral!

"Why do you think so much? Mother and father are here, at most they just want to see Jie. Are you planning to take him back now?" Ares interrupted Hercules' thoughts directly," Let's go, let's pick up mother and father first." After speaking, we walked to the port.

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