Dark Gold Mermaid

Chapter 52: (build)

"Mother, just tell me what you have to do." Zhou Yujie nodded to Zhou Yu. He also knew that every time his mother asked him to do something was always a big deal. It's just that I don't know what will happen again this time, so I have to trouble my mother to speak in person. However, the thing that can alarm the mother definitely has something to do with the organization!

"Xiaojie, do you remember that after your memory was restored, we found an alien mecha in the inner waters of Mermaid Island. This mecha is very helpful to our current research on the power core of the mecha in the weapon laboratory. Zhou Yu said briefly, and then she said again: "But, unexpectedly, a traitor appeared in the laboratory, and he took away the core data of the mecha."

"Does the mother already know where the core of the mecha was taken?" Zhou Yujie had already known that his own laboratory started to study mechas two years ago. For mechas, external construction is no longer a problem. , The real difficulty is the core power system. After all, with their current world productivity level, it is almost impossible to create a real mecha without solving the core power!

As a mermaid, he also knows that, he naturally remembers that Herak Jins has a real mecha. At that time, he also promised himself that if he had the opportunity, he would give himself a mecha, but for good fortune, who would have thought that he would suddenly do this to himself and kill the evil emperor! Committed such an unforgivable crime. Thinking of it, Zhou Yujie still felt a pain in his heart when he thought of Hercules besides being afraid!

"It is preliminarily determined that the other party has brought the core data of the mecha to the Middle East, and it is ready to send the things to North America after the transaction there!" Zhou Yu's preliminary news now looks like this.

"My mother meant, let me get the things back before the other party's transaction?" Zhou Yujie said, I don't know if my mother meant it!

"The situation in the Middle East has always been complicated, and the organization has no way to gain a foothold there. This time, we asked the local organization for help. At first, the other party was very happy, but after they got the things, they turned their faces directly. Now the things are in their hands. Originally, this matter did not require your presence. However, after several teams passed by, none of them successfully retrieved the things." Zhou Yu did not expect that the strength of the opponent was not in them at all. Below, this time, no matter where it falls in the hands of that party, it will not be a good result!

"Mother, what is the origin of the other party?" Zhou Yujie was a little surprised. After all, their organization is a world-class organization, and it is impossible for a small Middle East to suffer.

"The other party also knows that they can't keep what they get, so they have already contacted several big countries, so things are a bit tricky!" Zhou Yu didn't expect how complicated things would become.

"Then what does mother think we should do?" Zhou Yujie also knew that some things would be more troublesome if they involve big countries. After all, the power of an organization is limited, but the power of a country cannot be estimated.

"I will let Alex take you there. It is best if you can get back the data. On the contrary, even if Xiaojie destroys that thing, you can't let it fall into the hands of any country, do you understand?" Zhou Yu did not Hope that because of such a foreign object, the balance of the world has been broken!

"Mother, don't worry, I understand what you mean." Zhou Yujie knew that his mother did not study weapons to cause destruction, but to have peace. We must know that once a great man said: Power comes from the barrel of a gun. Only if one's own strength is strong enough, the other party dare not attack you!

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