Dark Gold Mermaid

Chapter 8: (build)

At night, when Zhou Yujie was sitting on the rock and singing, the evil emperor, who was used to Zhou Yujie's singing, had already fallen asleep with this wonderful singing.

Just when Zhou Yujie finished singing and was about to go to rest, with a "boom", something huge passed by him and fell into the sea, splashing huge waves!

The next moment, Zhou Yujie felt danger, so his first reaction was to stay away from the sea just now. However, as soon as he was out of danger, he stopped. Because, at this moment, a voice suddenly came from the bottom of my heart, as if calling him, telling him to go back...

Looking back, there is nothing on the sea except the calm and waveless water...

When Zhou Yujie just wanted to go back and see what it was, because of the appearance of a giant in the sea, those marine creatures were blown up! Some marine creatures fled to Zhou Yujie's side and clamored to tell him that there was a monster; some directly retracted into their dens, and after a long time, they secretly exposed their heads; and some were bold and swam directly to the monster's. In front of you, prepare to find out.

Zhou Yujie swam back with three points of curiosity and seven points of heart. The behemoth is really big, and he is like a big mountain and a small stone in front of it!

Zhou Yujie approached cautiously, and stopped when he was only an arm's distance away from the opponent. He looked up and down, but he couldn't understand what this thing was even when he looked left and right.

Just when Zhou Yujie didn't know if it should be a little closer? When he should still leave here, a curious epee fish approached the **** object boldly. It went around the big thing several times, and found that the thing just fell on the seaweed, it stopped moving, there was no danger at all.

Seeing that the swordfish is okay, Zhou Yujie boldly stretched out his hand, wanting to touch it. When he put his hand on something that was icy, hard, Zhou Yujie was the first to react that it was just a big rock. In the past, this kind of stone fell into the sea, so Zhou Yujie came to this conclusion.

At this time, marine creatures are approaching this big thing one after another. Everyone wants to know what it is? Some smaller fish began to shuttle through the gaps of the big things! Some are jumping around on the big things, making a fuss! For a while, it became a dinner party for marine life.

I don't know if that little guy is so lucky, and I don't know what it touched? The big thing moved suddenly, but now, everyone was scared away, hiding and fleeing! The sea is in chaos again! However, Zhou Yujie didn't hide this time, he just stayed quietly.

A big bubble was spit out from the **** thing, and there was another thing in the bubble, but that thing was composed of black and red, but I didn't know what it was.

The bubble did not float to the surface of the sea, but instead fell to the bottom of the sea. As soon as it hit the bottom, it was broken by the rocks on the bottom of the sea, and the black and red thing fell directly onto the sand on the bottom of the sea. When he landed, the helmet worn by the opponent fell off. Now, Zhou Yujie discovered that he was a person like the emperor!

The evil emperor told Zhou Yujie that he could not stay in the sea for too long like himself, otherwise he would die! Zhou Yujie thought of this and didn't think much, so he went to save people!

After he threw the man ashore, he swam back to his shell bed to rest. As for the man he saved, Zhou Yujie didn't pay any attention to it at all!

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