Dark Gold Mermaid

Chapter 57: (build)

In the early morning, when the sun suddenly rose, Zhou Yujie and others had already entered the rest of the desert green.

With the development of human science and technology, almost all land, sea, and even deserts have been conquered by humans. Although the desert is unpredictable, there are a lot of minerals and energy in the desert, and it has basically become the last supply station for mankind on the earth. Because once the desert resources are exhausted, mankind will face the possibility of resource exhaustion. Therefore, many countries now set their sights on the universe. The galaxy closest to human beings is the solar system.

As Alex changed the original itinerary from day to night, and they were delayed because of Zhou Yujie, after entering the desert, they rushed straight to the road.

"Jie, we have to go on the road for another night. You should go take a rest first." Alex thought of telling Zhou Yujie that even if they are entering the desert now, there is still a long way to go to the destination they want to reach. Moreover, they drove a day and night journey, and now everyone is tired. Now that we are in the rest area, we naturally have to rest in batches. As his leader, Zhou Yujie should of course be the first person to rest.

"Alex, I'm not tired yet. You have been busy all night. Let's go and rest first. I just need to stay with the emperor." Zhou Yujie spent almost one night in the car last night and is not tired at all. , And the evil emperor himself as an ant does not need to rest at all. Relatively speaking, Alex and them are more tired. So when it comes to rest, Zhou Yujie will naturally let them rest.

"Jie, we are in the desert now, and are we still completely safe? Even if we have to rest, at least four people are required to guard in turn. How can you and the evil emperor behave?" Alex did not agree with Zhou Yujie. way of doing.

Their special combat team is not counted as Zhou Yujie and the evil emperor, but also consists of a total of twelve people. In terms of organization, it can be divided into two teams to use. Therefore, many times, when Alex is performing tasks outside, he usually only takes half of the people, but this time because of Zhou Yujie, he took all of them.

"Alex, you should believe in the strength of me and the emperor, even if you don’t believe me, you should believe in the emperor’s strength!" Zhou Yujie knows his strength quite well, not to mention the strength of the evil emperor, not human at all. Ability can be estimated!

"Jie, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but that we cannot reveal your identity. Have you forgotten what you promised to Chief Jade before you came?" Lilix couldn’t say that Zhou Yujie, so he moved his mother out. !

"Alex, you actually used your mother to suppress me!" Zhou Yujie was a little angry. After all, who wants to be moved out of the elders to suppress himself!

"I'm just thinking about your safety and reminding you." Sometimes Lilix is ​​obsessed with Zhou Yujie, and such obsession will make Zhou Yujie unable to understand.

"Xiaojie, why are you arguing, Alex, you all go to rest, I'll be alone!" Seeing that the two were arguing, the evil emperor wanted to stop it...

"No!" Zhou Yujie and Alex spoke at the same time, wanting the evil emperor to shut up. In their opinion, this is a matter between the two of them, and a third person should not intervene in!

The evil emperor might not be able to respond when he was yelled at by Zhou Yujie, but he couldn't hold back being treated like this by Alex. So, he said again: "Alex, you and Xiaojie are arguing here, and you won’t go to rest soon. If you two continue to quarrel, one day will pass!" Although the evil emperor was trying to persuade the two People, but, in fact, he is warning Alex that if he disagrees with Zhou Yujie's decision, he may directly knock them out and let them rest.

"Alex, the emperor is right, why both of us are like this? Letting you rest first doesn't mean that I won't rest for a while, does it? Everyone step back!" Zhou Yujie also thinks what the evil emperor said is very reasonable. , I decided to give in first!

After thinking for a while, Alex said again: "After those two hours, I will send someone to change shifts." He could say this, and it was the biggest compromise!

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