Because of the discovery of the deep purple mermaid, the Milky Way has naturally become the focus of attention. As the guardian of the Milky Way, Hercules has naturally become a question among the major galaxies in the universe. At this time, everyone understood why Hercules was like this. It turned out that Hercules had long known that there was a deep purple mermaid in the galaxy!

The so-called one-stone hitting a thousand waves, amid the condemnation of everyone, the Universe Alliance also had to act like it. Originally, the Universe Alliance also wanted to use this storm to intervene in this matter.

However, no one had expected the firmness of the Emerald Galaxy in this matter. When the Cosmic Alliance Army reached the periphery of the galaxy, they discovered that the defenders of the Emerald Galaxy stationed on the periphery of the galaxy were actually making all the intelligent creatures of the universe a military genius, Peel!

Seeing Peier, the Cosmic Alliance Army naturally didn't dare to take a step beyond the thunder pond, but if they were to shrink their heads and turn back like this, they naturally couldn't hold back their face. So, the two armies confronted each other!

Hercules immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he knew that his father had transferred Peer here. After talking to Peer, he, who should have been pleased, could only leave with a wry smile.

Peel is willing to come here, although it is the father's intention, but he himself is also here for the mermaid. Therefore, when Peier met Hercules, he asked to see Zhou Yu.

Although Hercules was a little unwilling, Peel was there in terms of strength and fame. If he didn't do this kind of favor, it seemed too unreasonable. Therefore, when Hercules was preparing to transfer back to Earth, he had to agree to Peel's request.

However, Hercules knew that Zhou Yu had put everyone together, and when he returned to the earth, only then knew that either Zhou Yu or Zhou Yujie had already quietly left the earth with a group of people...

Hercules wanted to find Zhou Yujie, no matter how he sent the message, he was always unable to respond. At one point, Hercules thought it was someone who sneaked into the earth during his departure and kidnapped Zhou Yu and his mother and son!

As soon as the news of Zhou Yu's disappearance came out, the most unlucky thing was the Universe Alliance army guarding outside the galaxy. They can be said to be dumb eating yellow lotus this time, and they are hard to tell!

Peier couldn't believe it. Under his nose, someone actually intercepted Zhou Yu! This is more humiliating than a slap on his face! He even wants to declare war on the Space Alliance Army!

If it weren't for the Space Alliance Army, they would immediately retreat. I'm afraid that at this moment, the two armies are likely to be inextricably fought. This is the result that no one wants to see.

As for where Zhou Yu went, he became a mystery for a while? Zhou Yujie left, Zhou Yu disappeared on the earth, and for a while became a hot topic among the major galaxies.

Hercules was even more anxious like an ant on a hot pot, at a loss! If it weren't for Enrui to remind his son in time, I'm afraid, at this moment, Hercules is still in a hurry like a headless fly!

"Jie, you finally got my message back!" Hercules finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhou Yujie's message back to him.

"Hercules, are your matters finished?" Zhou Yujie responded naturally when he received the news from Hercules.

You must know that the situation of the "Ice Ocean" star field is very special. Any communication equipment used here will be shielded due to the magnetic field. As a result, Hercules has been unable to find Zhou Yujie in the past few months.

"Jie, do you know how much I worry about you?" Hercules eagerly wanted to know where Zhou Yujie was and how he was doing well.

"Hercules, what's the matter?" Zhou Yujie didn't quite understand. He was so busy these few months that he opened his eyes and worked every day. So, the time passed without knowing it!

"Jie, do you know? We haven't talked for half a year." Hercules really doesn't know what Zhou Yujie should say...

Although mermaids are all arrogant intelligent creatures, they are sometimes the least emotionally intelligent creatures. Their intelligence is higher than many intelligent creatures in the universe, but their EQ is often so low that you gnash your teeth!

"Has it been so long?" Zhou Yujie really didn't react. He looked at the calendar carefully, only to realize that he and Hercules hadn't communicated for more than half a year. So, he said: "Hercules, I'm sorry, this has been too busy with my mother since I got to the "Bingyang" and didn't notice the time..."

"Jie, before you leave next time, can you tell me first?" Hercules sighed, Zhou Yujie said such things, how could he be angry again?

"Mom told me not to tell you for the time being, but before we left, let Xiaokai take the report?" Zhou Yujie did not forget that before he left, he specifically confessed to his brother to tell Hercules who came back after finishing the work. Go back to "Bingyang" with my mother.

After Hercules heard Zhou Yujie's words, he could only tell him with this lie, "I forgot to ask." Because, after he returned to Earth for the first time, Zhou Yukai just told him that he didn't know Zhou Yu. Going there with Zhou Yujie, and he made a look that I really didn't know! Seeing Zhou Yukai’s face almost the same as Zhou Yujie’s face, he naturally believed Zhou Yukai’s words

As a result, he never thought that Zhou Yukai would lie to himself, this time Zhou Yukai really choked himself out of exhaustion, worried that Zhou Yu would be terribly brilliant!

"You should ask Xiaokai, I also left Star Airlines for him, so that you can come to me after finishing the work." Zhou Yujie really thought of everything very kindly this time. Unexpectedly, Hercules would never come to him.

At first he thought that what Hercules had encountered this time was very tricky, so it took such a long time, but he never thought that Hercules had forgotten to ask Zhou Yukai at all. If he knew this, he should send a message directly to Hercules...

"Jie, you send me Starship now, how about I come to find you?" Although Hercules was miserably deceived by Zhou Yukai this time, he could only recognize it.

"I'll send you Starship in a while." Zhou Yujie asked Hercules to come over without even thinking about it.

"Jie, wait for me." After receiving the Star Voyage from Zhou Yujie, Hercules drove the spacecraft towards the star field "Ice Ocean" where Zhou Yujie was.

At the same time, the evil emperor also cultivated the first batch of ant tribe troops adapted to the universe with the help of the ant king. Although they were only dispatched by the ant king, as the first people of the ant tribe, their combat effectiveness was still very strong.

The commander of the first army of the ant king took this group of soldiers from the ant race and stationed on the twentieth planet of the "ice ocean" star field. Here, it can be said to be the most valuable mineral star in the entire "Ice Ocean" star field. The ore mined here is exactly one of the materials needed to develop a new generation of mecha. Therefore, when the evil emperor returned to Zhou Yujie with this good news, Zhou Yujie at this time was looking forward to the arrival of Hercules!

"The emperor, you are back." Zhou Yujie was naturally happy to see the evil emperor coming back.

The current Zhou Yujie no longer lives in his spacecraft, and the wealth accumulated from the raw ore has allowed Zhou Yujie to purchase several mobile space forts. And these mobile battlestars were not only placed on several important mineral stars by Zhou Yujie, but more importantly, they were all transformed into battleships by Zhou Yujie. Once anything happens here, they can all fight!

"Xiaojie, the king of ants has sent the first batch of soldiers to planet 20." The evil emperor had already secretly told Zhou Yujie the results of their research, but this time he personally came back to tell Zhou Yujie.

"Mom must be very happy to know this news!" Zhou Yujie showed a big smile. After knowing the value of "Bingyang", my mother once said that if we don't have a strong army to protect this place, sooner or later, this place will become Objects robbed by others. That's why they used the most advanced base construction on earth when they came here to build. This is not only a mining farm, but also a place where smelting, processing, and manufacturing are integrated.

Now, their base has been gradually improved step by step, and with the ant army, it won’t be long before they don’t need the protection of the Universe Alliance army anymore, but they can defend their homeland by themselves.

"I think Ant King should tell Aunt Zhou the news." The Evil Emperor nodded. Aunt Zhou should already know such good news.

"That's true." Zhou Yujie said again. If the evil emperor protects him, then the ant king is like protecting his own mother.

"By the way, Xiaojie, I plan to build my own ant army, which can not only protect you, but also guard this star field with the ant king. What do you think?" The evil emperor put forward his own ideas.

"That's great." Zhou Yujie was very happy, but when he turned around, he said again: "Well, will you be too tired?"

"I can handle it." For Zhou Yujie, the evil emperor didn't think these things were so tiring.

"Emperor, if you are busy, you don't need to come here for the time being. Hercules will come in a few days. I think you can do these things with peace of mind if you have him." Zhou Yujie just said casually.

"Is he coming?" The evil emperor frowned. He didn't expect Hercules to come, but even if he didn't expect that, Zhou Yujie treated himself...

"Emperor, what's the matter?" Zhou Yujie looked at the evil emperor with a strange expression.

"It's okay." The Evil Emperor shook his head. Since he has decided to just stay by Zhou Yujie's side, some things should have been put down long ago.

"Then let's go to see my mother, I think she must have something to find us." Zhou Yujie became more and more aware of Zhou Yu's style of doing things.

"Alright." After the evil emperor finished speaking, he accompanied Zhou Yujie to go with him.

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