Dark Light Chaser Chapter 10


Chapter 10 The Anxious Murderer

Ai Liang shook off Xia Qinian, and seeing that he did not follow up, he gradually slowed down and walked into a house In the supermarket of life, there are also billboards for the third anniversary of the opening of the supermarket.

He didn't come here to buy things, but to see the murderer himself.

Yue Qihua is right, you can't directly determine that a person is a murderer without evidence, but Ai Liang did.

He saw the murderer's appearance through Gao Jiajia's brain, and there is no more conclusive evidence than the victim himself.

That Wang Zi is the real murderer.

The moment he saw Wang Zi in the morning, Ai Liang recorded his brainwaves and biosignals and kept watching him secretly.

After school, he went home and locked himself in his room.

That's right, Wang Zi lives in the golden sun community opposite.

Ai Liang took a bottle of mineral water from the freezer. After paying, he sat on a bench near the supermarket exit and checked his mobile phone, pretending to be a passerby in the supermarket to enjoy the shade.

On the surface, he was looking at his mobile phone, but in fact, Ai Liang's consciousness had been placed on Wang Zi in the community building.

Boom, boom, boom.

Wang Zi sat on the edge of the desk, the strong heartbeat echoed in his ears through his chest.

He stared at the cotton gloves and cell phone on the table, his body twisting uneasily.

He spent the whole morning at war between heaven and man.

Want to destroy evidence and worry about the added guilt.

I want to take the initiative to turn myself in, but I also think of the looks in his classmates, parents, neighbors, and the label of a murderer that will be fixed on him in the future.

Thinking of this, his courage to surrender himself was exhausted when he walked to the living room, and he didn't even go out of the house.

"Damn! Damn! Damn!"

Wang Zi clenched his fists tightly, not even noticing that his nails were embedded in his flesh.

"What should I do! What should I do! Even if the people in the class don't know about my relationship with Gao Jiajia, the police will find me through chat records sooner or later! I look like this now. Ahhh!"


Wang Zi slammed his fist on the table with a loud bang. He wanted to relieve his inner anxiety through pain.

Since the morning Ai Liang judged that Gao Jiajia was murdered, Wang Zi began to panic.

Wang Zi kept comforting himself: "It's alright, it's alright, I used the rope from the broken glasses in the house, and if you doubt it, you will doubt him. As long as I destroy these gloves, there will be no evidence. It can prove that I am the murderer!"

Wang Zi kept hypnotizing himself, magnifying the luck in his heart, but the fear of being arrested by the police had been shrouded in his heart like a cloud.

The intense anxiety, the rapid heartbeat made him retching from the morning until now, and no matter what he did, he couldn't relax.

In the end, he gave up the idea of surrendering himself and looked at the gloves on the table with a mad face.

"That's right! There are novels! I can't stay!"

With trembling hands, Wang Zi took out a stack of A4 paper from the drawer and picked up the pair of white cotton gauze gloves. He ran to the living room, grabbed a lighter that his dad usually used to smoke from the living room shelf, and got into the bathroom.

Wang Zi lit the paper with a lighter and flushed the ashes down the drain with a toilet.

Accompanied by the crash-bang flushing sound, his heart slowly calmed down strangely, which made him even more determined to destroy the evidence.


No matter how Wang Zi touched the water-filling button, the water tank did not fill up again.

Wang Zi violently turned on the faucet, but there was still no water. Anxiety flooded Wang Zi's heart again. His breathing began to become rapid, panting like a bull with lung disease.

Wang Zi ran out of the bathroom to the kitchen, the tap was empty, turned on the water purifier, but there was still no water.

"Huh, huh, huh."

Wang Zi stood blankly in the living room, his eyes were bloodshot, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

The infection of fear is like a hot knife through butter. His heart beats violently again, and his heart begins to be restless again. He wants to scream hard, but he is worried about attracting the attention of his neighbors.

This depressing atmosphere made his mood more and more collapsed, as if a group of mice with faces looking sinister were frantically biting and gnawing at his heart.

He grabbed the lighter and slammed it down to the floor, stomping on it frantically with both feet.

At this moment, he blushed and split his eyes. The saliva and spit at the corners of his mouth swayed recklessly. It was not until an impatient roar came from downstairs that his spirit was brought back to reality. .

Wang Zi stopped and stepped on the metal cover of the lighter under his feet, but luckily the lighter still works.

His heartbeat began to calm down, as if his anxiety and fear had been vented out just now, and his heart was extremely peaceful.

Back in the bathroom, he pressed the lighter to ignite the remaining papers, looked at the flaming A4 papers with a smile on his lips, but stopped when there were the last few sheets left.

These few pages just describe the male protagonist's future life and have little to do with the previous ones. In the end, he folded these pages and planned to keep them as souvenirs.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and he dropped the fire star on his slippers with a trembling hand.

After hurriedly extinguishing the fire star with the remaining water in the sprinkler, he crept into the living room and looked out the door along the cat's eye.

Outside the door was not a policeman, but a middle-aged man in a vest. Wang Zi recognized him as the resident downstairs.

"What's the matter?"

Wang Zi opened a door and stuck his head out.

"What the hell are you doing at home! Are you annoying on a hot day!"

The middle-aged man stared at him ill-naturedly, his tone full of words Impatiently, he shrugged his nose: "Why does it still smell like mush?"

"Sorry, a cockroach appeared in the house just now, and it's a little noisy when I was busy fighting cockroaches."


Wang Zi forced an apologetic smile, but there was a killing intent in his heart.

This killing intent even surprised him, and quickly bit his tongue to disperse it.

"Smack cockroaches? Beating people is not as big as you! Remember to pay attention next time, or I will go to the property to complain about your home!"

The middle-aged man is also just because The weather was too hot, so he went upstairs to warn him when he got angry. Seeing his good attitude, he didn't bother to bother.

"I'm sorry, there won't be another time."

Wang Zi looked at the leaving middle-aged man, slammed the door, and sat down slowly with his back against the security door. On the ground, the back of his shirt was already wet with cold sweat.

Wang Zi returned to the bathroom after sitting on the ground for a while and waiting for his legs to regain consciousness.

The paper was finished but the gloves were not there yet. Two gloves fell on the ground and got wet with water. He tore a garbage bag and put the gloves in.

Surveillance everywhere during the day will definitely leave traces, and he plans to go out at night to dispose of the gloves.

Little did he know that all his actions and thoughts were seen by Ai Liang.

several hundred meters away.

Ai Liang, who was sitting in the chair, was a little puzzled. How did Wang Zi think of wearing gloves to commit crimes and blame glasses?

According to the analysis of the psychological activities just now, his probability of impulsive murder is higher.

Unexpectedly, Ai Liang decided to spy on Wang Zi's memory. He was worried that what Wang Zi did was instigated by some people.

Things turned out unexpectedly.

These techniques were all learned from the A4 paper he had just burned, on which a novel was printed.

The character of the master of the story is very similar to Wang Zi. He is an introvert and has few friends. He is alone in the class. Because mother is a teacher, he has very strict learning requirements, even to the point of depression.

Father accidentally made a fortune and started a business of neither too big nor too small. This is simply a biography of Wang Zi himself.

This one mainly tells the life story of protagonist junior high school: protagonist was an unremarkable member of the class, and by chance hero saving the beauty met Banhua, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up after an incident, The relationship was not announced in the class. On the surface, they were strangers, but on weekends they occasionally went out for a walk together.

Whenever people around her praise Banhua, the protagonist will snicker to herself, proud that she is the closest person to her.

This kind of relationship has lasted for nearly two years. Just when the protagonist planned to confess to Banhua in the graduation season and shocked everyone, he heard a shocking news that Banhua planned to tell the next class. A boy confessed.

The unacceptable protagonist asked Banhua to ask if the rumors were true, and she answered in the affirmative.

It turned out that Banhua never regarded the protagonist as a love object from the beginning to the end, which made the protagonist feel betrayed.

He tolerated Banhua playing with other boys and tolerated her being ambiguous, because he knew that he was the closest to her, but all this was just a delusion of a teenager, and the reality was cruel.

One night, the protagonist asked the class out with a note, and then strangled the scavenger who came to the school to collect waste, and escaped the punishment of the law.

The story has no ending. It is written that the scavenger is sentenced and the protagonist starts a new life. The story ends. Maybe the author has not finished writing it.

This stack of novels was discovered by Wang Zi on the stone table in the community two years ago. Because the author's writing power is too deep, the plot rendering is very good, and he is similar to the protagonist, he has never been willing to throw it away.

And after reading the novel, he rescued the harassed Gao Jiajia from an old man who was picking up junk.

During that time, Wang Zi was in the bottom of his heart, and even regarded this pile of A4 paper as a cheat in the online novel, not only wrapped it in a cover, but also named it the book of prophecy, and went crazy. The search for the rest of the story.

Later, Wang Zi's mind gradually matured, and he gradually calmed down when he reached the third year of junior high school.

Like the protagonist in the book, he enjoys sharing secrets with Jiajia Gao and believes that he will not repeat the same mistakes as the protagonist.

Because the red rope tied on his left hand was a gift from Gao Jiajia, and he didn't take it off even if it was fluffed. He was different from that licking dog protagonist.

A person's arrogance can make people unable to recognize themselves, in fact, he is no different from a protagonist.

Wang Zi recalled the plot in the novel, recalled the sincere emotions of the protagonist in the story and applied it to himself, recalled the bits and pieces that he and Gao Jiajia had experienced, jealousy and anger overwhelmed him. mind.

He disguised Gao Jiajia as suicide according to the method introduced in the novel. Even if he found out that it was not suicide, he could put the crime on the glasses.

It is because of this double insurance that he can do such a crazy thing with confidence and boldness.

Now only need to destroy the gloves used in committing the crime, there is no more evidence to prove that he killed Gao Jiajia.

Ai Liang, who learned the whole sequence of events from memory, was speechless for a long time, and after a long time he took a sip of water and was relieved.

Ai Liang hunched over and stared blankly at the supermarket, people coming, people going, and quietly waited for night to fall.

I don't know how long it took.

Ai Liang's dazed appearance happened to be seen by the students of the same school who came to the supermarket to buy things.

The No. 1 grade has been Ai Liang since he came to this school, and he will be named and praised at every school meeting, calling on everyone to learn from him.

I often speak as a student representative, and with that delicious and pretty face, it's hard not to be famous.

The classmate saw Ai Liang's dazed appearance and thought he was emotionally hurt because of Gao Jiajia's incident, so he bought a package of marshmallows at the supermarket to show him.

Although Ai Liang didn't know the strange female classmate who stared at his face, he still said thank you.

Seeing that Ai Liang didn't do anything else, the classmate twitched his lips and left.

Wang Zi had no intention of going out during the day, and Ai Liang had no intention of leaving, so he just sat there until dark.

At night, there are more and more people in the supermarket.

Ai Liang didn't wait for Wang Zi to go out, but instead met the classmate in the afternoon.

"You're still here, haven't you come home after sitting all afternoon?"

The female student didn't leave directly this time, but sat down on Ai next to Liang.

I would like to ask all of you here, if in your student days, one day you found a beautiful woman in the class sitting on a bench in a dejected state (from a passerby's perspective), and did not move for an entire afternoon.

If she saw you and you saw her, would you turn a blind eye and leave?

It was a godsend, this classmate was going to try again, she started moving towards Ai Liang and talking.

"Is something wrong?"

Ai Liang turned his head and glanced at her blankly.

He must be holding back his tears!

The girl looked at Ai Liang and felt sad for him: "It's nothing, I just wanted to talk to you after you sat here all afternoon. Is it because of Gao Jiajia?"

"May I ask who you are?"

Ai Liang looked at her suspiciously, who is this person?

I don't want to admit it, the appearance of being alone is also very handsome.

The girl couldn't help showing hehe smirk, but she quickly reacted and coughed twice with a deep face: "cough cough, it doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that Gao Jiajia doesn't want you to be depressed like this all the time. Right? Letting go of the unbearable past and starting a new life is the greatest memory for the deceased."

After she finished speaking, she looked up at the ceiling of the supermarket.

Does this person have a brain?

Rao is Ai Liang. Now his emotions are not visible, and he can't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

The girl's eyes were almost blinded by the lights in the supermarket, and she couldn't hear Ai Liang's answer, so she could only quietly observe Ai Liang's reaction from the corner of her eye.

Failed! Can't see anything now!

After staring at the light bulb for so long, there are black shadows everywhere.

"Ai, you have to cheer up no matter what!"

She moved towards Ai Liang's direction by feeling, but luckily she patted Ai Liang's shoulder: "Time It's not too late, hurry home!"

After finishing speaking, the spirited girl turned around and moved towards the exit of the supermarket, and her forehead hit the glass door.

"It hurts, it hurts."

When such a shameful thing happened, she didn't care about her temperament and ran away directly, but she tripped over the threshold at the door and fell to the ground, Fiercely fell, she lay on the ground for about two seconds, then suddenly got up and sprinted, disappearing from the sight of passers-by.

'The encounters in the TV series are indeed deceptive! '

"Where is this funny?" Ai Liang looked at the direction where she disappeared speechlessly.

According to the plan, she left a deep impression on Ai Liang's heart perfectly, but unfortunately it was all negative.

The night gradually deepened, and everyone who came out for a walk also went home to wash and sleep. The supermarket was about to close. Ai Liang found a bench in the garden in the vicinity to sit down and wait for Wang Zi to go out.

Anyway, his parents rarely go home, and they never find him staying home at night. Even if they do, they probably won't care. It would be better if they didn't have Ai Liang in mind.

The lights of the residents in the community are turned off. This is not the city center, and there are no entertainment venues nearby, so there are few pedestrians. Only the patrolling police will occasionally pass by.

Ai Liang threw away the mineral water bottle and stood up - Wang Zi, he was going out.

(end of this chapter)

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