Dark Gold Mermaid

Chapter 94: (build)

Aris thought it would take a while for the other person to open the door, but he didn't expect that a few minutes later, a door would open like this! It's just that the door opened this time seems to be different from other doors. After opening this door, Zhou Yujie obviously felt the cold outside the door! Zhou Yujie might have guessed what that cold represents. However, he might prefer to be able to go in and confirm it personally! So, he ignored Ares, but went straight in!

"Wait!" When the door opened, Ares suddenly felt a malice that people couldn't ignore, and this malice seemed to be directed at them! Therefore, the moment Zhou Yujie stepped into that, he caught Zhou Yujie!

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Yujie looked back and saw that the other party grabbed his wrist. It seems that the other party is finally ready to do something to himself? And do you want to do it first? Or……

"Don't go in yet!" Ares said after saying, "I feel there may be danger inside!"

"I didn't feel any danger inside!" Zhou Yujie's five senses have always been stronger than others, and when he opened the door, he also mobilized his five senses. However, he did not find any danger in it, on the contrary, it made him feel that there was something he wanted to find in it!

"My intuition has never been wrong!" Ares would tell Zhou Yujie it was just a reminder. After all, there are only two of them now, and he doesn't want to have only one left in the next time!

"In that case, be careful." Zhou Yujie knew that the other party was not a human being. Perhaps, in some respects, what he said might be true. After all, for them now, they are in danger. It's good to be a little careful!

"I'll go ahead!" Ares actually pulled Zhou Yujie behind him, and he took the lead in opening the way for him. You know, under normal circumstances, it is others who open the way for him, and there is really no precedent for him to open the way for others!

Zhou Yujie was pulled by Ares, he almost fell forward! However, the next moment, he directly stabilized his body. Being caught, there seems to be no second way to go besides following along!

This room is very different from other places, the temperature in the whole room is extremely low, just like a big ice store! If this is not a place to store water, then there is only one possibility, that is, the things placed there are frozen! Which one is it? It makes people look forward to and helpless!

"The space here is really big!" Ares walked in front and constantly looked at everything here, but it is strange to say that it is obviously empty here and there is nothing, but that one cannot be forgotten. Where did the malice come from? Could it be that all of this is my own illusion?

"How come there is nothing?" Zhou Yujie felt very strange. Logically speaking, they had almost reached the center of this room, and there should be something in it. But why is there still nothing left? Could it be that he guessed wrong?

"It's very weird here, we have to be more careful!" Ares also found it strange, so every step they took was very careful!

However, no matter how they go, they seem to be spinning around in this room! To be more precise, they have been spinning around in the same place!

"Wait!" Zhou Yujie finally realized something was wrong!

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