Dark Gold Mermaid

Chapter 63: (build)

"Mother, I was absolutely right. At first we thought the other person was dead, but now it seems that I look at each other's strength too much!" Zhou Yujie really thought that he had killed that person at the beginning, but he was extremely unreasonable. Unexpectedly, he is living well now!

"Xiaojie, if this is the case, then we will terminate all actions immediately, and you will come back soon!" Zhou Yu knew that her son was almost aggrieved last time. Now that the other party has appeared, regardless of whether his purpose is an intelligent core or something else, she will do it. I don't want my son to meet that person again! The so-called, can't beat it, can't it be avoided?

"Mom, I'm sorry, it seems it's too late, the other party has already entered the base..." Zhou Yujie had just found out from his computer monitoring data that the other party had arrived. If you leave now, it will not only cause Abed’s suspicion, but also the other party’s suspicion!

He is not a weak person and does not need to escape. Last time he could knock the opponent back, this time, he would never let the opponent go. The evil emperor's hatred, he will personally seek it back from that person!

Zhou Yu saw firmness in her son's eyes. She knew that his son had made up his mind. In this case, she didn't need to ask his son to escape. She just reminded Zhou Yujie: "Xiaojie, remember, if you are not absolutely sure, you must give up when you should give up. You can't be emotional, understand?"

"Mother, I understand what you are saying, I will protect myself!" Zhou Yujie nodded, how could he do anything to avenge his life?

"If you have anything to inform me at any time, I will send someone to pick you up!" Zhou Yu has decided to rearrange this time. The first thing to do is to send more people to the Middle East to meet Zhou Yujie and others!

"Mother, there's nothing to do, I'll hang up first." Zhou Yujie is also ready to rearrange and plan, lest he loses peace of mind when he meets the other party!

"Hang it up." Zhou Yu didn't say much, so she closed the contactor.

"Emperor, are you there?" Zhou Yujie asked the air after seeing Zhou Yu closing the communication device.

"Xiaojie, what's the matter?" The evil emperor flew in front of Zhou Yujie, now he is only the size of a butterfly.

Starting from entering the base, the evil emperor should minimize his presence at Zhou Yujie's request. As a result, he directly divided himself into many small policemen. Except for the most core one stayed by Zhou Yujie's side, the rest were concealed in every corner of the base. One is for hiding, and the other is for surveillance!

"The emperor, the one who hurt you is here!" Zhou Yujie will tell the evil emperor, mainly to tell him that he wants to avenge him personally this time, and doesn't want him to intervene!

"Did you say that it was the person who made you gloomy that night? I saw him." The evil emperor discovered the other party's existence earlier than Zhou Yujie! Because, after they left that night, the evil emperor was not at ease. He was also afraid that the other party would be disadvantageous to Zhou Yujie again, so he left a policeman around him to watch!

"Emperor, I will do it myself this time, don't intervene!" Zhou Yujie directly gave the evil emperor the order!

"Xiaojie, if the other party wants to hurt you, I won't let it go!" The answer from the evil emperor to Zhou Yujie is simple, he will not stop Zhou Yujie, but if the other party dares to hurt Zhou Yujie, he will never let him go. !

However, they all seem to have forgotten one point. The last time Ares played well with Zhou Yu, it was because he was a mermaid. The current Zhou Yujie is a human being. Even if Ares feels a little bit, he feels that this person is special at best, and will not attack the current Zhou Yujie at all!

"How did I forget, I didn't want to deal with him personally!" Zhou Yujie was reminded by the evil emperor, as if he had thought of something! So he spoke again: "Emperor, guard for me, I want to contact Xiaokai!"

"Yeah." The evil emperor nodded and flew aside.

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