Dark Gold Mermaid

Chapter 35: (build)

"The emperor..." Zhou Yujie couldn't help it anymore, he flew in the direction of the evil emperor, but before he reached the position of the evil emperor, Ares caught the fish tail!

"You are mine!" Ares hates seeing that what should be his own does not belong to him, especially when he sees his mermaid caring about another person so much, how could he not be angry in his heart! Thinking of this, the power of grabbing Zhou Yujie's fish tail naturally increased a bit!

"Pain!" Zhou Yujie's fish tail was caught in pain, and his tears suddenly fell out of his eyes!

"Follow me obediently, and I won't hurt you!" Ares threw Zhou Yujie on the beach, this time his actions were so rude!

"No!" How could Zhou Yujie obediently to Ares!

Zhou Yujie's resistance was much more intense this time for Ares who pounced on him again! Moreover, his strength has also been strengthened a lot!

If the power of Ares before can completely suppress Zhou Yujie, now Zhou Yujie is blinded by hatred, and it is again that Ares can control! Zhou Yujie flicked Ares out with a flick!

Ares rolled on the ground for a while, he looked embarrassed a lot, and there were many scars on his body, but for his anger, how could he let Zhou Yujie go!

"Since you dare to hurt this prince, this prince wants you to die!" After Ares finished speaking, he raised his weapon and moved towards Zhou Yujie!

After Zhou Yujie's explosion just now, his strength was almost exhausted. Now against Ares, he really doesn't have much chance of winning!

The weapon of Ares was about to pierce Zhou Yujie's chest, and Zhou Yujie instinctively closed his eyes! At that moment, Zhou Yujie felt that his face was scalded by something hot! He opened his eyes and looked at the familiar Zhang before him, Zhou Yujie quickly went crazy!

"Xiaojie, go..." The evil emperor almost used his last strength to protect Zhou Yujie, so he closed his eyes directly after saying this!

"No!" Seeing the evil emperor closing his eyes, Zhou Yujie let out a scream!

"This is the end of the prince." Ares drew his weapon from the evil emperor's body and smiled triumphantly. However, he did not notice the changes on the sea and the sky at this time!

When Ares lowered the eyes of the opponent Zhou Yujie again, for a moment, he was directly restrained by a powerful force, unable to move!

At this time, Zhou Yujie stared at Ares with a pair of blood-red eyes, changing his previous weakness, but the threat of the king stunned Ares!

Zhou Yujie rose into the air. His body was surrounded by a golden light. He stared at Ares and said, "The one who hurts me will die!" After speaking, a purple thunder in the sky slammed directly at Ares.

"Ah!" After Ares was struck by Lei, his skin was spattered! As for why he didn't die, it can only be said that Zhou Yujie did not fully grasp the power of the Mermaid Emperor, and the purple thunder at best hurt Ares!

Ares turned into black charcoal was swept away by the waves. As for whether he is alive or dead, this is no longer the scope of Zhou Yujie's concern! He fell to the evil emperor's side, stretched out his hand, and hugged the evil emperor.

"The emperor... the emperor... the emperor..." Zhou Yujie called over and over again, how much he hopes the evil emperor can open his eyes to see himself...

However, no matter how Zhou Yujie shakes or calls it! The evil emperor can no longer open his eyes to see Zhou Yujie...

"Ah!" Zhou Yujie yelled at the sky, and at the same time, a golden light in the sky fell on Zhou Yujie's body!

Suddenly, Zhou Yujie floated into the sky unconsciously this time. When the golden light dissipated, Zhou Yujie’s fishtails became legs. He once again became a human Zhou Yujie, not only restoring his original appearance, but also , And restored all human memories!

"Emperor, let's go home!" Zhou Yujie took away the evil emperor's body and left the island...

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