Dark Gold Mermaid

Chapter 23: (build)

The two sides held a stalemate for a long time, and finally, Hercules took a step back, and the evil emperor carried Zhou Yujie to his shell bed.

After the evil emperor came back, he looked at Hercules seriously. He said to Hercules: "It seems that we need to have a good chat."

"Alright." Hercules nodded to the evil emperor, he also meant it. It seems that this person should be the guardian of Jie!

"You are not welcome here? Please leave immediately!" The evil emperor didn't like Hercules at first sight! It is not that he thinks that the other party has taken Zhou Yujie's attention, but that he thinks this man will bring danger to Zhou Yujie! That's why he wanted to drive him out of here!

"Let me introduce myself first, my name is Hercules Lijed." Hercules has long known the attitude of the other party towards him, and it is absolutely impossible to be friendly. Therefore, if the other party speaks this way, he will naturally not be angry.

"I don't care what your name is, I just want to tell you, you don't belong here." The evil emperor won't care what the other party's name is!

"I can't promise you." Hercules shook his head at the evil emperor. It is impossible for him to leave his Jie just because of a word from the other party!

"You are just a passer-by in Xiaojie's life, why should you force it?" The evil emperor saw his obsession in the eyes of the other party, and he understood that it was impossible for the other party to let the other party just because of his own words. Back down. But, what about that, he only needs to let the other party see clearly what the facts are!

Hercules smiled and asked the evil emperor: "You think I'm just a passer-by in Jie's life. Is this really said to me? Or is it to yourself?"

"You don't know Xiaojie at all." The evil emperor glared at Hercules, and then he said: "Your appearance will one day hurt him and how much damage it will bring him, do you know?"

"I will use my life to protect his life!" Hercules naturally knows Jie's identity. Now that he has decided to stay, he will do what he says! Besides, for the rival in front of him, he will only give him a piece of advice: "Although you like Jie, Jie doesn't like you, doesn't he?"

"I don't like Xiaojie, I love him!" The evil emperor fell in love with Zhou Yujie from the very beginning, and he didn't give up on Hercules' "like"!

Hercules heard what the other party said, and for a moment did not know what the other party meant, and then asked again: "What is that?" After all, for the intelligent creatures of the universe, in their knowledge, There is no word "love".

For them, whether it is a natural mermaid or an artificial mermaid, as long as they can be recognized by the mermaid, it is an important guarantee for the continuation of future generations! It is a glorious thing to make people like themselves and become his partner.

The evil emperor was so angry that his whole body was trembling, and he roared with his greatest strength: "You don't even know what love is. What qualifications do you have to stand in front of Xiaojie." The other party is simply a shameless person. ! Such a person is not worthy to stay by Xiaojie's side!

"It's not up to you to decide whether I am qualified or not. As I said, I will use my life to protect him! That's enough!" Hercules will never allow others to insult him like this! This is detrimental to his dignity!

"Speaking better than singing, I won't believe it!" The evil emperor has completely distrusted the other party. If it weren't for he knew that he could not defeat the other party, I'm afraid that he would have acted on Hercules long ago!

"Since you are not sincere, it seems that we don't need to talk anymore." Hercules felt that there was no need to talk between them, so he turned and left.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that the beauty he had now would soon be broken by the appearance of another...

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