Dark Gold Mermaid

Chapter 29: (build)

When the evil emperor returned, I didn't see Zhou Yujie and Zhou Yu, and he seemed to be the only one left in the big deep-sea castle! Fortunately, the evil emperor received the message from Zhou Yu and asked him to go to the temple in the deep sea castle.

The evil emperor will find the temple through the city defense map. At the same time, Zhou Yujie in the temple has almost digested most of the remaining mermaid's power. If Zhou Yujie can recover after a while, this is really gratifying!

Zhou Yujie can now get out of the sea. He can swim in the air. At the same time, he concentrates his strength on the tail of the fish. In this way, he is on the land and the tail of the fish is no longer so clumsy, and he walks upright.

In addition, Zhou Yujie has mastered water polo from four to eight. Moreover, water produces ice, so a series of ice-based attack skills have also been mastered. As long as he practice hard afterwards, it can be said that no one can compare walking sideways on this earth!

In addition, the mermaid has extremely high spiritual power, and it is able to control the creatures in the ocean to help itself. In this universe, there are many animals in the galaxy. For them, as long as the natural mermaid is strong enough, You can manipulate these animals to protect yourself.

"Xiaojie, today's practice results are good, do you want to take a break?" Zhou Yu watched her son's ability become stronger day by day, she was only relieved besides being relieved!

"Mom, I have to practice for a while." Zhou Yujie has absorbed most of his strength and is no longer like a child! Not only did he absorb more power, he also accepted the memories of many mermaids, which made him understand that mermaids are powerful on earth, but in the universe mermaids are only members of the universe, which corresponds to the old saying." There are people outside, and there are heaven outside the sky", on the contrary, let him work harder!

"Xiaojie, the combination of labor and benefit can make one's abilities stronger." Zhou Yu did not oppose Zhou Yujie's intensive exercises. She only told Gang Qiang Yi She that the mermaid power he possesses now is the same, and the excessive use of it is instead. no.

"Mom, I understand what you mean, I will strengthen my meditation time." Zhou Yujie nodded to Zhou Yu. After all, his current power is not infinite, but within a certain range of quality. , He ran out of strength, then, what awaits him will be failure! And the more power you want to have, the longer you have to meditate, so that your affinity with the water element becomes stronger!

"Xiaojie, don’t do it too deliberately. When you turn this into a habit, no matter whether you really meditate or not, you can feel the water element freely entering and leaving your body. In this way, you Only then will you have stronger power!" Zhou Yu patted Zhou Yujie and told him that you must not only use your own energy proficiently, but also adapt to this energy!

After Zhou Yujie circled Zhou Yu in the air, he said, "Mother, I will adapt slowly!"

"That's good." Zhou Yu nodded again, and she said, "Xiaojie, go!" After that, Zhou Yu didn't say one more word.

After Zhou Yu left, Zhou Yujie wrapped himself in a water polo and began to float in the air to meditate! After the Evil Emperor arrived on Mermaid Island, he first saw Zhou Yujie in a golden ball...

The evil emperor waited until the golden light in the ball disappeared before speaking, "Xiaojie!"

"Emperor!" After Zhou Yujie broke the water polo, he threw himself into the arms of the evil emperor! Then he said: "Emperor, you have been there for a long time, I miss you!"

"I miss you too." The evil emperor hugged Zhou Yujie and asked again: "Xiaojie, what were you doing just now?"

"Mom told me that as long as you can change from four water polo **** to eight, you will come back! Mom really said nothing wrong! Emperor, I can protect myself and you now!" Zhou Yujie raised his hand, a small hockey puck Appeared in Zhou Yujie's palm! Then, the little hockey puck broke away from Zhou Yujie's palm and flew towards a tree pole. The tree as thick as an adult's waist was interrupted!

The evil emperor did not expect Zhou Yujie to have such a strong power now, and there will be no less praise, "Xiaojie is so powerful!"

"Emperor, I have more..." Zhou Yujie also wanted to tell the evil emperor one by one what he had learned during this period.

The evil emperor sighed as he listened. He really didn't know what to say. He thought he had caught up with Zhou Yujie's footsteps. In a blink of an eye, they took more than a big step away!

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