Dark Light Chaser Chapter 100


Chapter 100 Public Opinion Matters

Obviously, this criminal policeman named Laotian knows Jin Ping'an very well. How's Ping An's power of observation?

But even if he pointed it out, Ai Liang didn't admit it directly.

Instead, he gave a sloppy look: "If possible, these details should be seen by Jin Ping'an."

"Oh? Why?"

Lao Tian put down the notebook and looked at this expressionless boy with interest.

"Anyway, what the police want is only the details of the case. As for whether these details are learned from victim A or victim B, there should be no difference."

"That can't be done. Although our Qianhua Detachment has no clear regulations in this regard, it is also a violation of discipline."

Old Tian rejected Ai Liang's request with a smile.

Ai Liang drooped his eyelids and looked like he didn't wake up: "Isn't Jin Ping'an the criminal consultant of your Criminal Police Detachment? After verifying the records, it will be more convenient to find him."


"You seem to know our work very well. Do you have any relatives or friends of the criminal police... Forget it, let me tell you the contact of your parents first."

Old Tian didn't say whether it was a match or not. Appropriate, turned around and asked about Ai Liang's family situation.

Because Ai Liang is from Neihua City, his specific identity information needs to be queried across regions, which is inconvenient, so now I only know some basic information.

But at this time, Jin Ping'an couldn't stand it any longer.

"I said Lao Tian, are you here to comfort the victim or to interrogate the prisoner? Did you say that?"

"Consolation and investigation are the same thing. There is no conflict."

Old Tian quickly recorded Jin Ping's analysis in his notebook: "You are a bachelor, you have nothing to worry about, and you still have family members. If such a major event occurs, you should not be notified. What?"

"No need, they're not available."

Old Tian raised his head and was about to say a few words, just in time to meet Ai Liang's extremely cold gaze.

"Don't contact me, they don't have time to come to Qianhua Market."

Old Tian wanted to say something, but Ai Liang was the first to explain: "More than a month ago, I was involved in In a murder case, at most, they will only send a lawyer.”

Old Tian heard that Ai Liang seemed to mind talking about family-related matters, but he was still symbolically comforted: “This… keep an eye on it, Maybe they are busy..."

"Thank you for your concern, because I was too frightened at noon, I don't want to talk about the robbery now, if you have any questions, please ask Jin Ping'an."

Overly frightened? You are a fart overly frightened.

Old Tian almost couldn't hold back his foul language.

But Ai Liang is a victim after all, and now he is too frightened, so he can only change the object of questioning.

Otherwise, if he goes out and complains to the media, it will be troublesome for him to conduct "inhuman" compulsory questioning of the victim.

Although Lao Tian and Ai Liang met for less than ten minutes, his intuition told him that it was best not to treat Ai Liang as an ordinary teenager.

Ai Liang's personality and temperament are completely inconsistent with students of this age group.

It's a bit socially Old Fox.

Old Tian reluctantly threw the notebook in front of Jin Ping'an and said, "If you have anything to add, write it yourself."

After saying that, he took out his mobile phone and Check the progress of the robbery investigation in the police discussion group, and make an attitude of "I'm investigating the case, don't disturb me."

Jin Ping'an twitched his lips in dissatisfaction.

He picked up the record book and watched the previous records. He had already said what he had to say, and there was nothing to add.

But Jin Ping'an racked his brains to add two nonsense to his own face.

"Hey, Laotian, how's the investigation that I asked you to help with before?"

Jin Ping'an handed back the record book and asked, "Since your time off is over. , by the way, help me follow up."

"Don't think about it, there is such a big incident of robbing a bank with a gun, almost all police forces have been transferred to this matter, and other cases have to be A little later."

Ota closed the notebook, as if to avoid the topic on purpose.

"I didn't say it before, just help me find out after the rest period, how do you..."

Jin Ping An frowned and looked at Lao Tian.

"It was before, now is now, do you know how noisy this robbery is?"

Lao Tian swiped his phone without raising his head: "This is The first robbery case with guns in a public place in Qianhua City in ten years, all major media are scrambling to report the progress of the case, and the pressure of public opinion is almost the sum of all past cases!"

Jin Ping'an also knew about bank robbing. The seriousness of the nature, but he still asked: "But aren't all the robbers dead..." When he entered the door, Laotian explained that all four robbers died without exception, and all the robbers died. If he died, he should be able to give the media an explanation.

Jin Ping'an still wanted to defend this, but Lao Tian didn't want to listen to his nonsense: "It is because the robbers are all dead that all kinds of conspiracy theories are involved, and it is found out that the cause of their death is exactly what we want at present. What they did."

"If they were all killed by gunshots, then it's better to say that the case was settled directly under the name of uneven distribution of spoils and infighting, but one of them was driving a few times. He was killed by a bomb after a kilometer."

"Tell me, who would install a remote control bomb on their car when they have nothing to do?"

"There must be an explanation for this. Otherwise, in a few days, the robbers will rob more than just money.

Any kind of confidential information, any collusion inside and outside the bank, and any silent theory will come out. Quality, they can do anything for traffic."

Old Tian Yitong preached, leaving Jin Ping'an speechless.

Seeing that he clenched his fists and said nothing, Lao Tian sighed: "I can ignore those media, but you have also said that the target of the robbers is very likely to be you.

Even if I don't think about the public opinion, I will be responsible for your safety, so before this incident As the water recedes, the rocks appear, I will focus on the robbery case, what else is going on until the case is closed Let's talk about it."

"What about those children who are unknown whereabouts!"

Jin Ping'an let out an angry growl: "Because of the pressure of public opinion, we must give priority to dealing with cases that are no longer harmful, Can you leave those who may be suffering?"

"Peace, I hope you will think carefully before you speak in the future, and you can say anything casually."

Lao Tian turned off the recorder with a serious look and deleted the recording just now.

Old Tian looked at this angry big boy with a headache. He just didn't want to face this situation, so he directed the topic to Ai Liang at first.

But who knew that Ai Liang, this guy is also a big kid and kicked the ball back.

Old Tian glanced at Ai Liang, but he was just sitting there pretending to be deaf and dumb, playing with his phone, and pretending that he didn't want to get entangled with you, it felt like he was sitting in a circus , like watching a boring monkey shake hands.

"Ping An, you are an adult this year. You are no longer a child. Some things can't be explained in a few words." Well-meant advised: "You listen to me, recently put your own safety first, don't meddle in the affairs of the detachment, you should give yourself a vacation."

"A holiday? What a fucking fake! You made me watch..."

Buzz, buzz.

Just as Jin Ping'an incarnates as a Za'an and prepares to attack Laotian, his phone buzzes.

Lao Tian swiped up on the screen to make an answer.

Jin Ping'an was forcibly held back because of the phone call.

"Well, okay, I see, I'll be there right away."

Lao Tian put down his phone and quickly packed his things: "Captain Liu called me over, I'll talk about it next time. "

He put everything in his arms, and walked away with a hurried pace, regardless of what Jin Ping'an was going to say next.

At the moment when the door of the reception room was closed, Laotian heard Jin Ping'an in the room slamming the table heavily.

At this time, Jin Ping'an's inner feeling is like when he was about to spray his mentally handicapped teammates while playing a game, but was reminded that he was banned for 24 hours because of bad speech, and he felt extremely aggrieved.

Outside the door, Lao Tian relieved and turned off the temporarily set vibrating alarm clock.

(end of this chapter)

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